The Gospel of Caesar

Jesus of Nazareth never existed. The eyewitness testimonies of the writers of the new testament were just fanciful tales and they went to their deaths proclaiming it.

Because you'd willingly suffer persecution and death for a false narrative you knew to be false.


Please Jerk Responsibly
why not mention the musings of Joe Atwill ? (no, I don't accept them)

read his latest blog postings on The Beatles and Salinger and make your own judgment as to his "research"


For the EMPEROR!!
Julius Caesar is a goddamn American Treasure.

Will E Worm


The Gospel of Caesar
Documentary film about a linguist (Francesco Carotta) and a Catholic priest, who search for and find the origins of Christianity and the real historical Jesus: Julius Caesar,

Jesus of Nazareth never existed. The eyewitness testimonies of the writers of the new testament were just fanciful tales and they went to their deaths proclaiming it.

Because you'd willingly suffer persecution and death for a false narrative you knew to be false.

why not mention the musings of Joe Atwill ? (no, I don't accept them)

read his latest blog postings on The Beatles and Salinger and make your own judgment as to his "research"

Joe Atwill's caesar's messiah is illogical and fill with historical inaccuracies. there is no evidence that the roman emperors/government wrote the new testament. why would they create a religion which forbids worshipping other gods when the romans tolerate other religions as long as the the people follow roman laws. when rome conquer other lands they add the local gods to their collection of gods. that change when christianity became the official religion of the empire

Will E Worm

You wouldn't believe evern if there was video. :facepalm: :tongue:

There's plenty of evidence, if you really want it.

Watch the video series.
I've watched the whole series and it's nothing but hearsay and non contemporary sources. Show me one letter where someone says that they even saw the guy much less that he did anything that was credited to him. You have nothing.
So your answer is no. None of your "evidence" is either credible or contemporary. We hear tales of... is not the same as I witnessed. Anything that you can come up with is at least a half a century after the supposed event. The gospels themselves are written at least a century after the events in Greek. If there was anything contemporary it would have been in Aramaic.

Not necessarily. Greek and Koine Greek was still the most common language spoken in that region. The majority of jewish gravestones in Jerusalem were in Greek even dating back to 500 B.C.

Also, none of the gospels mentions the roman destruction of the jewish temple in 70 A.D. which was a catastrophic event and also a direct fulfillment of one of Jesus' prophecies (matt. 24:1-8).

It'd be like someone writing about U.S. History in the 21st century and not mentioning 9/11.
Not necessarily. Greek and Koine Greek was still the most common language spoken in that region. The majority of jewish gravestones in Jerusalem were in Greek even dating back to 500 B.C.

Also, none of the gospels mentions the roman destruction of the jewish temple in 70 A.D. which was a catastrophic event and also a direct fulfillment of one of Jesus' prophecies (matt. 24:1-8).

It'd be like someone writing about U.S. History in the 21st century and not mentioning 9/11.

The 4 gospels were written after 150 AD. Justin Martyr the early church father (100-150/160ad) in his works quoted the old testament/jewish bible and the gnostic gospels. he never quoted the 4 gospels.