Hi, erm, stupendously big post coming up. This has been building up for a while. :o
I've been following this thread since I first saw the glorious Tessa taking a bath. I googled her name immediately after picking my jaw up from the floor. I've been surprised by the level of bitterness about the no porn thing from some people. Nice replies to mriwck's jealous rage by the way.
Her recent interview - when she was talking about using her real name - got me thinking. It occurred to me that we know Tessa surprisingly well.
She's talked on camera and on forums about her feelings about her career, her past, her current living arrangements, her family, friends and relationships - not just as a prepared list of details, but in a thoughtful and personal way. I used to assume that, along with a characterised version of herself with the giddiness and innocence turned up to the max, a lot of this was a bit of fantasy to get us going and keep us going, but in all this time there's no evidence of this. By all accounts the Tessa we see is pretty close to the Tessa known by her friends.
With Tessa, when she says 'if you see me, come and say hi' she honestly means it. She's happy to admit she likes the attention, and welcomes the consequence of her boob goddess responsibilities mixing with her personal life. She's casual about saying it but it's definitely no small thing. Now I realise that sexy teases like 'I might show more but my photographer's like an old friend. It'd feel weird', and her coy 'uh oh, my dad found out!' (in 'Back with an Explanation) really were Tessa genuinely explaining herself, and it makes her one hundred times sexier.
It's perfectly realistic to be uncertain about the future. In Tessa's case I see it less as planned prick-teasing and more of an openness to talk about her thoughts, even when doing so causes backlash and judgement from some people. It's easy to read a prepared lie but pretty much impossible to stick to character without stumbling on some details somewhere.
Perhaps in the age of Twitter, this level of intimacy is nothing special to some people, but to me, and coming from someone as beautiful as Tessa, it's incredible.
And while her main videos are pretty samey, and seeing reposts of reposts in this thread can get annoying. It's more than worth it for those moments that frequently capture her genuineness. Like being slightly awkward, posing almost convincingly but a bit embarrassed about owning Earth's greatest body; or for seeing her chat, giggle, play around, masturbate and then blush, and giggle some more, like you know, a real person would in the situation; or for sometimes seeing her accidentally flash a bit too much and then laugh about it; or surprise everyone by snogging her naked flatmate and giggling about the act rather than trying to fake a whole fantasy; or for getting tipsy, falling about and letting out a real tit-jiggling belly laugh. She's slightly unpredictable while in control enough that she does what she wants and enjoys what she does. If this is stringing along, then keep doing it please. In case you can't already tell I have a massive crush on her.
In contrast, Lucy Wilde is a perfect example, and I'd been thinking of this girl before learning her name just now. She always comes to mind when I think of everything I don't want to see. She's detached from the persona she offers the camera and becomes an ultra submissive, dead-eyed and lifeless doll taking it from every angle. Turn-off would be an understatement. Her look is so inhuman that I just feel extremely sorry for her ...and guilty about having ever watched porn ...and tempted to sign up to anti-porn campaigns ...and devote the rest of my life to seeing the producers arrested for abuse. ...Or, let's just put it this way: hard to wank to!
So whenever someone rants about what Tessa
doesn't do, I'm actually just saddened that someone could be so frustrated by an interruption in their hardcore porn schedule that they can't see how much of herself Tessa truly shares with her fans.