The "Coloured girl bj" thread

Do white people get offended when they are called white?... do coloured people feel empathy when whites are called white?... My ancestor's where slaves.. Greeks where slaves not long before africans... how come nobody feels sorry for us?... maybe because it's forgotten... so if we just forget about it.. who will care about the KKK... if nobody cares about the KKK... there's no need for the KKK... there's no KKK... History seems to always repeats it's self and yet we never learn from it... most likely the next group of slaves will exist on the other side of the planet once they take over... maybe we'll be the slaves?.... blacks whites pinks browns... whatever... maybe the best thing to happen to the world for the world, who knows... I don't think white people should have the right to feel empathy or claim they feel empathy... there is no way the can know what it must have felt like.. infact... black youth can't or shouldn't try to empathise.. how could they know what it felt like... I think white people who claim to feel empathy for blacks are just trying to find something to feel good about and justify all the tiny little bad things they do from day to day... They speak out in some superficial way to ease their conscious.. everybody of all colours does it in some way... rally... go to church.. big brother program... whatever.. now i'm not saying all big brothers are doing it for this reason... basically... i'm rambling

did you know Greece had a major civil war right after WW2.. nether do the Greek youths.. why?.. because they don't talk about it... they don't teach it... they don't try to make eachother feel guilty about it.. they forget it... and it's history... done .. overwith... and nobody hates anybody for it... that's what needs to be done about that point in our history.. it needs to be nuried and forgotten about... i didn't bring slaves here.. the black guy reading this wasn't a slave... It is what it is.. history... leave it like that... and quit giving these bozo's in ghost costumes a reason to march through the streets flappin there lips about stupidities.....

...and yet freeones felt the need to erase my posts... weird.
Facial king, what a great post... no I don't take offence to being called ignorant.. I am... I'm from Canada.. what do we know about racism?... To your question.. what I ment was if we give it attention ( good or bad ) it will thrive... like the bully in school... You you fear him he becomes stronger... or like some silly kid causing problems or a bad dog... even if you tell him he's wrong and yell at him.. he'll do it again... to something negative.. any attention is good attention...

Since I don't know you, iamboring, I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic with your praise there, but I'll assume you weren't. (So, thanks for the compliment re: my post)

I'll return your praise by saying it takes a serious person to accept their ignorance (in a particular area) - especially when someone else points it out - and not take offense, and to then actually think the issue over.

And I dig Canada, so hey...

As for your theory that racism shouldn't be given attention, well, I think there ARE good times to ignore racist assholes and what they say, but there are also good times to confront racist assholes and what they say, and to tear apart their silly claims and to deconstruct and rip apart their various "ideas". It depends on the context.
I wasn't being sarcastic at all... I have no prob admitting my ignorance... it's not a bad word or a thig to be ashamed of... it's a fact of life to be ignorant... it's out job to learn as much as we can and pass on what we can to others to try to better the world.. i just think that even if you rip a racist's theory to shreds infront of the whole world and you prove that the racist is wrong through and through... it still promotes racism... and so some other jack ass will use it as a way to get attention....
I don't think white people should have the right to feel empathy or claim they feel empathy... there is no way the can know what it must have felt like...
If they see a black person is being discriminated against, a white person either will feel empathy or not. They can't control it and thankfully neither can you. This is not an issue of having the "right" to do something.

I think white people who claim to feel empathy for blacks are just trying to find something to feel good about and justify all the tiny little bad things they do from day to day... They speak out in some superficial way to ease their conscious..
Nope wrong again. People don't feel empathy to make up for something else. Empathy is an emotion and you can't control your emotions. They are what you feel. The only thing you can control is showing your emotions. Myself, I feel empathy because I am an emotionally mature human being.

did you know Greece had a major civil war right after WW2.. nether do the Greek youths.. why?.. because they don't talk about it... they don't teach it... they don't try to make eachother feel guilty about it.. they forget it... and it's history... done .. overwith... and nobody hates anybody for it... that's what needs to be done about that point in our history.. it needs to be nuried and forgotten about... i didn't bring slaves here.. the black guy reading this wasn't a slave... It is what it is.. history... leave it like that... and quit giving these bozo's in ghost costumes a reason to march through the streets flappin there lips about stupidities.....

