The horrors of animal cloning

I just thought I'd bring this shit to your attention. When people think of animal cruelty, they tend to think of some guy beating his dog or a woman who has 100 underfed cats. But the true animal cruelty takes place behind closed doors around the world, where people are conducting strange and unnecessary experiments with animals. Check out this clip, from 2:54 to about 3:30.

I know that cloning has its potential benefits, but IMO the bad greatly outweighs the good. We really have no idea what the government is up to when it comes to genetic engineering, but I've heard stories from friends/family members who have worked at a government-run "animal center" farm. I've heard of animals you couldn't look in the eyes (and if you did, they absolutely freaked out), and even a cow the size of a horse. I'm not asking you to believe me, but I don't think it's that hard to believe. Who knows what they're doing that they won't let you see.

For more sick pictures, look here:


Official Checked Star Member
This makes me sick. And it draws up a lot of unanswerable questions.

Will E Worm

I know that cloning has its potential benefits, but IMO the bad greatly outweighs the good. We really have no idea what the government is up to when it comes to genetic engineering, but I've heard stories from friends/family members who have worked at a government-run "animal center" farm. I've heard of animals you couldn't look in the eyes (and if you did, they absolutely freaked out), and even a cow the size of a horse. I'm not asking you to believe me, but I don't think it's that hard to believe. Who knows what they're doing that they won't let you see.

The things they do is bad and does outweight the good.

We only know some of what they are doing.

The masses would riot if they knew what really goes on.

Look at cattle mutilation. That is not aliens, that is a black ops project.

Whether this is true or a fabrication, this is more than disturbing.

Lt. Colonel SC worked at the Southeast MinuteMan facility in New Mexico years ago. He says what goes on in the secrecy of the 'military' bases on Earth is so horrible that he has decided to talk about it openly. He said that on his US military exit interview when he retired that he was told to talk about whatever horrors he saw at these underground facilities because it would desensitize the population. He was told no one (or thing) would try to stop him or to hurt him because this is how many of the truths have been released over the years; through crazy people like Betty and Barney Hill and through movies. Besides, they told him most people would think he is a nut case anyway so it didn't matter. After the Lt. Col. found God, he decided to come forward to make up for the years he did nothing but sit back and watch the horrors below earth in underground bases.

Soul stealing... It might be DNA stealing. I doubt someone can steal or hold a soul.

Trans-Humanism: Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA. Tom Horn WARNING of disaster Link

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Fucking people get so enmeshed in their animals lives, they can't bear to let them go...they think a clone is like it never died. I miss every single pet I've ever had, and lost, but as much as it hurts, you have to feel that, to understand what love is about. There's no excuse for fucking around with science like this. I get stem cells and that research, but to clone something, is beyond abominable.