The Fake National Emergency


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For those who still believe Pelosi's, Schumer's, O'Rourke's, Escobar's, Obama's, Hillary's and ALL other Democrat politicians' CLAIMS that there is NO National Emergency:

Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it. They have bitched incessantly for the longest time for migrants to be released and pushed for open borders and all that bullshit. Now they are shitting bricks with an EMERGENCY which they brought on themselves.

The so-called solution, the way of dealing with this problem that they have is a very temporary solution to a very LONG TERM problem. You cannot be asking for donations, Go Fund Me's, volunteers, brand new underwear, etc. FOREVER. That is not a solution. That is like putting a Band-Aid on a severed leg.

And what's worse is that this is just the beginning! :eek: :shock: Things are gonna get worse. Before I even came across that article, I had already heard that there was a strong possibility that the shit could hit the fan this coming week as more of those tons of migrants getting very restless across the border in Juárez, Mexico will either be brought over into the USA ... or they'll forcefully try to push themselves across.

From what was said in the News, there are at least 800 migrants from AFRICA alone there in Juárez. Now it's not even just migrants from Mexico and Central America.

And all that is just in the El Paso / Juárez area alone. That's not even counting the other places along the border that are also experiencing this same type of problem ... same type of NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

And this is supposed to be a FAKE National Emergency?

If you already cannot buy brand new underwear and toothpaste for already existing migrants ... don't be fucking asking for MORE migrants, you dumb asses! :cussing:
For those who still believe Pelosi's, Schumer's, O'Rourke's, Escobar's, Obama's, Hillary's and ALL other Democrat politicians' CLAIMS that there is NO National Emergency:

Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it. They have bitched incessantly for the longest time for migrants to be released and pushed for open borders and all that bullshit. Now they are shitting bricks with an EMERGENCY which they brought on themselves.

The so-called solution, the way of dealing with this problem that they have is a very temporary solution to a very LONG TERM problem. You cannot be asking for donations, Go Fund Me's, volunteers, brand new underwear, etc. FOREVER. That is not a solution. That is like putting a Band-Aid on a severed leg.

And what's worse is that this is just the beginning! :eek: :shock: Things are gonna get worse. Before I even came across that article, I had already heard that there was a strong possibility that the shit could hit the fan this coming week as more of those tons of migrants getting very restless across the border in Juárez, Mexico will either be brought over into the USA ... or they'll forcefully try to push themselves across.

From what was said in the News, there are at least 800 migrants from AFRICA alone there in Juárez. Now it's not even just migrants from Mexico and Central America.

And all that is just in the El Paso / Juárez area alone. That's not even counting the other places along the border that are also experiencing this same type of problem ... same type of NATIONAL EMERGENCY.

And this is supposed to be a FAKE National Emergency?

If you already cannot buy brand new underwear and toothpaste for already existing migrants ... don't be fucking asking for MORE migrants, you dumb asses! :cussing:

In the words of your oompah loompah

For those who still believe Pelosi's, Schumer's, O'Rourke's, Escobar's, Obama's, Hillary's and ALL other Democrat politicians' CLAIMS that there is NO National Emergency

I don't need to take their word.
Trump himself told us he really didn't need to declare one at this time :dunno:


Hiliary 2020
Hey Chuck.
What's happening?
The thing is is that the whole thing is Fake.
The actors we call politicians (in both parties) are all working for the same people.
And these people want millions of illegals in the USA.
Just like they want most of Europe inundated with foreigners.
Its whats best for them.
If they really wanted to stop illegal immigration they would have done so long ago.


Closed Account
More ammunition for Trump:

That's more than 700 invading FUCKERS ... in ONE fucking DAY! And complete with criminals (Sex Offenders) just like Trump has said all along.

To put this into perspective: That Central Processing Center that gets mentioned in the article ... supposedly it will be complete next month, I believe. It's supposed to house 800 fuckers. That means that HAD that center been opened yesterday, it would have been virtually FILLED UP on opening day with just that ONE group!!! :eek: :shock: So much for the Democrats' solutions to this mess that they have created.

So what? Now the USA is supposed to embark on opening up 1000 Detention / Processing Centers?

Not counting those newly-arrived 700 fuckers, already the local geniuses / powers that be's plan on how to deal with this situation that THEY asked for is --- churches, volunteers, donations, volunteers, donations, volunteers, donations ... and on and on. That is not a plan. That is a House of Cards with wayyy less solidness than a Ponzi Scheme. The Democrats voluntarily chose to suck on a HUGE dick ... and now that dick has turned out to be wayyyyyyy larger than what they thought they could deep throat. And that dick hasn't even gotten as huge as it's gonna get!


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An unaccompanied 2-year old? What the fuck? The parents of that kid should be traced and put in prison. And they bitch about separation of family. They ALL do it themselves before they even embark on these ill-advised, sham asylum-seeking journeys. Sons of Bitches!


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Border Patrol said the apprehension of family groups in the El Paso sector are up 1,689 percent from last year.
Ohhhhh, but this is not a national emergency. I guess Democrats would call it like Hillary said about a certain thing back in her campaign --- "a matter." Uh Hmm.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck .............
Been a fluid border for ever....
If you think it’s now 100% rapists and drug dealers you are paranoid.
This is about abuse of power pure and simple.


Closed Account
A fluid border is not what it is NOW. It is the fucking Mother of all Tsunamis!

And no, it's not 100% rapists, drug dealers and assorted other criminals. I guarantee you though, that the majority of those fuckers are liars who are going to abuse the system... the broken immigration laws and asylum laws to get every fucking last benefit they can and set themselves up for life. There's already wayyy more than enough of those here. We don't need to import more.

