Terminator Female Charecters: Which one is the hottest?

Which charecter is the hottest?

  • Linda Hamilton

    Votes: 13 9.8%
  • Claire Danes

    Votes: 5 3.8%
  • Lena Headey

    Votes: 9 6.8%
  • Summer Glau

    Votes: 37 28.0%
  • Leven Rambin

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Shirley Manson

    Votes: 2 1.5%
  • Bryce Dallas Howard

    Votes: 7 5.3%
  • Moon Bloodgood

    Votes: 8 6.1%
  • Helena Bonham Carter

    Votes: 4 3.0%
  • Kristanna Loken

    Votes: 46 34.8%

  • Total voters
Even back then she was not attractive. Saying she is hot, is like saying Sigourney Weaver was hot in Alien. But to each their own I guess.

Well, no, but back then, she was meant to be a regular kind of gal, trying to make it as a waitress in LA. That's the ridiculous nature of Hollywood now- now everyone has to be hot- which is completely unrealistic. The character of Sarah Connor wasn't meant to be a flashy, hot young chick that stood out. That was the point- she was so normal, it was unfathomable that this huge machine from the future would come to kill HER.

I really haven't liked anything "Terminator" since T2. Hopefully the new movie will be good, but I won't hold my breath.

Sarah MF Connor!

NBBCash Matze

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
From all the movies and the tv show. Here are the list of charecters:

The Terminator and T2:
1. Linda Hamilton (as Sarah Connor)

Terminator 3: ROTM
1. Claire Danes (as Kate Brewster)
2. Kristanna Loken (as T-X)

Terminator: TSCC
1. Lena Headey (as Sarah Connor)
2. Summer Glau (as Cameron)
3. Leven Rambin (as Riley)
4. Shirley Manson (as Catherine Weaver)

Terminator Salvation
1. Bryce Dallas Howard (as Kate Connor)
2. Moon Bloodgood (as Blair Williams)
3. Helena Bonham Carter (as Dr. Serena Kogen)

wow good work man, nice lineup. Kristanna Loken is damn hot, I've seen her in Bloodrayne (movie was ok but Kristanna was awesome)
Summer Glau's Cameron was the best Terminator out of all the terminators from from the movies because her cyborg was more emotionally complex than the other ones. She appeard to be more human at times . Not only that but I'm surprised John Conner didn't reprogram Cameron to give him some head every now and than. I would have made that at least her 2nd mission statement

NBBCash Matze

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
TheVern;3903221... I'm surprised John Conner didn't reprogram Cameron to give him some head every now and than. I would have made that at least her 2nd mission statement

I think he doesn't want to get an ecetric shock, who knows how it looks inside of her :D . Hot she is, thats right.
I've never even heard of most of them. I only saw 1-3, so the only 2 women that I've seen in Terminator are Linda Hamilton and Kristanna Loken. Of those 2, well, Linda Hamilton wasn't hot even when she was hot, so, um, yeah. :thumbsup: