I saw it yesterday! I wasn't expecting all that much but I really enjoyed it. The Hulk was the best aspect in my opinion. I'm not a Hulk fan, or a comic anything fan (I like the comics and comic movies but I'm not a "fan" in the sense of the word fan), but now I am. The Hulk was hilarious in The Avengers!
The two Hulk movies sucked. The Captain America & Thor movies weren't bad, but they weren't good either. The Iron Man movies were slightly better, so I wasn't sure what to expect with this. In my opinion,
This was the greatest movie I have ever seen!
The special effect were great, the acting was good (especially Robert Downey Jr.), but what made this movie so awesome were all the funny moments. There was a lot more comedy in this that I expected and that was what made the movie great. And, I have to agree with Harley, the Hulk really stole the show with 2 scenes. When he was fighting alongside Thor and then the battle ended, what he did to Thor was hilarious, but the funniest moment was the scene with the Hulk and Loki. That was priceless!
Joss Whedon really hit a home-run with this one.