Re: The European Union, an Orwellian society in the making.
Actually, the NL is already set up to track our behavior. It's just a small step to actually do it and someone probably already does.
- Every resident must register at the gemeente (city hall) of the city they live in. Having a Sofi number (social security number) or whatever they're feeling like calling it these days isn't enough.
As does everyone else in the western world, even the US these days.
- The new OV-chipkaart is set up with our personal information and it can track where we're going and where we're coming from. Yes, there are anonymous cards right now but those of us with a year card or trajectory card don't have that choice.
Indeed & they've been
trying to implement it for years, but outside the 4 biggest cities forming the
Randstad (& I'm not even entirely sure about Utrecht), they've always failed. We still use the 'old' yearcards & there is personal information on it, but it's not electronic & thus rather difficult to track.
- This new gps system they're talking about implementing for road will have the ability to track where we're going. Why do they need that info and simply not the KM we're driving?
I've got no answer on this one, mostly because I don't have a car, so I've never really been interested in this. I do know that they've been talking about it for years and that it still hasn't been implemented, but whether that's because of technical issues, the opposition being able to hold it back, because of some breaches in other laws or a combination of these, I don't know.
I do know that it's very easy to mess with the amount of KMs you've driven. For a further explanation,
see the last part of my post.
I'm sure there's other things out there but we're just so used to it we accept it (like medical files going electronic). I'm not saying that our government is using this information but it's there if they so choose.
Well, one example I can name is cameras in the streets, but even though I'm against it, criminality is rising and it has to be stopped. Heck, even Roosendaal has 2 gangs comparable to gangs in Rotterdam & we're a municipality with a population of 75.000 inhabitants.
So even though I'm aware that these cameras
could be used to track you, criminality would probably rise even further if these cameras weren't there.
If people abuse their freedom, it's going to be limited & since nobody has ever made a report about the abuse of freedom & ways to prevent it instead of repressing it & since it'd be a waste of money to try multiple preventive/preventative approaches that might not work, the only other option is and stays repression, even if it goes against the wishes of those who don't abuse their freedom.