What happens when the liberals leave?
The mayor of Colorado City on Tuesday: “No one owes you [or] your family anything. I’m sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout! The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING!" He urged residents to "step up and come up with a game plan" for acquiring power or heat. “Only the strong will survive and the weak will [perish],”
Try not paying your utility bill and see how long the utility company will keep supplying the power! Very liberal of me I know, but I would suggest the utility company owes them the power they purchase.
Beto O'Rourke says Texas is nearing being a 'failed state'. [Probably not, but it makes a good sound bite.]
I admire Ted for admitting "I got no defense".
These are very good reminders that we are all in this together. No one is immune because calamity strikes blue states and red states. Pointing fingers solves nothing. Holding people, organizations, and governments accountable may actually solve something.