The "Coloured girl bj" thread

Here's a link to the thread

I can't understand why I had taken so much flack over this thread!!! People were acting as though I was out here screeming the "n" word!!!... No I'm not black.. I am white of ethinic background ( Greek/Canadian ).. I have a feeling that all those people who had all that bad energy towards me in that thread are probably guilt ridden white people.... Guilty for god knows what.. I'm nowhere near a racist and yet that's how I'm perceived because I say "coloured girl".. Mean while there are threads about "forced blowjobs" ... "facial humiliation"... " Fisting"... " spraying two sluts".. this ones great!! "guy has foot on sluts head while fucking her dogstyle"!!! hahaha... And these guys have things to say about me?!!! This is a porn related site people... most people visit this site to get themselves off ( that may explain some of those guilt issues out there )... It's quite a liberal site... Can't these guys see that their feelings of need to speak out against anything that could sound even remotley racist, are part of the very reason racism still excists!!!

I don't know... maybe I'm alone on this one

but I think some black girls are just as sexy as some blond girls are just as sexy as some asian girls are just as sexy as some indian girls are just as sexy as some..............................flylicker
i don't have time here i didn't even get through a quarter of your text and i'm not gonna check out an old thread, give me a cliff notes version and i'll have an opinion.
The reason you probably took so much flak is because in some parts of the world, (United States included), the word "coloured" is seen as a derogatory, racist term. In fact, calling a black person "coloured" I would say is nearly as bad as calling them a n*****, at least around where I live.

Plus it is always very dicey to make a thread that has anything to do with preference for any race, as it will likely turn bad.
I've seen the original thread, hell I poked fun on it, not of your request but at the bitching going on. Just wave a white flag on the topic and let it slip into message board obscurity, otherwise your gonna have an equally short thread here with more racial tension than a nazi youth jamburee.


Closed Account
It's kinda funny, I remember getting taught to use the word "coloured" because that was the proper term, I got in trouble calling someone black. How thing's have turned around...


It's kinda funny, I remember getting taught to use the word "coloured" because that was the proper term, I got in trouble calling someone black. How thing's have turned around...

it has to do with the segregation of america back in the old days. they had a whites only and a coloreds only for everything. thats why colored is seen as a derogatory word.
It's kinda funny, I remember getting taught to use the word "coloured" because that was the proper term, I got in trouble calling someone black. How thing's have turned around...

yes coloured seems to be the ok way here,unless like mr.rhino says things have turned around
it has to do with the segregation of america back in the old days. they had a whites only and a coloreds only for everything. thats why colored is seen as a derogatory word.

Yep but I don't know that applies to the word Coloured which is used in other countries.:dunno:
there's even a post about nazi girls!!! and I think it's still going?... lol it's true though... it should just be left alone... I'm falling into the trap myself by talking about it.. it should just be ignored... pretty much anything we don't pay any mind too will eventually just vanish... we hope
F**k this - I'm pink, and if someone calls me pink well then thats just fine. Lets not dole out non-pc death sentences here from the moral high ground of our keyboards when the vast majority of the threads we spend time in are downright dirty.

yes coloured seems to be the ok way here,unless like mr.rhino says things have turned around

Have to agree though minidog, in this part of the world it's quite acceptable too - no one gripes, it's not used in a derogatory context.
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Yep but I don't know that applies to the word Coloured which is used in other countries.:dunno:

not to many countries have gone through what the united states has gone through regarding race with blacks and whites....a few..but not on the scale of the united states.

i'm black and if someone called me colored i probablly woudln't get mad i would probably be shocked that someone used such an old fahioned term as such...but a lot if not most will get mad becaues the word colored is almost like useing the word negro......white people would use the word colored or negro to try and premote segregation in the old days coming froma white person a lot of times its involved with racist if a person in 2008 says "hey look at that colored guy" regardless of if they are racist or not they will get a lot of stares and people looking at them like they are stuck in time.

look at it this way....does anyone call Native Americans scavages anymore?

The way I understand racism to work is that it operates on a spectrum from essentially benign and unintentional to subtle and covert to overt and extreme, with a lot of points in between.

Because racism comes out of the culture at large, basically all of us have some traces of racism within us, but, fortunately, most of us don't have any sympathy for the obvious, overt, undeniable manifestations of racism, and don't engage in it or approve of it at all.

Of course it depends on the context, and the context with which you describe it puts the racism of calling a black/brown/darker-than-you-skinned person "colored" on the relatively less harmful scale of racism, esp. if you how you treat and interact with those people is basically the same as how you treat whites.

Nonetheless, use of the word, and any shoulder-shrugging "so what?"s afterward do kind of indicate to me some sort of ignorance (don't get peeved - I mean lack of knowledge/understanding about something - I'm ignorant on too many topics to count, so please don't get all caught up in my use of that word here) or at least a naivete.

As "justaguy"'s comment hinted at above, when you refer to black/brown/darker-than-you-skinned people as "colored" that language automatically implies that you and people like you are the non-colored/uncolored ones. As if you (your race, if you wish) are the default, and anything different is an alteration or a deviation from the default skin tone, which is yours.

Imagine if whites were referred to by blacks as "drained" or something that implied they were the norm and something had happened to us that made us some abnormal "other."

I can understand a well-meaning person perhaps getting a bit confused and frustrated as the socially acceptable terms change with a society attempting to further civilize itself (and in this case, that's the translation for the "political correctness" slur that has been overused to the point that the phrase is all but meaningless), but if one wishes to be part of an improving society that is leaving racism behind, it's worth considering the use of the best, most recent terms, or at least thinking about them, and engaging in a conversation about them, as you have here - which, again, is why I don't think it's such a big deal that you have used the term "colored" but I would still discourage your using it in the future. Because reasonable people, black and white (and all shades) will find it, understandably, offensive.

As for your implied complaint that you shouldn't be taken to task at all for your use of "colored girl" because of the nature of other threads, well, that's not a strong argument. First, you haven't shown that all of the thread-starters and fans of the threads that you mention are the same people who scolded you before. But even so, if a person has a moral deficiency (in your eyes) in one area, does that mean that they should just throw out any and all concepts of right and wrong in EVERY aspect of society. So there might be some misognyists on this board who condone or overlook disrespectful talk and treatment (or TALK of treatment) of women. Are misogynists necessarily unable to recognize racism and disqualified from criticizing it? Additionally, there's probably a lot more room for debate on the acceptability of things like fisting and spraying two women (or yes, "sluts") with semen in consensual environments at the same time than there is for referring to blacks as "colored" people (without any sense of irony about it).
There are men and women on this board and the vast majority, I'd guess, have honestly dispensed with many of the notions that sex is "dirty" (not including "stainedblueeyes" though) or inherently naughty and wrong. Just as racism operates on a spectrum, so too does misogyny AND its various definitions. There are women who consider a lengthy glance to be disrespectful and problematic and there are women who enjoy being fisted. In my humble opinion, the face-spitting and things like/beyond that are rather controversial, and not so simply defended. yada yada yada....

Getting back to the racism thing, you (iamboring) said "Can't these guys see that their feelings of need to speak out against anything that could sound even remotley racist, are part of the very reason racism still excists!!!"

I don't get that one. So you're saying that when SOME people (black and white, presumably) are overly cautious in identifying behaviors as racist and too quick to react and overreact to such things, that this encourages actual racism?? How, exactly? What is the idea there? Could you elaborate?

But I'd like to second hoodoo's comment as well, and point out that I am honestly not feeling at all guilt-ridden, even if I am white...