The only reason he didn't go off on you is because he perceived you as sympathetic to his cause. You knew he wasn't directing his threads at you when he posted something like
this, or
this, or
this, or
this, and that's just the thread titles. He thought you were on his side, maybe you were, but you don't seem to be locked into republican party propaganda, you just don't seem to trust any of them, maybe a little more distrust of liberals, but I wouldn't pigeonhole you the way Sam pigeonholed himself.
Yeah, I'm not really pro anybody. I have voted for many Dems....specifically Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland. He was a really good Governor. I get your point, and I did agree with some of the stuff he posted...he mainly lost me with the hardcore anti abortion, birth control stuff. But I have let him know I disagreed, and he always treated me decent. I guess it is what it is, and I have seen him act like a douche to you, and many others...I see your point, I just can't jump on the I hate Sam bandwagon.
piggy said:
yeah I am not arguing that she deals with a mentally ill person daily.
I could go dig and find your exact reply but why bother when you backed up that post just a few posts before this one. you said "No, I didn't continually deflect and dismiss their behavior, I pointed out they aren't the only ones that commit such atrocities" So someone says to you "Priests are raping little kids" and THAT is your reply? Instead of "I know it's horrible!" or "How fucked up! I hope they burn in hell!" no, you didn't do that. You acted like a little kid who got caught eating his boogers and when mommy scolded him said "But Jimmy does it too!"
that is where my issue was, and for good reason. "Hey that guy just punched an old woman in the face!" your reply would be "Hey, a lot of people punch old women in the face." A guy butt fucks your wife and your reply is "A lot of people butt fuck my sack of shit wife!"
No actually, you can't. They deleted it, because you broke the rules, and the post had to be removed. My God, you are truly a fucking whacked out of her skull retard. How in the flying flaming fuck, can you equate pointing out many people commit a crime, with condoning a group doing it?!?! You are totally out of your cum filled brain! Because I didn't immediately jump on the "mariah hates the church, so you must too" band wagon, and become a violently deranged maniac, with a blood lust to start killing priests that molest children, I too, am also a kiddie diddler. You're a out of your fucking mind. First of all, I guarantee, I have committed far more violence towards people, hurting children, or the elderly, then you have ever dreamed of, and secondly cum sponge, YOU went after loved ones long ago...your little bastard became fair game, when you brought my wife into it, with the whole cuckhold thing. You're just a petulant, whiny waste of life, not to mention a detriment to the brand that "Freeones" has tried to create.But since you've probably had your head slammed into to many walls or head boards, whiling being thew fuck pig you are, I will try once more...just once.
While it is true, there are far to many catholic priests molesting children, and getting away with it...I would like to point out that, many other organizations have this problem too. Lets not forget those poor children, because we have a hatred for religion, and what it represents. Teachers, scout leaders, coaches...they've all been guilty of this crime to, so lets save a little room around the burning stake for them too.
Now, you lying, abusive waste of life, be proud. YOU are the reason why I will NEVER be against abortion...the world would be better off, if your mother would have had one. As far as my mother goes....sorry, no black cock there, she was about as big a racist as they come, and my wife....she's been with less men in her whole life, then you've been with in one infected ball bag, of festering cock snot. Do the world, and the board a favor.....