The Back Of My Neck Just Buttered Two Pieces Of Toast And The Pieces Of Toast Smell Like A Tuna Melt

Now I’m horny.
How do you know when you're overdue for a shower?

Easy : When I've finished my break-fast.

Sometimes, in Summer, I also have one around 5pm (or as soon as I can if I'm not home at 5pm).


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Once a day as maintenance / 5 minutes (get the creases, shave minimally)
once every 3 days as full / 15 minutes (hair, smooth expanses, exfoliate a few areas)

I find that the 'full' shower just dries up the skin too much, to be a normal thing. I believe the hair looks better with a good bit of 'refuel oil' left on it for a few days. Maybe not aesthetically pleasing, to some.. but it keeps the strands stronger, methinks.