It's interesting how in the news they've subtly even shifted for the most part from trying to pretend that they are fleeing gangs, violence, the government and whatever other fabricated and well-practiced bullshit excuses for asylum seeking ... to now just plain ole shamelessly stating that they want a better life and jobs. FYI, those are not legit criteria for being granted asylum. They get lazier by the day and now just simply want immediate entry into the USA and to be taken care of and to way higher standards that they ever had in their countries. It was even laughably ridiculous the other day when on the news, some woman, in stating why she deserved to be granted asylum, replied with something like, "Well, because of the gangs ...... and other things." Other things? Well THAT's definitely right there in the asylum criteria for giving you express asylum. She obviously didn't bother practicing the usual off the rack SAME reason that they ALL give for deserving asylum.

Do you really live in Washington State? You'd have to live down here to really see first hand what happens instead of what is shown in the biased news.


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"Hopefully this is a balanced solution that helps to meet those short term needs, but also at the same time sending a message that this is not really a long term solution for our community. And the federal government needs to step up," County Commissioner Vincent Perez said.
The federal government needs to step up? Are you serious? You've got some nerve, you asshole excuse for a commissioner! Step up to WHAT? To help y'all deal with a problem ... an EMERGENCY that you all claim does NOT exist? Why would you need money / help? There is no crisis to be helped with. At least y'all have been insisting that there is no problem all along. For all practical purposes y'all have been insisting that the more the merrier. Be careful what you ask for.

Whatever situation exists there in El Paso ... you brought it on yourselves. In fact, that attention whore O'Rourke said in his sorry excuse for a rally that HE and El Paso welcomed all migrants with open arms. You need to start putting up more than open arms and lip service, you shyster. Open arms are not going to feed, clothe, shelter, provide medical help and everything else for thousands upon thousands of invading illegals. If you're going to invite them ... you need to start supporting them with real financial help from YOUR pockets!

SUCK IT --- El Paso! You made your bed ... you change the sheets! Ask Pelosi and Schumer for money for your imaginary problem.
A fluid border is not what it is NOW. It is the fucking Mother of all Tsunamis!

And no, it's not 100% rapists, drug dealers and assorted other criminals. I guarantee you though, that the majority of those fuckers are liars who are going to abuse the system... the broken immigration laws and asylum laws to get every fucking last benefit they can and set themselves up for life. There's already wayyy more than enough of those here. We don't need to import more.

It's interesting how in the news they've subtly even shifted for the most part from trying to pretend that they are fleeing gangs, violence, the government and whatever other fabricated and well-practiced bullshit excuses for asylum seeking ... to now just plain ole shamelessly stating that they want a better life and jobs. FYI, those are not legit criteria for being granted asylum. They get lazier by the day and now just simply want immediate entry into the USA and to be taken care of and to way higher standards that they ever had in their countries. It was even laughably ridiculous the other day when on the news, some woman, in stating why she deserved to be granted asylum, replied with something like, "Well, because of the gangs ...... and other things." Other things? Well THAT's definitely right there in the asylum criteria for giving you express asylum. She obviously didn't bother practicing the usual off the rack SAME reason that they ALL give for deserving asylum.

Do you really live in Washington State? You'd have to live down here to really see first hand what happens instead of what is shown in the biased news.

Born and raised in Washington State.
Lived here my entire 50 years.
It's interesting how in the news they've subtly even shifted for the most part from trying to pretend that they are fleeing gangs, violence, the government and whatever other fabricated and well-practiced bullshit excuses for asylum seeking ... to now just plain ole shamelessly stating that they want a better life and jobs.

Do you really live in Washington State? You'd have to live down here to really see first hand what happens instead of what is shown in the biased news.

You'd have to live down in Central America to really see first hand what happens instead of what is shown in the biased news that you consume. You wouldn't last one day on the streets of San Pedro Sula or San Salvador. I've been there. It's bad


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Fake Emergency THIS!

3,700 fuckers on Monday alone!

On track to reach more than 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants in March alone.

As I type this, there is a mega shitload of migrants under one of the port of entry international bridges, sort of just temporarily warehoused there awaiting processing. This because there is no longer anywhere to put them. Shelter and churches space is long ago in the rearview mirror. With April now here, the temperatures are now starting to rise to the uncomfortable levels.

That "Tent City" Detention Center that Democrat assholes DEMANDED be shut down in Tornillo, TX not long ago suddenly doesn't look like a remotely bad situation. Those tents were temperature controlled. The bottom of that bridge where the migrants are right now is NOT temperature controlled. Fuck up much, Democrats?

Pelosi & Schumer need to be recalled ... impeached or whatever the fuck it is called to get their albatross asses out of office. Democrats need to be eradicated period!


Closed Account
With a toilet overflowing situation like things are right now, it'll be interesting to see if at O'Rourke's campaign kickoff rally this Saturday, he has the unmitigated audacity to still stand his ground and claim that, "We don't have a problem on the Southern border." That lying Son of a Bitch should be disqualified from running for ANY office just for being this much of a problem.


Closed Account
You'd have to live down in Central America to really see first hand what happens instead of what is shown in the biased news that you consume. You wouldn't last one day on the streets of San Pedro Sula or San Salvador. I've been there. It's bad
IF that were to be true (not that I buy it), the irony would be that they are supposedly fleeing a nightmare in their homelands ... and now they have caused / created a nightmare HERE.

And what makes it worse is that they arrive here with an overabundance of ATTITUDE regarding EVERYTHING. When and what they're fed and on from there. They break all the laws and demand that the government here FOLLOW ALL the laws.