Jon S.

Touche.....suck me then! (was going to say bite....but I don't like that! Ha ha ha!);)

I am a GOD....the tags have spoken!!!

Oh I WIN!!!!!!!! :elaugh:

Jon S.

But the tags imply that Jon is the SUPREME GOD!!!! I'm confused! Ha ha ha!

Also, not that it is much of a surprise, I WIN!!!!! :thumbsup:

Jon S.

Like I said before....are you sure? :nono:

Next you are going to tell me that the tags are just like the bible....okay I won't go there! Ha ha ha!

But, I will leave you with two words of truth....I WIN!!!!!!
I'll leave you for the evening with this

I win even in my absence fo the next few days Know that everytime you think you are winning Alisa is still here hovering over the board still winning!!!!

Jon S.

Yet Jon is GOD (implies supreme and ONLY)...and all are to bow before him!?!?!? I'm still confused! ;)

Oh well, I guess I can take solace in the FACT that....I WIN!!!!!


For the EMPEROR!!
Thanks for clearing the way Busen .. for ME :D