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avant rules cuz of the tabbed windows. sure, it's a little bit slower than say, Firefox but it doesn't have weird font problems like i noticed on FF.
forgive me for being dumb...ive not used any other browser other then netscape (and that sucked major asssssssss) so could u please exaplin what a tabbed browser is?....cause ive been very tempted to try these others
In a tabbed browser like Opera or Avant, if you want multiple webpages open at the same time you have only one windows with multiple tabs (a bit like an Excel Workbook if you've used that). Where as a normal browser opens a new window per webpage. Some people like tabbed browsers as it makes everything neat but I prefer a normal browser as I like to use the alt tab method to switch between my other applications and my open web pages. I'd suggest trying a tabbed browser to see which you prefer.
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VonRik said:
In a tabbed browser like Opera or Avant, if you want multiple webpages open at the same time you have only one windows with multiple tabs (a bit like an Excel Workbook if you've used that). Where as a normal browser opens a new window per webpage. Some people like tabbed browsers as it makes everything neat but I prefer a normal browser as I like to use the alt tab method to switch between my other applications and my open web pages. I'd suggest trying a tabbed browser to see which you prefer.

i got yah...good idea i have to say...its not much different with xp explorer windows are grouped at the bottom...but i'll still give it a whirl

i use the alt tab thing im prolly not gonna like it am i...