texting madness

a couple of articles about how much teens are texting these days
talks about how around a third of u.s. teens text over 100 times a day:
and article about the pew survey itself with some graphs

i don't know if it's bad necessarily (except perhaps for the bill their parents have to pay) but it definitely seems ridiculous to be texting 100 times a day. i guess some fear this texting madness could come to inhibit social skills. i think that rather than inhibiting social skills the more likely result will be a change in social interaction. so, perhaps, by the standards of today these kids social skills will be low, but by the standards they will institute as they come into their own they will fit right in.
Nothing wrong with texting as long as it has some relevancy. People who text shit like "lol" and "Okay" annoy me to no end.

I used to work for a phone provider and the number of calls id get about people who couldnt access their facebook through their phone used to stagger me. If even after 15 minutes for whatever reason couldnt access it, theyd be calling up to ask why! Ive sene people who talk to friends on facebook despite being the same room or within walking distance.

The money involved is their fault, they wanna waste it on shit like that then so be it. If their parents wanna give them money for it, who am I to judge.

Anyone remember that news story a while ago, about the car that crashed because the driver was texting the driver of the car in front, over corrected hit a tree and blew up? That kept me chuckling for hours!


Closed Account
I probably on average get about 1-20 text messages and send around the same ammount too. nothing wrong with text messages, but 100 a day is alot
I find texting useful as if you don't fancy talking to someone but have to communicate something it's handy. Also you can keep in touch with friends and family you can't see often, a text every few days keep the relationship fresh and alive. It will adversely affect the art of conversation but social websites such as Facebook or Twitter do far more damage in that respect, why will people talk to one another if their whole life is displayed on a webpage, most of which will be bullshit anyway.
I now prefer texting over actually talking on the phone. That's why I wish Verizon would just get texting plans for the phones. Whenever I'm having an actual conversation over the phone, I hate any moment of dead air, it instantly turns awkward. With texting, it's just straight to the point, in and out


Yes its ridiculous how much teens text(or sext) nowadays, I am certain that over time they will all become social lepers thanks to texting and no actual physical interaction with people. It sickens me.

*goes back to posting on other threads*


Member, you member...
A lot of teens have a lot of friends, so 100 texts a day is not outlandish.
I heard about this this morning and so everyone needs to get on an unlimited plan - something I wanted years ago.
Yeah nothing is wrong with texting I prefer texting rather than calls..

But some people are retarded driving with no hands on the wheel and both eyes on their phone, is what you have to say really so important that you cant wait until you're out of the car, you'd really rather tell your friend LOL and risk an accident instead of just waiting?

I also cant stand people who text at my college, its like Why are you spending so much money just to be on your damn phone all the time? Its rude and sometimes the professor will see it and stop the class just to point it out. Its seems like people dont have proper etiquette for when and when not to text