Ok - interesting topic & i've got a few points. Firstly, this article is over a year old (march 2006)
Now i would say, from my experience in Europe (particularly the UK), and without falling into stereotyping myself, i would say the groups that have the most problems with integration tend to be asian muslims and, more particularly in germany, some turkish immigrants
black people in the UK, particularly those with a caribean ancestry, tend to be christian and english speaking, likewise those black immigrants from africa - so no probems there
other asian immigration eg chinese people, tends not to cause any difficulties
one thing that i think countries in Europe have to take into account, especialy UK and France, is that their former colonial empires went all over the world exploiting various countries and their people and natural resources - and if those people's descendents subsequently want to move to our countries then i think there is a moral obligation to treat them fairly
there's a lot of nonsense in that article too - as if mosques are hidden bastions of terror -
there is a big mosque not far from where i'm typing this, about half a mile, and it's a big building with a banner saying mosque on it, there's also a massive, relatively new, purpose built mosque right in the heart of the city
and as for the former "united christian europe" with one set of beliefs - the continent had religious wars between europeans for centuries, and christians were killing other christians in my country, within in my lifetime, because of the differences in their beliefs
last point - all potential changes in any European (EU members) laws relating to human rights have to comply with European anti-discrimination rules, which are pretty extensive and apply to religion, race etc - so they don't have a free hand to make up some "integrate now or be deported" laws
but i do think it's necessary to have people speaking the same language and with, as much as possible, the same sort of values - and this does need more work in europe, and more time
:2 cents: