Devil Illuminati Canadian Slavery Law C-51 Makes Upwards of 70% of Natural Health Products illegal

1. At the current rate of licensing failure, more than 70% of natural health products will be illegal.

2. Broad definitions will allow government agents to invoke enforcement on people who do as little as share a “therapeutic product” with a friend. Garlic and many other foods are therapeutic products.
Not "one" person has ever died in Canada because of a Natural Health Product.


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You bankrupt, ignorant, narrow-minded crack baby. The fact you haven't run into traffic is the reason for my chronic depression. I'd rather masturbate with a weedwhacker to a spelling bee than hang out with you. Travelers will spin yarns of your outrageous stupidity for millennia. My intense dislike for you and your shitty posts prevents me from being a productive member of society. A lot of people think that your turn-ons are crush and scat porn. Pooplord. I took a dump earlier and it looked exactly like every one of your posts. I'm not going to pretend I feel sorry for your terrible life. Wallow in a river of crap, you sorrowful twunt. Compared with reading your shitty posts, dying in a fire seems not so scary. Historians will still be amazed by your breathtaking silliness for decades after an angry mob kills you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
It's nice that eric checks in from time to time and confirms that he's still an idiot.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Would you say that to him face to face?

You have read ecic's posts. Lets pretend that you are on a 4 hour bus trip and he sits next to you. He is engaging you in conversation just like we see it posted here. You listen the whole 4 hours. Any time you show any kind of doubt with a question, he shuts you down saying that you have no knowledge of the subject and your questions do not deserve to be answered. Before you get off the bus he asks you if you think he is an idiot. How do you answer him?
You have read ecic's posts. Lets pretend that you are on a 4 hour bus trip and he sits next to you. He is engaging you in conversation just like we see it posted here. You listen the whole 4 hours. Any time you show any kind of doubt with a question, he shuts you down saying that you have no knowledge of the subject and your questions do not deserve to be answered. Before you get off the bus he asks you if you think he is an idiot. How do you answer him?

Eric is not an idiot in any way.

This subject interested him, he wants to talk about it and if readers will treat him with respect then you will have a good discussion.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Of course Commander Potatoe is an idiot in every way. As is assair. The Commander refuses to see any view other than his as valid. Assair is an idiot because...........Finland.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I once laughed at a pet psychic. I mean, right in his face and I still have more respect for him than I do for Cmdr. Potatoe.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had a girlfriend drag me to a renfest once, I laughed right in the face of a lot of stupid cosplay douchebags that day. Still more props than Cmdr. Puhtahtoe.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I once kicked the worst transvestite in Las Vegas out of a bar. He had water balloons for tits. Seriously. I have more respect for that guy than Cmdr. Tater.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"Anything you say has the presumption of insufficiency."

Read the above assari. That was eric's response to me when I presented a factual challenge to one of his claims. He repeated that quote to other's challenges too. Is this any way to hold a good discussion? Is he treating my presentation with any kind of respect? Notice that eric has ceased to respond to any questions for several months. Questions about the validity of charges he makes. Eric does not want conversation, only a desire spew his views and make us believe that he is smarter than anyone. That's a one-way conversation. He is incapable of holding a debate on these subjects because he can't admit that anything he presents could possibly be wrong.

Go back and read through his discussions. Then come back and justify the above quote.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The problem about "wrong" food is which religion you subscribe to - or which other moral basics. So if you want to really make sure you don't go south after you have died - There is really not so much you can enjoy.

I will stay at the christian beliefs, even though the western churches are now allowing a LOT more than the bible says. You know, eating pigs? An abomination. Lobster, crabs, you are going top hell. Camels, well, who eats camel?

So, for 99% of us, we are out of luck already, so fuck it.

Yet, what about the Hindus? If you want to make sure, you can't eat meat, too, innit?

In the end, if scientists find out plants have a soul, too, well, I really would not be too surprised.

Closing, here is Leviticus, for your own info
"Anything you say has the presumption of insufficiency."

Read the above assari. That was eric's response to me when I presented a factual challenge to one of his claims. He repeated that quote to other's challenges too. Is this any way to hold a good discussion? Is he treating my presentation with any kind of respect? Notice that eric has ceased to respond to any questions for several months. Questions about the validity of charges he makes. Eric does not want conversation, only a desire spew his views and make us believe that he is smarter than anyone. That's a one-way conversation. He is incapable of holding a debate on these subjects because he can't admit that anything he presents could possibly be wrong.

Go back and read through his discussions. Then come back and justify the above quote.

Well that was not either a friendly comment and I guess we are all more or less to blame for the fact that the depate culture is bad here.


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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

I prefer a more conservative approach to this issue, conservative meaning upholding tradition and that which came before. Genesis 9:3 makes it pretty clear- "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs."

Well that was not either a friendly comment and I guess we are all more or less to blame for the fact that the depate culture is bad here.

That just confirms that you're not familiar enough with Cmdr. Potatoe to make an informed contribution to this thread. Don't half-ass things, unless you plan to change your user name to halfasshatari, as much as you troll you probably should anyway.
I would. Both him and you.

Of course Commander Potatoe is an idiot in every way. As is assair. The Commander refuses to see any view other than his as valid. Assair is an idiot because...........Finland.

I once laughed at a pet psychic. I mean, right in his face and I still have more respect for him than I do for Cmdr. Potatoe.

I once kicked the worst transvestite in Las Vegas out of a bar. He had water balloons for tits. Seriously. I have more respect for that guy than Cmdr. Tater.


Internet tough guy!

You have some serious issues. Straight up :)

The rest. If Eric bothers you, just don't click on his threads. Like I do with Sabrina Deep.

Grow up people, and Think Again.

Follow along with the lyrics :).If you can.

Everybody's right. Evrything I've done is wrong. You know I tried to keep it
Short. I know it took too fucking long. Too much has been said. You think
It fucked my head?
Think again.
Ignorance, it set your standards. Intelligence, that don't work in your
Brain. You're an adult, so you act like a child. Don't even try to explain.
This stupid shit, it's been done. You think you're the only one?
A hand to your mouth, a performing yawn. I guess you know what the fuck is
Going on. You're on the top, you're on the ball. You think you've seen it
Before you take another crack and slap yourself on the back. Before you tell
Me what you heardand sum it up in one word. Before you start talking shit.
Before you throw another fit.