The Death Care Bill


I honestly don't care about neocon this or that or having a debate about the run up to the wars on this thread, but I think we can all agree that as the boomers start to need more and more health care of the more and more expensive type there needs to be serious debate about how much medicare can spend per person. Let us call it rationing. This is not a bottomless well. Hard choices will have to be made. Is it worth spending a million dollars on an 87 year old to keep them alive but unconscious for six months? In my opinion, no. Every day the US refuses to engage the debate it pushes them further behind the nations that have accepted that, as glorious as modern medical science is, none of us will live forever.

It should be each individual's decision if they want to pay to keep them alive. Not the government, that is the problem that I have.


The only thing that will be accomplished in this power grab HR 3200 is that the middle class (me & we) will be forced via the power and authority of the irs (fed gov) to pay outrageously high annual insurance costs (haven't we heard that before ? :rolleyes:) only to receive in return -
A. something we don't want
B. something we won't use
C. something that we have a fundamental disagreement with
D. something we don't trust
E. rationed unreliable service(s)
F. a bunch of unqualified nurse practicioners when the services of a doctor are in order.
G. a mess of new foreign born, foreign loyal, broken english speaking doctors when they do become available, all at a time when America is least favored nation in the world thanks to our ambitious gumment - both democrats & republicans
No thank YOU
H. millions upon millions of additional private sector jobs will be lost as if we we can sustain that kind of a punch in the face !
I. the end of uncapped malpractice liabilities that the democrats are so in favor of you hypocrites ! In fact with government mandatory health care, there will be no malpractice compensation at all you foooos !
OK, maybe a couple of grand, when now you can nearly retire on your malpractice claim. :rolleyes: In summary, I guess that the libs would rather employ a dictatorial government for the purposes of bringing down their public enemies #1, that is, the middle class, more than they prefer non caps on malpractice liabilities, interesting.




all yours, Ima gonna go have a :beer: now..... in good health

Wait ! I have another minute

If 3200 is so great, why are the politicians' exempting themselves from the very tyranny that they will impose upon us, huh ? Isn't it logical to insist that these bastards come along for the ride at least ? Nope, not in the opinion of the anti capitalist ward of state subsidy people, not as long as the red iron fist of gumment endeavors to destroy the middle class in this country in order to make things equally miserable for the masses, the government need not ride along on this train surely destined to :crash:

No worry, I still :lovecoupl: my lefty sisters in the ever progressive north american world community of communitarian nations :sex:'s just the brothers I have trouble w/ :1orglaugh
I've been around the block with regards to various political scenarios. With the obvious exceptions of Friday on my mind, Hot Mega etc I have a grasp on the whys and wherefores. This is one issue that is in the pipeline, the population is aging, costs are rising, rivals have in the main bitten the bullet on this. You are wasting your time by hoping or expecting a political party of any stripe accept it's prior failings. That is not how they work. The way forward is to frame the debate in terms of future advantage . Hence the God is a republican bit. If God (or god as I like to call him) is republican then he certainly wants you dead, he hasn't made any immortal creatues yet - even Noah fell off the perch eventually. What I'm pinning for is a republican to embrace core conservative values and tell the electorate that there is nothing more patriotic than dying when your time has come and not six months after that date at $10,000 a day.

I think that's part of the equation when it comes to things like that, but it's not the only part. I think at some level not only do we have to face why we have to give people so many end of life treatment things that are expensive and almost never are going to help them (or even non end of life treatment that doesn't help anybody or is poor value for the cost), but even as importantly we have to question why a lot of the things are ever that expensive in the first place. Why does a person lying in a bed being pumped with painkillers cost thousands and thousands and thousand thousands of dollars. Why do so many other medical procedures cost as much as they do. At some point there is no logic behind the cost of some or really even most of the medical treatments an procedures our society has other than people charge that amount because they know people need, and they can. (Of course mandating a certain price or, gasp, having a system that operated on no profit to itself as a pubic service would be socialistic so republicans usually conveniently never consider that while bitching how expensive health care is going to cost to give it to everybody.)

