The 5 biggest Dipshits in porn

I wanted to share this with y'all due to the frustration of watching a scene trying to get yourself off and the male "performer" is so unappealing and unattractive that it is distracting and kills any hope of blowing your load. Unfortunately these days porn has become this- The hottest most beautiful young girl thats out there teamed up with the most disgusting, old, out of shape man you can imagine.

Heres my list of five "actors" that seem to pop up in scenes too often only to completely ruin them with their visual presence.

5. Kyle Stone-

Okay this guy doesnt seem to pop up in more recent stuff (at least the scenes I watch) but he looks like a junior high english teacher or an assistant principal, I'm sorry nobody wants to see guys like that fucking young girls.

4. Steve Holmes-

Now this guy pops up a lot with some of my favs like Taylor Rain and Joanna Angel. First he's ugly, Second he old and like I said with number five he looks too much like the manager of a supermarket who would be lucky if the fat cashier at register 9 gave him a hand job. Again nobody wants to see a guy like this fucking hot girls in the ass.

3. Brian Surewood-

Look at this guy! I'll let the pic speak for itself. Happily this guy is rotting in prison right now for vehicular manslaughter in which he was partly responible for killing a 5 year old boy.

2. Dirty Harry-

Okay, Come ON!!!!!! This fucking freak is in countless scenes with the youngest and prettiest girls and it kills any scene with seeing his ugly face and deformed cock in it. Most of the girls are closing their eyes and trying not to puke while he's pounding their ass. Seriously there has to be more decent looking YOUNG guys with big dicks that can perform in these scenes.

1. Mark Wood-

Words cannot describe how much I hate this man but I'll do my best. Look at this fucking doofus, I mean he looks like a fucking mentally retarded person and he is in EVERY scene with EVERY porn hottie. When I click on a scene of a starlet who looks amazing in the first few minutes of the scene, getting me excited then this fucking dipshit walks in with that incredibly atrocious looking face and my hard on goes limp. I cant explain the rage I experience when that happens and when I try to tough it out and pretend he's someone else, this piece of dogshit moans like a little bitch throughout the entire scene
moaning even loader than the fucking girl. I'm mean he sounds like he's never had a chick put her mouth on his penis before. Incredibly annoying!!!!!!
If this guy some how got his face blown off with a double barrel shotgun, not only would I not feel bad, I'd feel extremely happy. I think every scene this guy and the others I have mentioned above should be burned so that I can actually enjoy jerking off and not see these beautiful young ladies pretend they're enjoying themselves because guys this ugly couldn't get laid in a morgue if the producers werent paying these girls so much to fuck these DIPSHITS!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your time, I'm gonna go try and relax now.
This is in the wrong section but that's good news about that fucking ugly pirate guy, he's pretty much the only male pornstar that I even notice cuz he's so distracting. That James Dean dude seems to be doing most of the fucking nowadays in any scene I see, thankfully he's not some old disgusting man.
Gotta add one ...retro though....Randy West Poofed hair ,lil'dick ,no cumshot dweeb
I feel your pain about your 5
Hey buddy, sorry this was my first post on this site. For future reference, which section is the correct one to post?? By the way James Deen is someone who comes to mind as someone who should be fucking in porn today, I mean he really young, prety good looking and isnt distracting....maybe except that yes he appears in nearly every scene these days...but that is indeed a good thing, the girls look like they are actually enjoying the sex.
Yes! I agree Randy West is pretty dont see his shriveled old dick in any modern scenes which is cool with me.
Haven't seen several scenes with some of the other guys in them, or maybe i just haven't really recognized them if I have. But, I'm right there with you on Brian Surewood and Dirty Harry. Two of the sleaziest looking guys, and most distracting performers I think I have ever seen in my life. I can't watch any scene that either of them are in.
I might be in the minority, but I actually prefer when hot chicks fuck uglier guys in porn. Not scummy looking dudes, then you think it's just a little too nasty, but just guys who are in your league in terms of looks. Makes me think I got a shot. It's hard to imagine myself in the fantasy if the guy looks like a model. That's why I fucking hate Nick Manning. Well, that and the "dropping loads" antics are distracting when I'm trying to drop my own load.
I might be in the minority, but I actually prefer when hot chicks fuck uglier guys in porn. Not scummy looking dudes, then you think it's just a little too nasty, but just guys who are in your league in terms of looks. Makes me think I got a shot. It's hard to imagine myself in the fantasy if the guy looks like a model. That's why I fucking hate Nick Manning. Well, that and the "dropping loads" antics are distracting when I'm trying to drop my own load.

You should hold yourself with higher esteem.
Where's the fantasy in watching a smokin' hot chick fuck a really good looking, muscular guy? That's who those girls would fuck in real life, it's not really a "fantasy", now is it? 95% of the guys on this board couldn't get a hot pornstar without paying...those guys can...where's the fun in that for me?

Plus, why are you guys focusing on dude's so much anyhow, ya freakin' queers! :)
I might be in the minority, but I actually prefer when hot chicks fuck uglier guys in porn. Not scummy looking dudes, then you think it's just a little too nasty, but just guys who are in your league in terms of looks. Makes me think I got a shot. It's hard to imagine myself in the fantasy if the guy looks like a model. That's why I fucking hate Nick Manning. Well, that and the "dropping loads" antics are distracting when I'm trying to drop my own load.

I agree. Nick Manning has a great body and then always does his trademark "dropping loads" and it makes me laugh and screws up my orgasm. Also that Porno Dan guy for exploitation of sweethearts like Tanner Mayes.
I had to google all these guys just to get an idea of hatred you all are displaying here. I guess a couple of them don't look good, still, these guys are banging some hot women. A lot! I'd like to see any of you (whether you are good looking or ugly as hell) stop working in porn if you don't have to and constantly getting deals for scenes. That's what I thought. Stop the hate.

Also, I thought people hated that guy from MilfHunters. He's not on the list. That's all I remember reading about in terms of OMGzers! I fucking hate this guy in porn!