All I have to say to that is "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
Interesting points, senob.

I think it's important for people to remember the distinction between empathy, which is sharing some emotional feeling in response to a situation BECAUSE YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED THE SAME THING (or something very similar) and sympathy, which is sharing the emotional ride with someone else even if you can't relate personally to what they have experienced/are experiencing. [At least that has been my understanding of those terms for some time now!!]

I can't honestly empathize with the challenges of black people's experiences, past and present, but I can, and often do, sympathize.

I am baffled by what rmagedon said - "how white people could get offended when someone uses a racial slur or makes an prejudice comment against a person of color. I never got that."

I don't like to see someone punch a little girl in the nose, either, even though I'm an adult man. I am bothered by things that are unfair, unjust, immoral. (believe it or not, even though I'm not a Christian, or religious at all)
Is this really so hard to grasp?
^ and you know what i don't get? rmagedon and i are friends if real life... you know outside the internet. i'm white and he's spanish, or brown, or latino, or whatever the non-offensive P.C. term is. and we had a lively back and forth on here making fun of each other's race, we actually LAUGH about it.

but all those posts got deleted, because somebody is afraid they would offend somebody else you know cause of all your guys "empathy". we sure as shit didn't become friends because i feel sorry for him, and lemme tell you facial king that man has faced more racism then you and i put together, i've SEEN it first hand. so maybe we as white people need to get up off our P.C. high horse and stop telling people of "color" how to feel.


Retired Mod
Don't kid yourself into thinking that your posts got deleted because they may have been offensive to some, and thus support whatever argument you are trying to make here. Your post got deleted because you two were arguing and calling each other names, in essence flaming, which is not and will never be tolerated on this board. So instead of continually stating your indignation over your deleted posts, consider the fact that only the posts were deleted.
^first off i want it on record that i am NO flamer!
second i don't care if u deleted anything thats missing the point completely. you know what forget it, you'll never understand...
^ and you know what i don't get? rmagedon and i are friends if real life...

That certainly makes sense, from seeing some of the posts on this board from the two of you, you are two of the rudest members on this board lately. I guess birds of a feather flock together.

To Facial_King: Good point about sympathy and empathy. Reading your post, perhaps I was incorrect in my previous post. Perhaps what I feel is sympathy and not empathy. I have been discriminated against and singled out in the past, especially in my youth, but maybe not enough to empathize with a black person's experiences with discrimination. But as you touched on, the important thing is, as a person, I feel sad when I see anyone discriminated for any reason.
^ and you know what i don't get? rmagedon and i are friends if real life... you know outside the internet. i'm white and he's spanish, or brown, or latino, or whatever the non-offensive P.C. term is. and we had a lively back and forth on here making fun of each other's race, we actually LAUGH about it.

but all those posts got deleted, because somebody is afraid they would offend somebody else you know cause of all your guys "empathy". we sure as shit didn't become friends because i feel sorry for him, and lemme tell you facial king that man has faced more racism then you and i put together, i've SEEN it first hand. so maybe we as white people need to get up off our P.C. high horse and stop telling people of "color" how to feel.

That's great that you have an ethnic friend. :hatsoff: Give yourself a big pat on the back.

Is he from Spain? (That's what the word "Spanish" is typically reserved for) Is he brown-skinned? Ok, but that doesn't necessarily make him a Latino. Plenty of people in Spain are actually as light-skinned as what you'll see an American police officer describe as "caucasian". So, I'm not really sure you've told us much of anything other than that your friend or his family came from a Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking country.

I don't recall telling anyone how to feel. And as for empathy, well, I can't really have it (as I thought I explained), as I have not experienced discrimination, prejudice, bigotry and hatred based on my national origin or skin color.
If they see a black person is being discriminated against, a white person either will feel empathy or not. They can't control it and thankfully neither can you. This is not an issue of having the "right" to do something.

Nope wrong again. People don't feel empathy to make up for something else. Empathy is an emotion and you can't control your emotions. They are what you feel. The only thing you can control is showing your emotions. Myself, I feel empathy because I am an emotionally mature human being.

All I have to say to that is "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

I'm not sure I told anybody they were wrong about anything... you should try to do the same... I just think there are very few people who can actually empathize.. I think facial king makes a good point...( haha,.. I'll just say FK makes a good point,... it's hard to seriously try to make a good point out of saying something like " facial king makes a good point"... ) anyway.. FK makes a good point and really I do think we confuse empathy and sympathy... in anycase... I believe, whether our intentions are good or bad... expressing our feelings out loud about racism will only feul the fire...
I'm not sure I told anybody they were wrong about anything... you should try to do the same... I just think there are very few people who can actually empathize.. I think facial king makes a good point...( haha,.. I'll just say FK makes a good point,... it's hard to seriously try to make a good point out of saying something like " facial king makes a good point"... ) anyway.. FK makes a good point and really I do think we confuse empathy and sympathy... in anycase... I believe, whether our intentions are good or bad... expressing our feelings out loud about racism will only feul the fire...

I apologize for using the term empathy where I may have been speaking of sympathy. I covered that in post #52. All I know is that it does make me sad when I see a black person (or any race) being the subject of discrimination. You really can't classify this sadness, you just know how it makes you feel. Like I said, I have been discriminated against, but you're right that I wouldn't try to tell a black person (unless I knew them well) that I know what they're going through, because I may very well not know the extent of what they're going through. I hope that makes sense.
wow... just wow...

That's great that you have an ethnic friend. :hatsoff: Give yourself a big pat on the back.

Is he from Spain? (That's what the word "Spanish" is typically reserved for) Is he brown-skinned? Ok, but that doesn't necessarily make him a Latino. Plenty of people in Spain are actually as light-skinned as what you'll see an American police officer describe as "caucasian". So, I'm not really sure you've told us much of anything other than that your friend or his family came from a Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking country.

I don't recall telling anyone how to feel. And as for empathy, well, I can't really have it (as I thought I explained), as I have not experienced discrimination, prejudice, bigotry and hatred based on my national origin or skin color.

well i'll tell him he's not spanish enough to be spanish or not brown enough or whatever. he'll be relieved i'm sure that P.C. white people have finally got together and decided what he should call himself, and his people. by the way when i call him i usually say "hey you get your ass over here before i call up immigration"... he gets the point trust me.

the POINT people was that when you're a white person and you get all uppity about racism it comes off as condescending. u can't be MORE offended about racism then the actual victim member of the minority race.
wow... just wow...

well i'll tell him he's not spanish enough to be spanish or not brown enough or whatever. he'll be relieved i'm sure that P.C. white people have finally got together and decided what he should call himself, and his people. by the way when i call him i usually say "hey you get your ass over here before i call up immigration"... he gets the point trust me.

the POINT people was that when you're a white person and you get all uppity about racism it comes off as condescending. u can't be MORE offended about racism then the actual victim member of the minority race.


"not spanish enough to be spanish"? Either he's from Spain or he's not; it's really not complicated. Just like, for instance, if you're not a citizen of Canada you're not Canadian.

You can personally set the bar for what is "uppity" as low as you want to, that is a fairly useless critique. So saying that one doesn't like to read about various injustices makes one "uppity"? As for emotions, I haven't felt any strong emotions one way or the other on this thread, so I'm a bit puzzled as to how you define this diversionary smear. I haven't condescended to anyone.

By talking about the difference between "empathy" and "sympathy" I think I made it pretty clear that I wasn't "MORE offended about racism then [sic] the actual victim member of the minority race" as, in most ways, I couldn't personally relate to being on the receiving end of racist bigotry.