The Expendables!

Stallone seems to be getting his shit together and maybe raising his career from the ashes. Rocky Balboa was good. Rambo 4 was good. This looks good. Hopefully we get a Over The Top sequel because the world needs another movie about arm wrestling and needs characters that drink motor oil.

Please don't tell me that Stallone is making another movie about a bunch of bad-asses that are hired to overthrow some rogue government, yet somehow they are all double crossed by the people [they trusted?] that hired them causing fear and distrust among themselves with lots of explosions, gun fights and fighting scenes. . . and a bit of tits and ass to round out the story.
this is gonna be great fun!

JCVD bowed out by the way mate...but don't worry -he's doing his own thing. And for those of you who love Steven Seagal, he wont be in this, but he will be in the 'Machete' film -- sharing the screen with no-other than Robert DeNiro...!!!!!!!!

What about Batman, Chuck Norris and the Predator?? And Spider-Man and Jesus.

I don't know. I would have been super excited about this when I was a kid, which was TWENTY YEARS AGO. Action stars who have AARP memberships are a bit odd to me. Unfortunately, Alien vs Predator and Freddy vs Jason showed me that not all cool things go together as well as chocolate and peanut butter do.

Didn't Jet Li announce that he would never do another action movie a few years back?
Shame on JVCD for passing on this...

JVCD, Chuck Norris, and Carl Weathers would have made this the greatest action film ever conceived. A film of that magnitude will overwhelm men, and cause them to attack their boss, bitch-slap gay people, kick puppies, etc...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
They also forgot to add in B Movie action stars Billy Blanks and Don "The Dragon" Wilson...yes it is very sad that I remember those two
They also forgot to add in B Movie action stars Billy Blanks and Don "The Dragon" Wilson...yes it is very sad that I remember those two

You can even go with Michael Dudikoff or Sasha Mitchell. Just for kicks, throw in Dennis Alexio, Taimak, Brian Bozworth, Bolo Yeung, Tiny 'Deebo' Lister and Cynthia Rothrock.

Pure excellence.



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You can even go with Michael Dudikoff or Sasha Mitchell. Just for kicks, throw in Dennis Alexio, Taimak, Brian Bozworth, Bolo Yeung, Tiny 'Deebo' Lister and Cynthia Rothrock.

Pure excellence.


You fucking had me at Taimak!!! That's it you folks have stood in my way long enough and thanks to Icewater there is now a cast for The Last Dragon 2:No More Electric Boogaloo Show Nuff!!
You fucking had me at Taimak!!! That's it you folks have stood in my way long enough and thanks to Icewater there is now a cast for The Last Dragon 2:No More Electric Boogaloo Show Nuff!!


There will be no doubt video games, action figures, and a theme park to follow. Taimak is still in awesome shape... I wish I could say the same for Vanity. :(


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family

There will be no doubt video games, action figures, and a theme park to follow. Taimak is still in awesome shape... I wish I could say the same for Vanity. :(

Yeah poor Vanity, well not being on coke and getting gang banged by Prince and The Revolution will do that to you.