I still don't know what it represents. But the colour is awful. I don't care for Janine L's either, but at least the colours are reasonably feminine. Tera's look like they belong on a Hell's Angel's back from 1995. Ugly and masculine, yuch.
I have always found Tera quite beautiful and this terrible tattoo I feel was a very bad move on her part. Also I wish Memphis Monroe had not had a tattoo put on her right forearm. Of course this is up to them both if that is what they like so be it. :dunno:
The tattoo's are up to Tera; having said that I like them. Since Janine Lindemulder isn't working anymore, maybe Tera will get some more. Maybe a full back tattoo would be cool!
I LOVE tats on chicks, and think sleeves are hot. But, the prob here, is the color is all bad, and it is hard to tell what the hell it is. Bad tat, sorry.