The Europian Union, an Orwellian society in the making.

The Telegraph? Boothbabe, I thought you had higher standards than that.

For shame! :nono:

This is the projects home page. I know the project is still only under developement but if you can't see the danger in this you're blind.

One of the main objectives is
construction of agents assigned to continuous and automatic monitoring of public resources such as: web sites, discussion forums, UseNet groups, file servers, p2p networks as well as individual computer systems.


It's good to be the king...
Thought the Telegraph would have worried more about the number of CCTV in the United Kingdom...
I guess it is if you take away all the different languages, governments, religions, customs, ethnic cleansing, corruption, and so on. I think it's a bit of streach to call The European Union, Oceania. :dunno:
As far as Big Brother, well on some level everyone wants to be lead by the hand and have our decisions made for us because it takes away the burden of choice. That however is slavery and control of the worst kind because freedom is just handed over to someone or something that supposedly knows better. I don't think people are that apethetic, complacent or stupid to just give up something as valuable as choice.


I guess it is if you take away all the different languages, governments, religions, customs, ethnic cleansing, corruption, and so on. I think it's a bit of streach to call The European Union, Oceania. :dunno:
As far as Big Brother, well on some level everyone wants to be lead by the hand and have our decisions made for us because it takes away the burden of choice. That however is slavery and control of the worst kind because freedom is just handed over to someone or something that supposedly knows better. I don't think people are that apethetic, complacent or stupid to just give up something as valuable as choice.

Talking about people in general or just in Europe? Cause some in American have already decided that the Governement knows best.

Will E Worm

artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour"

Who will be defining so-called "abnormal" behavior? Hmmm

This is Orwellian and wrong.

on some level everyone wants to be lead by the hand and have our decisions made for us because it takes away the burden of choice.

Think again. :nono:

A perfect society will never be governed by, imperfect people.

They want control over you and everything you do and say.
A Fascist society is what they want, not a perfect society.
Talking about people in general or just in Europe? Cause some in American have already decided that the Governement knows best.
People in general. Nazi Germany, The Khmer Rouge, Facist Italy, Communist China, and the USSR are (and I am generalizing a bit) the best examples of totalitarian governments that believe it knows better then it's people and their system lead to millions upon millions of people being killed or murdered.
These regimes where able to grow and flourish because of their exploitation of peoples' fear, desperation, complacency, and disbelief that anyone can go that far. And dispite the power they held or still do hold in the case with China, there have been people who have refused to believe the propoganda, resisted the company line and fought these govenments often giving there lives in defense of what they know to be right. It people like that that give me hope. People are not all sheep.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Who will be defining so-called "abnormal" behavior? Hmmm

This is Orwellian and wrong.

Think again. :nono:

A perfect society will never be governed by, imperfect people.

They want control over you and everything you do and say.
A Fascist society is what they want, not a perfect society.

For every once in a while, I have to go along with Will.

There is use of similar analysis tools in a lot of companies in europe, i am sure in the whole world, too.

An israeli company, interesting side info, NICE Systems, has especially one Software that is in use by Customer Care call centers right now:

Check it out

What does it do? It is running beneath every call, email or such to your provider (Most of them) and listens in on

a ) Keywords or phrases - Lawyer, termination of service, betrayal, you cath my drift

b ) Intensity of communication - If the voices get louder, or higher-pitched or such, the trigger is set off

When alarmed, the software snaps back to the start of the contact and records and records it from the stand-by databank and pushes the whole desktop actions of the worker and every word the both, caller/writer and worker, to a server where the whole issue gets reviewed.

So this system or a slight alteration of it, is ready, I am sure, no big deal.

Just imaging it running on the web, your phone, your email.

Wake up, guys.
Each single nation has independent laws and an independent justice system, so it'd be impossible for the EU to implement something like this. Independent countries could use something like this, but it'd depend on their privacy laws.

We in the Netherlands have nothing to worry about since it'd be a breach of every single privacy law in existance.

If you remember how much trouble the EU made when the US wanted to save the information of foreign visitors when they enter the US, because it's a breach of privacy laws in most EU countries, you'll come to the same conclusion I do & conclude that it may be financed (€10 milion is almost nothing for the EU, btw) by the EU, but that it'll never actually use it.
Too late IMHO, EU has already became an Orwellian fuckin' fascist society. All the proofs that you need are all over the internet, EU official site, mass medias and other. Irish people (and Czech also) has been the last to be fooled and treated like a moron.
The only solution that we have now is to take weapons and cut some heads off. May be people in Europe looks like much like a bunch of zombies right now but the breaking point will be reach sooner or later, inexorably.
The way the world is headed? More bureaucracy, less democracy. Orwellian? Yes.

Look at it like this, we start off in small tribes, population grows, tribes become small villages, then cities, then countries, then unions, then eventually one international organization which will directly oversee everything. The problem with one world government, if it is even possible, is that it is entirely undemocratic. You have these international organizations popping up which are starting to control every facet of our lives, and the people that run them are the richest of the rich. There's no conspiracy to be had, because it is true. What they want is the primary question which drives all of the tin foil hatted lemmings to come out and play.