Also, for you out there that are saying how health care is suddenly going to get worse, (even if you can always have a private insurance option like before) I've been without any health care for about the past 10 years! I'm far from the only one in my situation. Luckily I've keep myself in shape, relatively young, and am in good health, but I've had a few close calls also where if something went a little differently I would have been completely screwed. I'm also not going to stay young forever, and avoiding freak accidents or unfortunate situations out of my control is not something I can just guarantee myself to do. I've been out of a job a long time, and even if I somehow lucked into one a great many of them around here don't even offer insurance anyhow. Will you please explain to me how my health care is going to get worse, because the last time I checked I had NONE. If you really wanted to be honest with yourself or stop rationalizing selfishness you could just say that you have no problem with good health care for yourself as long as it can come at the expense of others. Essentially that's what's happening. As bas as that is, in a small way I, could respect that a small sad iota more and it's less insulting to my intelligence. It's funny the same people never claim, at least publicly that they think they should make it so everybody coverage from the police or fire departments or public education should be paid for individually and everybody that can't pay should go without.
The present healthcare system bilks old people out of money in a desperate attempt to fatten up charges and billbacks before the patient expires. The 60 Minutes segment from last night was right on the money (pun intended).

The talk of ratcheting down mammograms and other exams to every other year or every three years leads me to believe that, again, these tests have been used to fatten up the wallets of doctors and hospital admins.

Is it possible that all these medical exams merely get shifted back to the consumer in the form of "increased monthly rates"? Gee.....this seems to be how Capitalism and For Profit Healthcare work....:dunno:

People want to pass away with dignity, and people would rather leave their financial legacy to their family members rather than to a greedy HMO or greedy Hospital....

Bring on reform! But let's just go to Medicare-for-All so that we actually, trully, get Universal Healthcare for All US Citizens :thumbsup:
it's funny how NeoCons only care about fiscal conservatism when it is applied to U.S. taxpayers but not when it comes to the Military Industrial Complex which is a big welfare program on steroids that is an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money

Funny how the California spread the weath Liberals have run your state into the ground and then some. Guess the welfare to prop up the worthless folks in LA, for example, that are just collecting a check for sitting on their asses is good for California. Not to mention all the illegals that are flooding your schools and hospitals and not paying a are they for you?

Just remember, that Military is what stopped Hitler and provides the freedoms you have today.

Maybe you should shake a hand of a solider and thank them for putting their lives on the line so you can sit on some titty chat site's forum and bitch about the military.


Your username is perfect for the topic of this thread....

It is perfectly reasonable and "American" to criticize American Foreign Policy WITHOUT criticizing the men and women who carry out that policy.

How many illegals are currently serving in the military, btw? What percentage of active members do you think it is?

The Military Industrial Complex goes beyond soldiers and it's bankrupting our nation moreso than whatever you think evil Liberals and illegals are doing to California...

Will E Worm

Funny how the California spread the weath Liberals have run your state into the ground and then some. Guess the welfare to prop up the worthless folks in LA, for example, that are just collecting a check for sitting on their asses is good for California. Not to mention all the illegals that are flooding your schools and hospitals and not paying a are they for you?

Yes. ;)


How many illegals are currently serving in the military, btw? What percentage of active members do you think it is?

Actually it would be zero percent. They are not permitted to join.
Citizenship Requirements

U.S. citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens (people who have an INS I-151/I-551 "Green Card") may join the U.S. Military.


In order to join the US Military, you must either be a US citizen, or you must be a legal permanent immigrant, physically living in the United States, with a green card. The US military cannot and will not assist with the immigration process. If you are not a US citizen, you must legally and permanently immigrate to the United States first, via the regular immigration procedures and quotas, establish a residence, and then (if you meet the other qualifying criteria), visit a military recruiter's office and apply for enlistment.

For enlistment purposes, citizens of the United States include citizens of: Guam, Puerto Rico, The U.S. Virgin Islands,The Northern Marianas Islands, American Samoa, The Federated States of Micronesia, and The Republic of the Marshall Islands.

And for the LEGAL immigrants that do enlist, there is an accelerated citizenship process for them. But clearly ILLEGAL's are NOT permitted to join any branch of service.


Jason, illegal aliens find employment at major companies within the U.S. Do you really think the Military is going to be able to *perfectly screen* every applicant?

Military recruitment tactics utilized Post-9/11 suggest otherwise....

It also says this in the article that you posted
How many of these young Latino recruits are illegal immigrants? “Nobody knows,” says Flavia Jimenez, an immigration policy analyst at the National Council of La Raza.
So even the people who's job it is to analyze illegal immigrants have no idea if they are illegal or not.

