'The Decision' ESPN Will Come to Regret; ESPN 'Guilty of Hype'

Well, ESPN is the Eastern Seaboard Program Network anyway. It's always been about NY and Boston. ...now we can add Miami to the mix.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I never want the NHL going back to ESPN. They treated them like shit when they were there. Get a deal done with Versus and NBC to where there's at least one game on every night, and get rid of all the redneck shit like bull riding and hunting. :sleep: It's not the Outdoor Network any more.
I never want the NHL going back to ESPN. They treated them like shit when they were there. Get a deal done with Versus and NBC to where there's at least one game on every night, and get rid of all the redneck shit like bull riding and hunting. :sleep: It's not the Outdoor Network any more.

I really wish Bettman would get his head out of his ass and get an NHL channel in the US. The problem is that every other network treats it as a once a week thing, not like basketball that gets 3-4 nights of the week on ESPN/ABC/NBC or football or baseball. He's been selling his league as second rate to networks for a decade now.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I really wish Bettman would get his head out of his ass and get an NHL channel in the US. The problem is that every other network treats it as a once a week thing, not like basketball that gets 3-4 nights of the week on ESPN/ABC/NBC or football or baseball. He's been selling his league as second rate to networks for a decade now.

Truth. :hatsoff:
Who told Josh Elliot that he should infuse his own opinions into the highlights? Just show the clips and tell me what happened. I don't need your analysis and thoughts as well. He almost makes SportsCenter unwatchable at times.

He and Brian Kenny are the biggest douches on that network right now. Every single time I hear either of them I want to put my fist through the television.

I'm also not a fan of the female anchors. Hannah Storm and Sage Steele should be making sandwiches not covering sports.


I'm sad I missed this gem before!
espn always seemed a bit excessive to me since all i ever wanted to know was the sf giants score and the sharks score...i don't need my sports analyzed...i watch the game draw my own conclusions as to why the giants got a w or an l that day and move on
if Jesus came back for the second coming i dont think it would have as much media coverage. is Lebrons ego that big and is ESPN a sports channel or just a bunch of cheerleaders??

First answer YES
second answer Cheerleaders
He and Brian Kenny are the biggest douches on that network right now.
Brian Kenny isn't bad on Friday Night Fights. Besides, who could be a bigger douche than Colin Cowherd?
Brian Kenny isn't bad on Friday Night Fights. Besides, who could be a bigger douche than Colin Cowherd?

Sure, he's fine there, when he knows what he's talking about. But when he hosts the 3PM PST Sportscenter, (which my nephew watches RELIGIOUSLY) he sounds like a blabbering douche.
Other than Baseball Tonight, I never bother watching ESPN. I certainly did not watch a second of the LBJ fiasco.

Fiasco is about the best word to describe all the BS that transpired before, during, and well after the announcement made by one Sir LeBenedict Arnold James.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
All the hype surrounding Lebron's announcement was ESPN's creation. Every 30 minutes, on the radio, the ESPN talking heads were mentioning he still hadn't decided. I rarely watch SportsCenter anymore. If I want highlights, I can log into the website.

My ideal radio line-up:
Eric Kusilieas and Mike Golic in the morning
Colin Cowherd

(after that, I don't care)
All the hype surrounding Lebron's announcement was ESPN's creation. Every 30 minutes, on the radio, the ESPN talking heads were mentioning he still hadn't decided. I rarely watch SportsCenter anymore. If I want highlights, I can log into the website.

My ideal radio line-up:
Eric Kusilieas and Mike Golic in the morning
Colin Cowherd

(after that, I don't care)

Word :pimpdaddy
The Mouse Controls an evil empire. They don’t even pretend to report the news anymore, they control it.

From pushing the world cup (because the mouse has the rights in the US), to having the stars of mouse produced movies on ESPN all the time (Grownups, Knight and Day), to promoting Conferences where they have the TV rights, the Mouse has become an evil corporate conglomerate.
The fuck ya'll talking about? What other channel allows you to watch Cheerleader competitions following darts and bowling!?

Shiiiiiit! ESPN rox my sox off!

BRB dart championships back on... getting hardcore now!