The Drug War Escalates

That's when applied to the US. Mexico doesn't really have a problem with the drugs themselves, so much as the gangs that pedal them ruling the streets. Legalizing any of those drugs wouldn't do a single thing.

That's fo' sho' so the whole point of legalizing drugs in the U.S. is to decrease the unnecessary wasteful spending of U.S. taxpayers money to arm, train, fund and aid Mexico or any other country that gets a handsome check from Uncle Sam to fight the war on drugs. Prohibition has mostly benefitted and enriched an elite few of people in the U.S. and any other country receiving drug war funding yet the results of this have proven to be ineffective overall
Am I missing something? Doesn't the billions of dollars in illegal drug money enrich these cartels & give them enough power to raise small militias?

Wouldn't legalizing drugs itself reduce Cartel power ?:dunno:

Hasn't this been debated in theory & actually tested during the prohibition of alcohol here in America?:dunno:

:horse: :horse:

Not really. From Mexico's point of view, they've already legalized marginal amounts of nearly all illicit drugs, and that hasn't done a thing. Extrapolating alcohol prohibition to narcotics is a tough sell, as in the case of alcohol, the problem was purely domestic. As we've seen hundreds of thousands of times, people, when given the choice, will purchase goods where things are cheaper. In the case of narcotics, legalization would entail regulation. In that case, taxes are likely to be applied, whereby purchasing narcotics illegally from Mexico, (tax free) becomes a viable and attractive option. Maybe I'm missing something, as I don't see anything about legalization that would hurt the cartels. The still produce a large percentage of the narcotics available in the US, and they're not stupid, thus if narcotics become legal, they'll take action to remain relevant and profitable, (and I mean that from a price standpoint).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make a case to maintain The War on Drugs. The point is simply that the nature of the narcotics world is such that legalization at this point would do very little to curb Mexico's problem.


Staff member
legalizing it wouldn't solve anything


Closed Account
Not really. From Mexico's point of view, they've already legalized marginal amounts of nearly all illicit drugs, and that hasn't done a thing. Extrapolating alcohol prohibition to narcotics is a tough sell, as in the case of alcohol, the problem was purely domestic. As we've seen hundreds of thousands of times, people, when given the choice, will purchase goods where things are cheaper. In the case of narcotics, legalization would entail regulation. In that case, taxes are likely to be applied, whereby purchasing narcotics illegally from Mexico, (tax free) becomes a viable and attractive option. Maybe I'm missing something, as I don't see anything about legalization that would hurt the cartels. The still produce a large percentage of the narcotics available in the US, and they're not stupid, thus if narcotics become legal, they'll take action to remain relevant and profitable, (and I mean that from a price standpoint).

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make a case to maintain The War on Drugs. The point is simply that the nature of the narcotics world is such that legalization at this point would do very little to curb Mexico's problem.

Last I heard Mexico doesn't grow a single coca leaf yet 90% :eek:of the world's cocaine is SMUGGLED through there. If the US would be leaders in the cause of legalization ,stop paying billions to & pressuring South American countries to keep up this silly war on drugs, I see absolutely no need for Mexico even being a transit point.:dunno: Mexican cartels would no longer get their filthy hands on this financial bonanza(90% of the worlds cocaine).

If there is little to no cocaine no longer smuggled through there what would Mexican cartels exactly be fighting over? If the coca leaf could be shipped to the US LEGALLY what would Mexican Cartels role be? They would now go through the not so lucrative hassle of getting a very small percentage of Coca from South America(which can be brought legally) to smuggle into the US for the small percentage who don 't want to pay a tax ?

Obviously the legalization has to go beyond the US(Just as this silly cat & mouse "WAR ON DRUGS") to the Coca producing countries which the US is paying billions & pressuring to keep illegal despite some nations(like Honduras/Venezuela) who are sympathetic to the cause of legalization consideriding MILLIONS of South Americans use the coca leaf & products every single day.

If the US stops wasting all of her VERY VERY POWERFUL influence & moneys on the WAR on Drugs & legalization I don't see Mexico as being even relevant to coca trade if it is legal in the US & the growing countries she arm twists like Columbia, Peru,etc..........
Last I heard Mexico doesn't grow a single coca leaf yet 90% :eek:of the world's cocaine is SMUGGLED through there. If the US would be leaders in the cause of legalization ,stop paying billions to & pressuring South American countries to keep up this silly war on drugs, I see absolutely no need for Mexico even being a transit point.:dunno: Mexican cartels would no longer get their filthy hands on this financial bonanza(90% of the worlds cocaine).

If there is little to no cocaine no longer smuggled through there what would Mexican cartels exactly be fighting over? If the coca leaf could be shipped to the US LEGALLY what would Mexican Cartels role be? They would now go through the not so lucrative hassle of getting a very small percentage of Coca from South America(which can be brought legally) to smuggle into the US for the small percentage who don 't want to pay a tax ?

Obviously the legalization has to go beyond the US(Just as this silly cat & mouse "WAR ON DRUGS") to the Coca producing countries which the US is paying billions & pressuring to keep illegal despite some nations(like Honduras/Venezuela) who are sympathetic to the cause of legalization consideriding MILLIONS of South Americans use the coca leaf & products every single day.

