Interesting dissection. One might also make a broader assertion that the industrial revolution that began with James Watt & Eli Whitney is still going on and is simply being manifested in the current continued development of computer technology, AI and whatever may come after that (mental telepathy, teleportation, immortality?). Even broader still, one might make the assertion that this is simply a manifestation of 100,000 years of evolution but I do get the point. I have had the rare opportunity to live through the latter years of the 2nd revolution (electricity) and well into the 3rd (computers) as it begins to morph into the 4th. If I can live another 20 years (which should be doable), I think I'll make it. Wow....from the electric vacuum cleaner to the robot that vacuums your house for you in one lifetime. Pretty cool.
What isn't cool and what our illustrious leaders seem completely oblivious to as the capitalist mentality plunges ever onward is the continued societal rift that this technology creates by exacerbating the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Wealth distribution and all of the logistical challenges that come with it are going to become more and more acute. The recent refugee crisis is not an's more likely a harbinger of things to come. The broad social, cultural and religious differences that exist in the world were once thought to be narrowing as a result of technology. Instead, the reverse seems to be true. We will need some world leaders with outstanding vision and benevolence as their main characteristics in order to deal with these issues. I don't see it happening.
I'll tell you this much....the USA isn't going to lead the charge into the 4th revolution by trying to resurrect the coal industry. Might as well try to bring back the horse-and-buggy. Trump is a chump for playing that card just to get votes. Jesus we are so fucked.