The 4-Minute Workout


No, just no. A 4 minute HIIT workout could be a stepping stone for a lazy person to move up into higher training (however even most newbies I've seen start at at least 15 minutes). But to call it a full workout, wow. The world's getting lazy even when they wanna be active. It's sort of an oxymoron.


Official Checked Star Member
I masturbate A LOT lol. Both for myself and it's part of the job ;). I think it helps, but my main workout is lower body.

I mostly do squats, leg lifts, and more squats to work on my lower body and booty specifically :) But I've also started doing a LOT more dancing to get the cardio. I decided to film it the other day and cut together this pseudo SFW movie. whatcha think?!?

(warning- loud music! )