If the US stops wasting all of her VERY VERY POWERFUL influence & moneys on the WAR on Drugs & legalization I don't see Mexico as being even relevant to coca trade if it is legal in the US & the growing countries she arm twists like Columbia, Peru,etc..........

You completely missed what I was saying.

Unless you're specifically advocating the US legalizing all narcotics and then importing them, (which sort of defeats the purpose) Mexico will still be relevant. If the narcotics are legalized, there will be taxes. Cartels will still be able to get drugs into America, and will have the benefit of not having to pay any taxes, meaning the product becomes cheaper. Americans, as displayed approximately 1000000000000 times in the past, are not terribly happy to pay taxes on things that they can readily get tax free. Thus, in the end, all you've done is set up a system whereby "the good stuff" is cheaper, and by default, more lucrative than it was before. People wouldn't have to worry about buying it illegally either, because it'd be legal to have it, which again just reinforces the strength of the cartels.

Again, I'm not advocating wasting money enforcing drug policy, rather pointing out that ending that policy would effectively do close to nil.Which again leads to the conclusion that it makes no difference what the legislation is, until something is done about cartel control. It's really that simple.


Believer In GregCentauro

I ranted on and on in the thread about legalization...

But anyways, everybody thinks it would be so easy to do this. It wouldnt. First it would need to pass legislation blah blah...secondly what the fuck would we do with the current drugs on the market that are available by prescription only? Do we let the user choose to abuse medicines? Oh wait that already is an epidemic. Scripts are abused heavily already. So then what, make heroin and cocaine over the counter while you still have to get a prescription for lesser drugs?...i cant just say, "we would tax it and regulate it". Its not that simple. How do you regulate a schedule I narcotic, please tell me some ideas.

I understand the concept, "my body, I put in it what I want" but where the hell does government exist for you? Shouldn't it be the government that tells you, "whoa hold on there, you smoke that shit, your gonna become addicted and die soon". Of course its the govt's duty to do so. Besides it being statistically linked with violence hard drugs are already readily available. Why make those who partake even less responsible for their actions by legalizing it? Who in the end is going to pay for the rehab clinics?

but the biggest obstacle is the power of the cartels. I would say that ShayD has got it down on the nuts. Cartels in order to still profit would just undercut the prices set by the government, effectively ensuring that the black market still thrives and their supply lines remain intact. If your naive enough to believe that the cartels would just sit on their thumbs and spin around while the world's leading drug using country legalizes/commercializes drugs, your so fucking wrong. It could lead to war, and shit who knows what kind of power and politics those guys are in. They have LOTS of money, and lots of power. Wake up, legalization is going to cause more problems than we have already.

Think about what you're asking. You're appealing to someone who doesn't care enough about themselves to stop abusing narcotics to care about something else?:confused:

You got that right. Even if I were to show them pictures of the burned children from that explosion their drug-shrunk brains won't understand the damage they're doing to others.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You got that right. Even if I were to show them pictures of the burned children from that explosion their drug-shrunk brains won't understand the damage they're doing to others.

Like 'Mega said, if you don't care about yourself, you certainly don't care about anybody else. Do you think that the smugglers and cartel bosses give two shits about the damage they're doing to American (or their own) society? Of course not. One cares about the high and the other cares about the money. Simple as that.
I don't think it would help in stopping the violence, these pricks have there hands in other shady deals, such as kidnappings, extortion, prostitution, white slavery, people trafficking, brand name knockoffs. Basically any illegal activity has there hand prints on them. There has been some talk lately here in Mexico to legalize weed by some on the left, but that wont happen. Too much money going to corrupt politicians, law enforcment,military, buissnes men, banks and so on. Still I say lets legalize it and see what happens, can't get any worse.

I ranted on and on in the thread about legalization...

But anyways, everybody thinks it would be so easy to do this. It wouldnt. First it would need to pass legislation blah blah...secondly what the fuck would we do with the current drugs on the market that are available by prescription only? Do we let the user choose to abuse medicines? Oh wait that already is an epidemic. Scripts are abused heavily already. So then what, make heroin and cocaine over the counter while you still have to get a prescription for lesser drugs?...i cant just say, "we would tax it and regulate it". Its not that simple. How do you regulate a schedule I narcotic, please tell me some ideas.

I understand the concept, "my body, I put in it what I want" but where the hell does government exist for you? Shouldn't it be the government that tells you, "whoa hold on there, you smoke that shit, your gonna become addicted and die soon". Of course its the govt's duty to do so. Besides it being statistically linked with violence hard drugs are already readily available. Why make those who partake even less responsible for their actions by legalizing it? Who in the end is going to pay for the rehab clinics?

but the biggest obstacle is the power of the cartels. I would say that ShayD has got it down on the nuts. Cartels in order to still profit would just undercut the prices set by the government, effectively ensuring that the black market still thrives and their supply lines remain intact. If your naive enough to believe that the cartels would just sit on their thumbs and spin around while the world's leading drug using country legalizes/commercializes drugs, your so fucking wrong. It could lead to war, and shit who knows what kind of power and politics those guys are in. They have LOTS of money, and lots of power. Wake up, legalization is going to cause more problems than we have already.

If the government were to legalize drugs, wouldn't they in effect be supplying the drug cartels? They would be financing the drug cartels.