Second Amendment is NOT an unqualified right. The first 13 words say it all. "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.' The founders did NOT envision everyone in the US with a firearm. And the purpose of the amendment has its roots in medieval Britain, when a monarch grew tired of all his treasure going to maintain an army. So he allowed everyone to have weapons in the interest of if say, France attacked, he'd have a ready fighting force, but wouldn't really have to pay for it. Likewise, when the Second Amendment was debated and passed, the main concern was a large national debt, and a very real, very legitimate fear of a large military. You also have to take into account that guns then and guns now are two completely different concepts. Given the accuracy of a barrel that isn't rifled, it'd often be more feasible to just throw your weapon at the enemy. (Hence, the bayonet. )
That aside, NO ONE on the "gun control" side of this argument has said they want private, legal firearms confiscated. And when you think about it, trying to confiscate firearms like they did in Australia would result ina bloodbath that would make the Civil War look like a cricket match. IF you could even get law enforcement or the military or whomever to enforce a foolish confiscation law. No one wants to take your gun away, and no one is saying enhanced background checks would end ALL mass shootings. But eliminating the problem has never been and will never be the objective in regard to public safety laws. If someone has shown themselves to be irresponsible on the road, they're not allowed to drive. However, in many cases, they still do. So should we eliminate ALL laws regarding irresponsible driving because they don't work 100% of the time? The purpose of public safety legislation is to maybe make it a bit harder for those who wish to do others harm to do that harm. I now live in Europe, where private ownership of guns is rarely if ever allowed. It hasn't stopped murder, and no, it didn't stop the recent attacks in Belgium and France, but look at the crime statistics. I have no problem with you owning a gun if you're responsible with it. I have a HUGE problem with people who think because they passed a concealed carry background check, it qualifies them to handle tactical situations. And I have an even bigger problem with people who are willing to put the safety of me and my family at risk because of a stupid insistence on owning a gun. A great example of this being the man in Georgia, who was showing his new gun to a friend IN CHURCH, and it went off, and killed a woman in the next room.
Gun advocates portray guns as good and opponents portray them as bad. I just think they're inanimate tools that are only as good or as bad as the person holding them. But they are life-threateningly dangerous, and should be regulated.
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This will serve you VERY well should a rampaging gang of paper targets suddenly descend on your house.