It helps but is not a cure all. Ask me how I know?But at least modern medical science has given us joint replacements, and organ transplants. So much like the old classics, we can be restored.
It helps but is not a cure all. Ask me how I know?But at least modern medical science has given us joint replacements, and organ transplants. So much like the old classics, we can be restored.
You listened to a podcast?! 😉It helps but is not a cure all. Ask me how I know?
I know how you know. I believe we discussed it once. But let's face it, sometimes a little help is all you need to keep you out of the scrape heap.It helps but is not a cure all. Ask me how I know?
Myers then pushed one of the boys onto the sidewalk and straddled him, according to the probable cause document filed by Renton police. Myers continued to point his firearm at Rohani as he held his hands out in front of him, showing Myers that they were empty, police said. Rohani started to back away and Myers opened fire, hitting the teen once in the right side and six times in the back.
Video shows Rohani clutching his abdomen as he falls to the ground, calling out for his mother. The other teen ran for cover and called 911.
“The defendant failed to take the obvious step of securing the toy gun, rather than assaulting the teen who had carried it
“Only a high bail, electronic home detention, and surrender of all firearms will protect the community from an untrained civilian who believes he has a duty to shoot people who have not hurt anyone,”
“In this case the defendant attacked three teenagers who had not committed any crime and at every stage of the interaction chose to escalate with more and more violence, until it culminated in the defendant taking the life of” Rohani"
Myers had tried to intervene in what he thought was a crime in March 2022, police said. He called 911 and told police that he saw a person on a bicycle pointing a gun at people, police said. He followed the person to a store until police arrived. Officers determined the person did not have a gun and posed no threat, police said
If your neighbor pops off a 10mm, you better hope it's pointing in the other direction, because a hand cannon like that will go through a couple three walls before it stops. Unless you live in a brick house. That caliber is really close to .41 magnum performance.
No, you didn't mention you were a star on citizen, but that's because you've been a star on freeones for years. I don't know, 10mm is a lot of pressure for a polymer handgun, If your into the 1911 format, Magnum Research makes a nice entry level 1911 for around $1100 bucks. You'll need to change the sites, but that's a quick, inexpensive swap.I asked him to approach all intruders from the west and fire toward the east. I told him it's better to use the 9 than the 10 but his Persian romanticism fell in love with the 10 because it was so beautiful, beautiful. It's a fucking Glock and looks like a toy. I should know 'cuz I got 3 of them. At least if he overpenetrates with the 10 he will only bag the Air B 'n' B people on the other side of him that nobody gives a sit about. I may have to moderate or diffuse yet another skirmish on my block. Did I mention I am a star on Citizen App being featured twice last month?
No, you didn't mention you were a star on citizen, but that's because you've been a star on freeones for years. I don't know, 10mm is a lot of pressure for a polymer handgun, If your into the 1911 format, Magnum Research makes a nice entry level 1911 for around $1100 bucks. You'll need to change the sites, but that's a quick, inexpensive swap.
There is something satisfying about this. Video has it all, including the double tap.Videos show the moment a 78-year-old man shot and killed a 16-year-old boy who tried jacking his pickup truck in Argentina.
I found that to be a very enjoyable video.78-year-old man shoots, kills 16-year-old who tried jacking his pickup truck in Argentina
There is something satisfying about this. Video has it all, including the double tap.
The non-English page has an additional video angle, showing the accomplices just driving off and literally leaving their guy for dead.
I thought you wouldI found that to be a very enjoyable video.
The Ontario Provincial Police say a home invasion incident in a township in eastern Ontario has left two men dead, and the residents were not injured.
As far as the first story, I got the impression that he was an Italian man LIVING in Argentina. I have no idea what the gun laws are in that country, but I doubt most countries will let you just bring a firearm with you for defense. Now if you're hunting, and bringing the appropriate rifle/shotgun with you, there are ways to accomplish that. Many people bring rifles into Canada for moose or bear hunting, but you would be deep in the shit if you tried getting a handgun in the country. I know CCW permit holders in the US are sometimes given reciprocity with other states, so you can legally carry between them. so I have taken a firearm with me out of my state. When I was about to hit the NY line, I pulled over, put it in my trunk, and took it back out, just after I crossed out of NY. It was the one state that I couldn't carry in.2 men shot dead in eastern Ontario home invasion, residents uninjured
Just from today. Looks like Canada might be moving towards the "stand your ground" approach.
Still, the home invaders where shot inside the home and the homeowners were still arrested. No charges were laid, probably because there isn't a jury out there who would convict them.
So what do you think his background is? He was waaaaaay to cool for that to have been his first time. He just popped them literally as they were coming of the car, and he didn't hesitate for the coup de grace. I'm assuming you don't just keep a locked and loaded gun beside you while driving, so he also was in firing position within a seconds. I'm pretty sure the average person wouldn't be as smooth as this guy.As far as the first story, I got the impression that he was an Italian man LIVING in Argentina.
You ALWAYS keep your gun loaded and ready, and right next to you, or on your person. ALWAYS. Anyone can do that, with practice. That's the key to proficiency and safety. Always be ready, always know what's surrounding you. Situational awareness is paramount.So what do you think his background is? He was waaaaaay to cool for that to have been his first time. He just popped them literally as they were coming of the car, and he didn't hesitate for the coup de grace. I'm assuming you don't just keep a locked and loaded gun beside you while driving, so he also was in firing position within a seconds. I'm pretty sure the average person wouldn't be as smooth as this guy.
You're more than welcome to live free without a gun. The Constitution gives you BOTH the right to bear arms, or not to own a gun. Either way is fine with me, but of course I'm not the one you need to worry about.Or you just live free without a loaded gun ... or any gun.