Re: The leatest news to go along with the world's end in 2012. Christ's return in 201
Let me get this right...
Christians have decrypted the mathematical predictions for the end of days from the bible, being the word of God. But didn't Man write the bible and translate the word of God into English? Isn't it at all possible that Man mistranslated the word of God, writing only what he was capable of understanding given the lack of knowledge we now have about the world around us? Or is that the point? All the knowledge we now have blinds us to the knowledge we need.
Don't get me wrong; I believe that science cannot answer all of the really important, unasked questions that Man has about his existence and the universe in which he exists, but shouldn't we consider that Man might've got it all wrong when he subsequently interpreted Noah's words (to the animals he saved in his ark) of "go forth and mulitply" to mean have lots of children?
The world is gonna end, and end soon, because there are just too many of us on the planet. There are only so many resources on this planet and only so much space, and if we keep producing more people we will end up living on a dead world. What we consume is far greater than the world can support and the only way to end this cycle is to pause our breeding habits or consider dying younger.
More people means
- more forced food production, draining the land of it's minerals,
- more water is consumed, leaving areas of the land arid and unusable
- more power is generated, consuming natural resources
- more pollution is created, poisoning our land, water and air
- more houses are built, consuming the land which provides us the very oxygen we need to breathe
Sermon over... enjoy your weekends