The 10 most historically inaccurate movies

The fact that the movie was exactly 300 tells me there's some 'license' being used. Can you imagine them calling it 302.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Never saw Rome, but it comes recommended.

I think the producers of Rome did a fantastic job with historical characters mixed in with character compilations. The writing was really good most of the time. You can (almost) forget that this character wasn't even born when that happened, or that character was already dead when this happened. The guy who played Julius Caesar was a really good actor, as well as the ones who played Marc Antony and Octavian-Augustus (as a child and as an adult). The only real let down was the girl who played Cleopatra. She wasn't much of an actress and the character was poorly written - even as a work of fiction. But check it out if you ever get a chance. I think you might like it. The first season is especially good. And the episode (season 2?) where Octavian becomes Augustus and rattles the Sentate kicks major ass. The Praetorian Guard really was a bad bunch of SOB's. :D

I just don't get 300 the movie. The real story is a tremendous story of bravery against all odds that arguably could be considered one of the most important in Western history. What would have happened to Western Civilization of the Persians overran Greece? So why fuck up the story with cartoons, dragons, etc?

I couldn't agree more! That's not a story that needs to be dressed up. Even if a person has no interest in ancient history, that (as a true story) would make a kick ass movie. Why they screwed with it, I :dunno: It's like telling a WWII story (Battle of the Bulge maybe), but throwing in that space aliens worked with the Germans. WTF? :rolleyes: Why?!
I just don't get 300 the movie. The real story is a tremendous story of bravery against all odds that arguably could be considered one of the most important in Western history. What would have happened to Western Civilization of the Persians overran Greece? So why fuck up the story with cartoons, dragons, etc?

It was adapted from a comic book. That's the reason all the mythical crap is added.

A friend of mine upon seeing this movie actually said this when I brought up the fact that I didn't like all the stuff you mentioned (I don't like the movie in general but small talk is small talk); "Well, it was a long time ago, there could have been cyclopsis back then".

I kid you not. :rolleyes:
It was adapted from a comic book. That's the reason all the mythical crap is added.

A friend of mine upon seeing this movie actually said this when I brought up the fact that I didn't like all the stuff you mentioned (I don't like the movie in general but small talk is small talk); "Well, it was a long time ago, there could have been cyclopsis back then".

I kid you not. :rolleyes:

You must seem like a super genius in the company of your friends.

In 6 years, Back to the Future Part II. Where are all those fucking floating skate boards?! There isn't even a signal that they are working on it. lol
300 has some inaccuracies, but it doesn't even matter because it was so awesome.
Also, pearl harbour was utter SHITE.
movies claim to be "based on a true story"
that means simply that, based. they aren't documentaries, but merely entertainment.