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The Mainstream Media SuperPower and The Elections

Ok so Barack Obama is a great public speaker and has potential.

But how influential was what I call the mainstream media powerhouse in selling his ideas, his persona, his "rockstar status", the fact that his inexperience doesn't matter subject?

Is this who's going to influence the american voter in the future? Will it happening or has it happened in other countries?

Can someone who courts the media and was created by the media be also destroyed by them? Is this a serious threat top our democracy? Do you really care at all?
If you want to criticize the media and its role, a good place to start would be with the non-coverage of third party candidates.


Hiliary 2020
Well lets see, the media turned on Bush not long after Saddam was captured.
So did the Democratic politicians.
For 5+ years the media told us how depressing everything is. Told us about the terrible condition of the nation.
Ok so the entire government republican and democrats) opened up a can of worms by going into Iraq.
Now its a mess there, and Bush took 100% of the blame by the media.

We also didn't get attacked for 7 years, but that don't matter.

The economy went south, and Bush got all the blame for that too.

Obama came along, the media stopped their love affair with the Clintons and focused on him.
Almost all positive. They never asked him any real questions, just "Hows your wife doing?", "and the kids?"
The media promoted him shamelessly,didn't dare question his intentions, experience or ability......... obviously it was effective and in my perception caused the outcome of the election.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Without the mainstream media, you wouldn't know who Barack Obama or John McCain even are. You also wouldn't know anything about them; their background, their qualifications, their beliefs, their plan of attack, etc. You have to take the positive with the negative.

Unfortunately, too many people in this country aren't capable of making their own decisions and just do what they're told. I'm willing to bet that there were voters who voted for Obama just because they wanted to be part of the crowd and didn't even know anything about him or his political stand point.

But, at the same time, I bet there were voters who voted for McCain for the same exact reason.

:2 cents:
The whole premise sold by Bush was that Saddam had WMD. A situation known to be an outright lie to the American people to generate support for the war. There was also no connection ever made between Iraq and Bin Laden or 9/11, so the entire premise for the war in Iraq is bogus. 100,000 died there so far including 4,000 American's so why on Earth should Bush get credit for anything positive in Iraq, which has now become a hotbed of US hatred, a virtual wasteland, and the source of an estimated $6T to be spent in total.

Very clearly after 9/11 attention was diverted to Saddam who had nothing to do with it as it was Bush's own vendetta against Saddam and also the 2000 plan of the New American Century to take over part of the middle east for the oil benefit. Presented as an emergency that had to be acted upon immediately, the Bush plan as put forth by Rumsfeld was for 50,000 troops to go in for 6 months to take control of Iraq, before the stated reason suddenly became to bring freedom, and democracy to the people of Iraq. Does anyone remember any of this going on SIX years ago? Those people had a better infrastructure under Saddam as nasty as he may have been then they do now.

This is an established fact. Arguing against it is akin to bashing one's head against the wall. You aren't going to move the wall.
Ok so Barack Obama is a great public speaker and has potential.

But how influential was what I call the mainstream media powerhouse in selling his ideas, his persona, his "rockstar status", the fact that his inexperience doesn't matter subject?

Is this who's going to influence the american voter in the future? Will it happening or has it happened in other countries?

Can someone who courts the media and was created by the media be also destroyed by them? Is this a serious threat top our democracy? Do you really care at all?

This is exactly the same as FOX news being Bush's personal spokesman for the last 8 years.

To get back to the point of the media, a presidential election is big news so the candidates are going to get alot of attension, so when one of the candidates is young and black (a first for an american election as you know) and has a certain amount of charisma then of course the media is going to focus on that. Newspaper and News channels are a business at the end of the day and they are going to do all they can so that they get their message out to as many people as possible and whether they were pro Obama or McCain its not the candidate pulling the strings behind the scenes telling them what stories to run, they do have news editors and they make the final decision on what gets run (or in the case of FOX Rupert Murdoch has the final say).

But it wasnt the media that won the election fo Obama it was the people who voted for him. So you cant blame this on the media.


