16 years. The wheels of justice turn slowly but we're talking donkey cart here.
A woman, finally. How many women have been executed in that Enlightened State?
Who fuckin' cares?
I do, which is why I asked, genius.
You have a simple mind, so I'll speak slower for you...
Who the fuck cares is a common way of saying "only a fool cares about the gender of an executed convict", since the relevant point is should people be executed by an imperfect Government system. I should have realized that the question alone indicated a lack of a sharp and discerning mind.
Was that slow enough for you? Should I use less syllables, dumbass?
It's not like Google isn't on everyone's 'net, huh?
Only thing Texas does right.
Only thing Texas does right.
Hit the road Jack and don't ya come back no more, no more, no more, no more..........
They seem to be pretty good at football, oh and BBQ.
That too...and technology (high tech, oilfield and energy tech), 10% of the GDP, high standard of living, huge land areas and lots of coastline, shitloads of work, and zee blows chickens doesn't live here!
Almost couldn't be better...just need to cut down on the liberals flooding the state running from those collapsing economies in their former Blue state homes.
They seem to be pretty good at football, oh and BBQ.
I love Texas, or I should say, I love the ideals of Texas (rugged independence). I've only driven through it a few times going cross country, but I was never the same.
Counseling and a battery of meds should do the trick.
Counseling and a battery of meds should do the trick.
I tried that. I even went to a specialist about my problem (football, BBQ and Texas) and was diagnosed with incurable heterosexualism.
The history of the Texas people is an amazing story. Present day Texans have this need to feel more important than everyone else on the planet.
Having been to Dallas, Austin, and Houston many times it's for certain a nice place to visit but this 'Heaven on earth" mind set??? I just do not see it.