Shut up mutherfucker! And you better don't touch my Alisa, either!y'all little mutherfucker better stop posting or you'll make me get back to call y'all a bunch of mutherfukers. Now i won mutherfucker
Only your online body? :shy:That's so sweet of you. You can protect my online body anyday:kiss:
Jealousy is not a good thing makes people do stupid things.:kiss:
Shut up mutherfucker! And you better don't touch my Alisa, either!
I think your woman want me dude.
I've never thought I need protecting I can be one angry bitch if I need to be.
I know you can. It's just well....a guy protects "his loved one(s)" :shy:
Also your body is so beautiful it can't get enough protection! :lovecoupl