It would be great if we were all united in a common cause to enhance ourselves as a species, but we aren't, and in all likelihood never will be.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Each single nation has independent laws and an independent justice system, so it'd be impossible for the EU to implement something like this. Independent countries could use something like this, but it'd depend on their privacy laws.

We in the Netherlands have nothing to worry about since it'd be a breach of every single privacy law in existance.

If you remember how much trouble the EU made when the US wanted to save the information of foreign visitors when they enter the US, because it's a breach of privacy laws in most EU countries, you'll come to the same conclusion I do & conclude that it may be financed (€10 milion is almost nothing for the EU, btw) by the EU, but that it'll never actually use it.

Actually, the NL is already set up to track our behavior. It's just a small step to actually do it and someone probably already does.

- Every resident must register at the gemeente (city hall) of the city they live in. Having a sofi number (social security number) or whatever they're feeling like calling it these days isn't enough.

- The new OV-chipkaart is set up with our personal information and it can track where we're going and where we're coming from. Yes, there are anonymous cards right now but those of us with a year card or trajectory card don't have that choice.

- This new gps system they're talking about implementing for road will have the ability to track where we're going. Why do they need that info and simply not the KM we're driving?

I'm sure there's other things out there but we're just so used to it we accept it (like medical files going electronic). I'm not saying that our government is using this information but it's there if they so choose.
Re: The European Union, an Orwellian society in the making.

Actually, the NL is already set up to track our behavior. It's just a small step to actually do it and someone probably already does.

- Every resident must register at the gemeente (city hall) of the city they live in. Having a Sofi number (social security number) or whatever they're feeling like calling it these days isn't enough.

As does everyone else in the western world, even the US these days.

- The new OV-chipkaart is set up with our personal information and it can track where we're going and where we're coming from. Yes, there are anonymous cards right now but those of us with a year card or trajectory card don't have that choice.

Indeed & they've been trying to implement it for years, but outside the 4 biggest cities forming the Randstad (& I'm not even entirely sure about Utrecht), they've always failed. We still use the 'old' yearcards & there is personal information on it, but it's not electronic & thus rather difficult to track.

- This new gps system they're talking about implementing for road will have the ability to track where we're going. Why do they need that info and simply not the KM we're driving?

I've got no answer on this one, mostly because I don't have a car, so I've never really been interested in this. I do know that they've been talking about it for years and that it still hasn't been implemented, but whether that's because of technical issues, the opposition being able to hold it back, because of some breaches in other laws or a combination of these, I don't know.

I do know that it's very easy to mess with the amount of KMs you've driven. For a further explanation,
see the last part of my post.

I'm sure there's other things out there but we're just so used to it we accept it (like medical files going electronic). I'm not saying that our government is using this information but it's there if they so choose.

Well, one example I can name is cameras in the streets, but even though I'm against it, criminality is rising and it has to be stopped. Heck, even Roosendaal has 2 gangs comparable to gangs in Rotterdam & we're a municipality with a population of 75.000 inhabitants.

So even though I'm aware that these cameras could be used to track you, criminality would probably rise even further if these cameras weren't there.

If people abuse their freedom, it's going to be limited & since nobody has ever made a report about the abuse of freedom & ways to prevent it instead of repressing it & since it'd be a waste of money to try multiple preventive/preventative approaches that might not work, the only other option is and stays repression, even if it goes against the wishes of those who don't abuse their freedom.


Closed Account
^^ Why do you think criminals are allowed to flourish in the first place? It would be so easy to get rid of the majority of crime.

I did not think I would say this out loud, but it is beginning to sound like a page out of the Protocols of Zion, where the Elders vow to squash everyone's freedom.

"...they will lose the freedom they once cherished."

It would be good for nations to work together, but, you cannot trust human nature or systems. You cannot take for granted individual choice and freedom. Again, the most important thing is not to centralise information, it is to encourage the distribution of information. By information I mean the ability to sustain oneself in the event of catastrophic circumstances. With everything placed on computer, people become complacent. They leave their lives up to someone else, with no real knowledge of who that someone or those someone's are, or any real control in their say so.

If something happens, on a major scale, we are in serious trouble. People are so used to going to the supermarket, we don't even know how to take care of ourselves. While it would be good to have some sort of world back up plan, we can't leave everything up to some remote, distant, overseeing and detached Big Brother.

By centralising information, all they are doing is putting everyone on file. For what, exactly? To fight crime and terrorism?. Puhlease.
"Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty."
-Ronald Reagan

"It's easy to take liberty for granted if you've never had it taken away from you”.
– Dick Cheney

Okay, back to MW2, laters!
^^ Why do you think criminals are allowed to flourish in the first place? It would be so easy to get rid of the majority of crime.

Or it's because prevention costs money & nobody is willing to pay extra taxes for it when it's easier to point the finger at other people.