Terminator Salvation

In a word, dont bother.

Despite an impressive opening movie and the initial feel of what could be Gears of War meets termintor, it quickly fizzles into a basic, unchallenging run of the mill shooter.

The story as far as I am aware at least, relates in no way to the movie and is as insiginificant as the game itself. A rescue mission into enemy territory to bring back a few men and inspire hope for the resistance. There was series potential for a juicy plot, even one that alluded to the movie, but if nothing else its just an excuse to blow up some villains that resemble the famed terminator.

The villains themselves are particularly uninteresting, there are 4 machines who recur with predictable frequency and are dispatched with disapointing ease. Once you learn the weaknesses of each its a few carefully placed round to bring them down. Ammo is rarely in short supply, so you can bullet hose anything that moves without worry of being caught short later.

There is no real end villain, to any of the 9 stages and the actual end of the game is a straight run through the level to an evac point which is not timed and you are in no real threat of failing.

The HUD is limited to a self replenishing health bar, ammo counter and crosshair. Perhaps the one element of the game that does have merit is the "slide and hide" move, which allows you to advance from cover to cover while keeping your head down. Not to be mistaken for the Gears move, this doesnt allow you to climb over, just navigate around. There is also no crouch function. (What game doesnt let you crouch, honestly!)

If you have a keen ear you will spot a few famous voices from other xbox titles and a few celeb voices make the mix, but blend into the background to easily to be noticed.

Nicely rendered scenery make the backdrop of the wartorn LA, skyscrapers, wsteland etc and it is visually pleasing, but you progress through the levels and game as a whole so fast unless you stop to grab a bite to eat you really dont have much excuse to look around, there are no hidden items or any point in adventuring beyond the straight line levels.

Completion time on easy was 3 hours. I chose easy believing i would enjoy the story and then replay more challengingly. A poor 11 achievements, 1 per level and then another for completion on medium and hard respectively. Do I really wanna put myself through again though for a another 180 Points? I really dont think so.

Save yourself the money and dont bother with the game, if you want some easy points, rent it at least, you wont need more than a weekend. And that includes sunday off!
That's what happens when they release a game before the movie even comes out. The idea is to get gamers to shell out money ahead of time.
Yeah, it's got dismal reviews. After "I'll be back" it was all downhill IMO :)
I started this game yesterday at around nine pm or there abouts. And I finished it about four hours later [on easy mode]. The game is just too damn short. I didn't buy it I got it from a friend so as I could see if it was worth buying [try before buy]. It is worth buying, but it is not worth the full asking price at the moment. I will not be paying any more than 25 pounds for this game. Nice atmosphere and good settings for each level and the control setup is decent too. And it has a co-op mode for the single player campaign which all games should have of this type. Four hours is not worth 35 pounds and the same goes for Left 4 Dead it is too shallow as well. Infact it can be finished quicker than Terminator can. Wait till the price drops before you buy Terminator. It wont be long, licenced games are rarely in demand and the price usually drops quick.