The Avengers Trailer


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I lack the funds though.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think he's talking about The Avengers movie with Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman and Sean Connery.
:sarcasm: Good enough for ya? This one would be worser though. :uohs:.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
The 1998 Avengers wasn't THAT bad, although I like most films with Connery.
So when are they going to have a real villain to give the Avenger's a run for their collective money?

The only one is Thanos,and they are shitting away a good opportunity,unless they are saving him for The Avengers 2.

I'm assuming that Loki is going to take control of The Hulk,or that Skrulls will be involved in some way,because Loki alone got his ass whooped by Thor,so why would they need a whole team to take him down when it only took one person before?

Thanos+Infinity Gauntlet is the only way to go.

Of course you would have to really tone down the power of the gauntlet,but that's what they should do.
I'm tellin' ya''s going to be the cosmic cube. They showed it in both the Thor and Captain America movies.

The post-credits scene in Thor was Loki watching Nick Fury show the cube to the one dude.

Based only on this trailer, Iron Man is still the coolest. I still have to see more of the Hulk's latest incarnation.