The only thing that will be accomplished in this power grab HR 3200 is that the middle class (me & we) will be forced via the power and authority of the irs (fed gov) to pay outrageously high annual insurance costs (haven't we heard that before ?

) only to receive in return -
A. something we don't want
B. something we won't use
C. something that we have a fundamental disagreement with
D. something we don't trust
E. rationed unreliable service(s)
F. a bunch of unqualified nurse practicioners when the services of a doctor are in order.
G. a mess of new foreign born, foreign loyal, broken english speaking doctors when they
do become available, all at a time when America is least favored nation in the world thanks to our ambitious gumment - both democrats & republicans
No thank YOU
H. millions upon millions of additional private sector jobs will be lost as if we we can sustain that kind of a punch in the face !
I. the end of uncapped malpractice liabilities that the democrats are so in favor of you hypocrites ! In fact with government mandatory health care, there will be
no malpractice compensation at all you foooos !
OK, maybe a couple of grand, when now you can nearly retire on your malpractice claim.

In summary, I guess that the libs would rather employ a dictatorial government for the purposes of bringing down their public enemies #1, that is, the middle class, more than they prefer non caps on malpractice liabilities, interesting.
all yours, Ima gonna go have a :beer: now..... in good health
Wait ! I have another minute
If 3200 is so great, why are the politicians' exempting themselves from the very tyranny that they will impose upon us, huh ? Isn't it logical to insist that these bastards come along for the ride at least ? Nope, not in the opinion of the anti capitalist ward of state subsidy people, not as long as the red iron fist of gumment endeavors to destroy the middle class in this country in order to make things equally miserable for the masses, the government need not ride along on this train surely destined to :crash:
No worry, I still :lovecoupl: my lefty sisters in the ever progressive north american world community of communitarian nations's just the brothers I have trouble w/ :1orglaugh