this question sounds easy to answer, but it can go either way
all things put together i would say both yes and no. the National Security measures, whatever you think of them, that Bush instituted and Obama has continued most of them have helped keep the US safe from attacks within. Without those policies alot of terror plots being hatched within couldnt have been broken up. One of the big reasons 9/11 happend was becuase the Intel agencies were in shambles and not communicating with one another, unfortunately it took a massive attack on the US to bring them back working together. As for the recent misses, i dont put the blame on Obama, i blame Sec. Napolitano for her incompetence, she is really lucky the people sent to excecute the plans were to terrorism what a 3rd string QB is to NFL teams. Which brings me to another part of national security, the southern border which neither party can say theyve done a good job on. This is one part where bad guys can strike from anytime they desire, they can sneak their drugs in easily, whats to stop others from doing worst. The border has to be addressed honestly and without injecting hardcore politics into the debate for the issue to be dealt with honestly.