And what makes you think the boys and girls in Brussels can handle the responsibility? They are just as flawed as we are with one big difference, they have power and those who have power want only one thing, more power and as we all know power, and especially absolute power corrupts. The idea behind the EU is very nice and idealistic but the European government is slowly but surely turning into a big money waisting, privacy inhibiting burocratic beast that's completely out of touch with the people it's supposed to serve.
And to quote Benjamin Franklin; Those who would sacrifice freedom for temporary security deserve neither freedom nor security.
Now you understand what is going on in the USA and why people from the right are getting pissed off.
& that's where a constitution enters the picture, along with multiple political parties, all of which have different agendas (unlike the 2 major PPs in the US, but that's something we've already discussed in another thread) and a strong parliament (even though I admit that last one is missing in the EU, one of the reasons I'm against it).
This is also where human stupidity shows it's face once again. People will vote & continue voting for a political party even though it no longer represents them (for instance, what has the CDA (a dutch political party which has always been one of the biggest in the Netherlands) done for us the last 25 years?)... But if people are too stupid to see even that, I most certainly wouldn't want to give them the freedom to make their own choices, because they'd simply become the victims of those who do see. Religions have known this for a very long time (just think of the word flock).
A very nice example of the stupidity of people is Roosendaal. 'We' want to build a new city hall.
This new city hall is supposed to be built above a vmbo (a sort of high school) in an area that's currently still an industrial area (but we want to make a residential area out of it) . Without the new city hall, the new high school cannot be built there because it's too expensive.
The SP (which is the political party I belong to & for which I currently sit in the city council) (& D66 as well, btw) is opposed to this idea and went to the streets to gain popular support recently.
We did gain popular support and an annonymous organisation that also opposes the new city hall suddenly showed up out of nowhere.
The total plan costs about €40 million and the school is supposed to open it's doors in september 2013. We said that it's a waste of money, that renovating the current city hall, which is actually located in the center of town, is a lot cheaper.
As I already said, we gained a lot of supporters, until the coalition mentioned that the school wouldn't be able to open it's doors in 2013 if we chose against the city hall. Right now people are divided.
the pros of a new city hall are
1.) it looks nicer than the current one
2.) it's a new idea (to build it above a vmbo)
3.) people will be able to be served faster (if they change the way of doing things as well, but they never mention that)
4.) enough parking spaces
5.) a new school (actually an old school that wants to move, but that is never mentioned either, although it should be rather common knowledge) is able to open it's doors in 2013
5.) symbiosis between the school and city hall will be possible (sharing the cantina, copy rooms, etc)
6.) Roosendaal will make the news (at least, that's what a majority of the politicians believe)
7.) The school & city hall are supposed to serve as a sound barrier for the new residential area
8.) with the city hall, it could eventually become a new 'town center' (although not centrally located)
the cons are
1.) points 1 & 3 of the pros are also possible if you renovate the old city hall & reorganise the civil servant department
2.) it's not in the center of town, which means that people who don't have a car will have more trouble getting there, since there's currently no bus that stops there & there are no plans to change the bus route once again (at least, not yet)
3.) It's too expensive, especially since we're hitting hard times thanks to the economic recession
4.) It's not even sure if the new residential area will be built within a forseeable time period. Another project was put on hold & is currently a very large sandbox, simply because nobody dares to build right now. If the new residential area isn't developed, the school and city hall will essentially be built in the middle of an industrial area.
5.) the vmbo used to be the LTS (technical high school, our system was reorganized a few years ago). You and I both know that many (mostly elderly) people are afraid of kids hanging around. This will most certainly be the case around a high school & especially if it's the former LTS. I already feel sorry for those elderly people.
6.) the civil servants will have to share their space with kids who've just hit puberty... A very 'pleasant' working environment
7.) The current school, even though it's not located on the perfect spot right now, could still keep it's doors open for a few more years & look for a better spot (I'm aware that they've already spent money, but the Roosendalers shouldn't have to pay ofr that mistake IMHO)
8. if, and only if it becomes a new town center, the current town center will probably be neglected & eventually turn into a slum (this has already happened before, but apparently even politicians don't learn from their mistakes...), especially since there's no decent connection with the current town center
People only focus on point 5 of the pros and point 3 of the cons, even though the rest of the information is available for everyone or is simply logical deduction & sadly, they base their opinion on those points only.
Those same people will still vote for a certain political party, even though they are no longer represented by said political party. If they finally found out that a political party no longer represents them, they suddenyl stat voting for the other end of the political scale (which was the SP a few years ago (you don't honestly believe all of the people that voted for us are true SPers, do you?(I sometimes hate my honesty

) & is Wilders' PVV right now), instead of looking at the available political parties and choosing the one that fits them best and hasn't betrayed them too often.