Postal Paranoiac
I tried to make this point on another thread. It doesn't matter what the media does now. If Obama screws anything up, they'll all just go and hide in their cubbyholes the way they did with Kennedy after the Bay Of Pigs.
No reason to act all defensive about how easy they took it on Obama, it was very obvious the onslaught that was unleashed when Sarah Palin stole Obama's thunder on that Friday morning after a long publicized DNC. Also the ocassion when Obama went to Iraq for the first time and his message to the germans.

Yeah FOX news is and has been very bias towards the Republicans, but so has pretty much Hollywood, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, L.A. Times been in love with the Obama's just to mention the few big ones.

Now keeping your mind clear and unbiased for a second, have you seen how gloomy and doomy they paint the future for Obama? doesn't it makes you realize that they love controversy and perharps they will sell more news with Obama' s success or failure on his future presidency? with that being said do you think their credibility as a source of journalism has been tainted? I mean is like they did not know this and never bother to ask some real question to Obama and now they are so surprised oh my is he prepared? how will he....?

Obama faces an unsettled world on taking office

WASHINGTON — In 74 days, President Barack Obama will assume responsibility for guiding the nation out of two wars and through a daunting array of real and potential global crises, even as a pressing domestic agenda and a depleted federal treasury hamper his flexibility abroad.

Without the mainstream media, you wouldn't know who Barack Obama or John McCain even are. You also wouldn't know anything about them; their background, their qualifications, their beliefs, their plan of attack, etc. You have to take the positive with the negative.

Unfortunately, too many people in this country aren't capable of making their own decisions and just do what they're told. I'm willing to bet that there were voters who voted for Obama just because they wanted to be part of the crowd and didn't even know anything about him or his political stand point.

But, at the same time, I bet there were voters who voted for McCain for the same exact reason.

:2 cents:

Not to mention...he is black.
the media is just a propaganda machine, the ministry of (dis)information, and the 4th branch of the government.


Closed Account
Ok so Barack Obama is a great public speaker and has potential.

But how influential was what I call the mainstream media powerhouse in selling his ideas, his persona, his "rockstar status", the fact that his inexperience doesn't matter subject?

Is this who's going to influence the american voter in the future? Will it happening or has it happened in other countries?

Can someone who courts the media and was created by the media be also destroyed by them? Is this a serious threat top our democracy? Do you really care at all?

He won't be. Any problems that occur during the next 4 years will all be blamed on Bush and Obama shown as a hero. Then re-election will come along the media will trash whover the GOP puts up against him, regardless of who it is or how badly Obama might be managing (not saying he is necessarily going to be bad, although I do think so, just that it doesn't matter how good or how bad he is) the country. Then if they get him re-elected they will blame it on Congress if it is run by Republicans. If congress is still run by Democrats, they will blame it either on the republican minority or somehow find a way to blame it on Bush appointed judges.
the media is just a propaganda machine, the ministry of (dis)information, and the 4th branch of the government.

So very true

He won't be. Any problems that occur during the next 4 years will all be blamed on Bush and Obama shown as a hero. Then re-election will come along the media will trash whover the GOP puts up against him, regardless of who it is or how badly Obama might be managing (not saying he is necessarily going to be bad, although I do think so, just that it doesn't matter how good or how bad he is) the country. Then if they get him re-elected they will blame it on Congress if it is run by Republicans. If congress is still run by Democrats, they will blame it either on the republican minority or somehow find a way to blame it on Bush appointed judges.

Perharps that may be so. But I see that the media loves the "goom and doom" scenarios and they might keep running that scenario with President Obama and digging in into his past. This cinderella story might have been just that for B.O. and now the media will try to spin this into negative. They have already lost any little sign of credibility so how are the people going to react?

Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama.


The Most Urgent Problem
Why Obama has to take over economic policymaking—today.


Will E Worm

Ok so Barack Obama is a great public speaker and has potential.

But how influential was what I call the mainstream media powerhouse in selling his ideas, his persona, his "rockstar status", the fact that his inexperience doesn't matter subject?

The mainstream media pushes the agendas of their puppet masters. You should know that by now. ;)

They know no one will research anything, so they can get away with whatever they want.

Most people who vote don't know what they are voting for, and couldn't tell you why they vote the way they do.

Did you see Bill Maher interviewing people?
They couldn't explain why they were voting one way or the other.

Sheeple stumbling through life.