The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Unless Canada does something :dunno:
We'll get right on that... Right after hockey...
Unless Canada does something :dunno:
Whoa! I personally love this.Oh please. Obama's been in the office for less than a month and you guys are already crucifying him. He didn't create this humongous mess that we are in, only to fix it and fixing is what he is doing.
Whoa! I personally love this.
He's only been in office a month, but then you're saying he's fixing it. I'll give you the fact that he's only been in office a month, and he hasn't had a chance to fix it. But at the same time, there's no proof he's fixing it either.
I think most Americans continue to ignore the first quarter W. walked into. The economy had already gone to shit in 2000 (massive, negative growth a couple of quarters), and the layoffs started -- and the worst on record until now -- in March-April 2001. Based on Enron and countless other, false incomes reported, they should re-do 1999-2000 like they did 2007-2008, change the "rules," and say the recession officially started in 2000, not after 2001Q1.
I don't blame Obama for anything, but he hasn't fixed anything either. I'm watching him, and I do not like his "now is the time for big government." While I'm not against socialism, but I am very much against American socialism, because Americans are too individualistic for it!
Remember when it was all just Food Stamps and Medicaid? FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society are nothing compared to what we're doing now, although those prior events did cause Americans to start "expecting" an ever "increasing" number of "entitlements.'
Remember when air conditioning was a luxury? Remember when mobile phones were a luxury? Remember when doing all sorts of things was a luxury? Today people who make a lot less than what I do have the government provide many things I neither even have, nor believe I need.
Like the single guy with 1 bedroom apartment bigger than my house, paid largely by the state. I don't even need $2,500/month, $30,000/year to live on. So I save over $40,000/year, just so I can live on what is $30,000/year today when I retire. And to do that, I've gotta make $150,000/year, because my take home is only $70,000/year.
He has a rough term and give him some time. He's not going to fix all the problems today. Everyone liked Bush at first and at the of his term he was one of the most hated presidents of all time. I don't hate Bush, but he made some bad decisions.
How is he "fixing it"?only that he's fixing it
The stimulous package ain't going to do shit for our economy, except add more debt.provide a kind of stimulous package that can dig America out of this hole its in
Tax cuts did not cause the deficit and it is as laughable as Daschle saying "the tax cuts caused the recession" many years back.Republicans are using tax cuts again as a cure all and be all but guess what, 8 years of tax cuts only produce the biggest deficit in US history
Actually, it was Clinton's economy when W. took over in 2001 and people started getting laid off. Granted, the GOP was in charge of Congress. But what do you then say about a Democrat Congress the last two years of W.?so GOP's tried and true method is wrong for the country.
I was not critical of Obama, I was critical of you saying "he hasn't done anything" followed by "he's fixing it.'It's time to go on a different direction and I am pretty shocked that Americans are still buying GOP's lies. Let Obama do his thing and stop being so damn critical.
Would this thread even exist if it werent for the fact he is black? I think for alot of americans who thought of themselves as open minded, got a glimpse at their inner racist when this guy got into office.
He has a rough term and give him some time. He's not going to fix all the problems today. Everyone liked Bush at first and at the of his term he was one of the most hated presidents of all time. I don't hate Bush, but he made some bad decisions.
I'm the same way with Bush, he just made some bad decisions that fucked him over... number 1 hiring that idoit Karl Rove.
Give the guy a break. he is already having a tuff time trying to bring together the breaking economy.
We will see how magic wizard Obama will fix the things and the economy. But I guess he won't succeed because a socialistic approach has never worked and never will. The Americans are far too individualistic for socialism.
We can go over this a million times. Has the pure capitalist systems that really does not exist in the U.S. really been perfect? It my lifetime, we have seen recessions in the 70's, twice in the 80's, and now twice in the 00's. All the gains have been erroded away at that time. So are we ok with a captialist system the gains steam unfettered for 5-6 years and then 2-3 years of minor or major recesssions that bring us back to zero? or less that that?
There has to be a better balance. I dont think that some socialism is bad thing. Most of Europe has versions of it and they are largely successful economies and societies. Like that is a evil thing?
Son, you not only be drinkin' the Kool Aid, you have overdosed.
Obama wasn't elected by the "People", he was elected by a majority of the people, which means millions didn't want him for President.
Now he's Prez, it should be his job to do what's good for the whole country, not only the ones who voted for him.
As for Bipartisanship... pul-lease...that ain't happening.
There's no way any President can get 100% of the American's votes. Not even Jesus can do that. He's voted by majority of Americans and given how partisan this country has become, that's a mandate for change. If you want to argue forever about the definition of "people" in the election then you are missing the bigger picture which is people of America want change and they are sick of GOP rule of last 8 years.
As for what you have listed in the stimulous package, how is any of it Obama's fault? Everybody knows that 1) Dems control both houses 2) Obama needs Dems to pass any of his bills 3) Dems believe in bigger government. Therefore in order to pass any stimulous bill there's got to be some pork in it. I freely admit that Dems have put stuff in there that I find questionable but that's not Obama's fault. If he choose to not go along with Dems when he's a Democratic President, how's that going to get things done? If a Republican President (let's just say McCain) is doing things now he'll want only tax cuts and there'll be no chance that a Democratic controlled Congress will give it to him, so in the end nothing gets done and the country continue to spiral into deeper recession. Is that what you want? Obama is trying his best to get much needed relief into the economy and all I see on this board is constant whining and nitpicking. Well then you can run against Obama in 4 years and present your plan to bring jobs to this country, balance the budget, eliminate deficit, bring peace to Middle East, etc. Afterall you are all so good at knowing what should be done if you were President that why don't you go out and try to make a different instead of complaining in a internet forum?
A small majority, as with most elections, only a a few percentage points.He's voted by majority of Americans
He whined, complaining in an internet forum.
Anyway, my totalitarian friend, if I wanna complain that's what a free citizen does, critisise the government any time they see fit. Too bad if you choose to get all childish and challenge me to run for President or shut up. I don't really pay attention to barely aware people's orders.
BTW, the Dems controlled the Senate the last 2 years, and were never powerless. A Single Party House, Senate, and White House is very dangerous and very unhealthy for the country.
Like now...
In case you weren't paying attention in the last 2 years, Dems didn't have the 60 votes in the Senate to override Bush's veto. In other words they can't do anything without President's help. You tell me how Dems can do anything when they can't push through any of their bills without threat of veto.
I get it, there are only two types of Obama presidency that you guys would wholeheartedly support:
1) Obama supporting only tax cuts, no additional spending, smaller government, with cuts across the board in all government programs. In other words, you want Obama to behave like a GOP President.
2) Obama as a perfect being, with zero mistakes in anything he does from the moment he becomes President. He has to have a stimulous bill that can create millions of jobs withing a year, eliminate the mortgage crisis, reducing the massive debt, with 100% support from GOP, Dems, and the people. And he has to do it in a very short time. Not only that, he has to bring victory and end to Iraq and Afgan war, find and kill Osama Bin Laden, bring peace to the Middle East, convince N. Korea and Iran to give up their nuclear ambitions, and find cure for AIDS and cancer all within the 1st year. And just maybe then will you guys not find anything else to complain about Prez Obama. Maybe.