While the military is more than likely not able to "perfectly" screen every applicant, if they do happen to get the percentage is lower than you think. If illegals do get by they will eventualy be caught and tried in a court martial under Article 83 of the UCMJ.
Any person who—

(1) procures his own enlistment or appointment in the armed forces by knowingly false representation or deliberate concealment as to his qualifications for that enlistment or appointment and receives pay or allowances thereunder.


BTW your article says this also
Fernando and Rose Suarez sold their home and their laundry business and immigrated with their children to Escondido,

Here is a little more about Marine Lance Cpl. Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar
Dear Sirs,

My name is Fernando Suarez del Solar, father of Jesus A. Suarez Del Solar Navarro, and I write to you with eagerness to thank you for the beautiful words in honor of my son, my AZTEC WARRIOR.

Also to ask you that by means of your site and publications, you pass along the great gratefulness that my family has to everyone who has supported us in these such difficult days, thankfulness to those who have sent us donations for the foundation which will carry the name of my son and will serve to support other families that have to pass through these same situations, also we want to thank all the people that said farewell with love, respect, and admiration, thanks to everyone and may God bless you.

I remain at your service.

Fernando Suarez Del Solar


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Bronze Member
Death Care???

That sounds like a marketing term for a funeral home. It doesn't sound scary, it just sounds stupid.

Try again.

Thank you.

Guys you are so desperate. What's the next bullshit you try?


  • mjesushealth400x4001jpg.jpg
    22.8 KB · Views: 85
Your username is perfect for the topic of this thread....

It is perfectly reasonable and "American" to criticize American Foreign Policy WITHOUT criticizing the men and women who carry out that policy.

How many illegals are currently serving in the military, btw? What percentage of active members do you think it is?

The Military Industrial Complex goes beyond soldiers and it's bankrupting our nation moreso than whatever you think evil Liberals and illegals are doing to California...

That's true. NeoCons aka RINOs are a superstitious and cowardly lot who like to attack and blame undocumented migrants, muslims, gays, blacks, atheists, communists, etc. for all the problems this country is faced with while ignoring the fact that the military industrial complex, the war on drugs, the war on terror and white collar and corporate crime are the real culprits for the economic decline this country is experiencing
That's true. NeoCons aka RINOs are a superstitious and cowardly lot who like to attack and blame undocumented migrants, muslims, gays, blacks, atheists, communists, etc. for all the problems this country is faced with while ignoring the fact that the military industrial complex, the war on drugs, the war on terror and white collar and corporate crime are the real culprits for the economic decline this country is experiencing

Hug the world you moonbat.

Good luck when shit comes a calling. :thumbsup:
It also says this in the article that you posted
So even the people who's job it is to analyze illegal immigrants have no idea if they are illegal or not.

While the military is more than likely not able to "perfectly" screen every applicant, if they do happen to get the percentage is lower than you think.

You probably shouldn't have parsed that quote so tightly Jason. Let's have a look at the full quote...

How many of these young Latino recruits are illegal immigrants? “Nobody knows,” says Flavia Jimenez, an immigration policy analyst at the National Council of La Raza. “But what we do know is that recruiters may not be up to speed on everybody’s legal status. … We also know that a significant number of [illegals] have died in Iraq.” The recruitment of illegal immigrants is particularly intense in Los Angeles, where 75 percent of the high school students are Latino. “A lot of our students are undocumented,” says Arlene Inouye, a teacher at Garfield High School in East Los Angeles, “and it’s common knowledge that recruiters offer green cards.” Inouye is the coordinator and founder of the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS), a counter-recruitment organization that educates teenagers about deceptive recruiting practices. “The practice is pretty widespread all over the nation,” she says, “especially in California and Texas. … The recruiters tell them, ‘you’ll be helping your family.’ “

We should not be surprised by this. I believe the US Military has a history of conscripting people into service. Weren't Irish immigrants pretty much ushered from the boats to the front lines during the Civil War?:dunno:


You probably shouldn't have parsed that quote so tightly Jason. Let's have a look at the full quote...

We should not be surprised by this. I believe the US Military has a history of conscripting people into service. Weren't Irish immigrants pretty much ushered from the boats to the front lines during the Civil War?:dunno:

Oh so something that happened over 150 years ago is revelavant to TODAYS military:dunno:. The fact is that you can not join the US Armed Forces without becoming a LEGAL immigrant to this Country. You can say all you want but it's clearly outlined in each Branch's citizenship requirements.