Never banged one, but I've made out with a couple real trashy ones when I was absolutely pissfaced drunk. And saying she was just heavy set would be the understatement of my tenure here on the board. One was absolutely mamoth; the other was a complete pile of shit Puerto Rican broad who took me in her house when I was leaving drunk from my friend's one night (we both knew her).
One was a friend's sister and she was fucking gigantic. The next day, I called and asked her what happened the night before (you know, to play it off), and she got pissed off. I basically told her I passed out in a snowbank when I left her that night (it was actually like 5 degrees that night, fucking freezing), and just totally played that shit off. It was definitely a low point in my career, considering the girl I was briefly with in high school looked she could've been a Playboy Bunny.