I would. Both him and you.
Of course Commander Potatoe is an idiot in every way. As is assair. The Commander refuses to see any view other than his as valid. Assair is an idiot because...........Finland.
I once laughed at a pet psychic. I mean, right in his face and I still have more respect for him than I do for Cmdr. Potatoe.
I once kicked the worst transvestite in Las Vegas out of a bar. He had water balloons for tits. Seriously. I have more respect for that guy than Cmdr. Tater.
Internet tough guy!
You have some serious issues. Straight up
The rest. If Eric bothers you, just don't click on his threads. Like I do with Sabrina Deep.
Grow up people, and
Think Again.
Follow along with the lyrics

If you can.
Everybody's right. Evrything I've done is wrong. You know I tried to keep it
Short. I know it took too fucking long. Too much has been said. You think
It fucked my head?
Think again.
Ignorance, it set your standards. Intelligence, that don't work in your
Brain. You're an adult, so you act like a child. Don't even try to explain.
This stupid shit, it's been done. You think you're the only one?
A hand to your mouth, a performing yawn. I guess you know what the fuck is
Going on. You're on the top, you're on the ball. You think you've seen it
Before you take another crack and slap yourself on the back. Before you tell
Me what you heardand sum it up in one word. Before you start talking shit.
Before you throw another fit.