The Decline of the White Race


My Penis Is Dancing!
The only color my dick cares about is pink, so the rest of the skin color is completely irrelevant.
Porn is totally a distortion of reality. The amount of interracial sex in porn is 100x more than in real life I'm sure.

Hahahaha, the majority of my (sadly smallish in number) sexual encounters have been with people from a different ethnic background than me. I am attracted to everyone, personality is a bigger determining factor than race for me, in that it doesn't matter.
There are some unabashed racists on this board.


Closed Account
I do not intend for it to be racial. I am simply pointing out a growing trend.
Incidentily it is only considered racist if the black man is mentioned.
Had the tables been turned and black women wete datimg white men, and this question was posted by a black man, it would not be considered racist.
Just an observation. That's all.

and now he's gone. The OP hasn't been on his own thread in 4 hours, only put two posts. He just likes to shake the tree up and watch us scatter. I give him a month til he gets exile like sam.
I know what the hidden message of this thread is.

Allow me to play translator...

Why is it that nowadays white women are no longer interested in dating white men ?
Why is it that white women (which I prefer) aren't interested in me? I am white after all. I mean, it seems that some of them would rather go out with blacks than me.

If this keeps up there will no longer be a white race.
Because I'm so annoyed about this (white women don't like me), ^^ I'm gonna make this absurd claim^^.

Ot's like white men no longer have a chance...
If white women don't like me, then it's probably because they no longer like white guys.

The conclusion?

Face it...women don't like you because....they don't like you.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Another Revamp?
Crazy people who start crazy threads need responses like this on their threads....

Hi. My name is Blue Countach, but I'm really a lamp. Do you like eggplant? Because I bet an eggplant could find your love. But not in the bathtub, because of Tebow and stuff....
A normal person sees the lines drawn by prior generations being erased.

A racist sees white girls fucking black guys.