Ten years after 9/11, is America safer?

Ten years after 9/11, is America safer?

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Since 9/11, we've invaded two countries and invested huge amounts of money into the national security apparatus. That being said, has all of this made us safer?


Shit no. Because our dorkus ex-President completely ignored what the Republicans had been bitching about for decades. The CIA, FBI and DoD have been tragically underfunded since Vietnam. Does he rectify this situation in the post-9/11 hysteria? No. He goes and forms the complete waste of time and money: Dept. of Homeland Security. Right wingers always bitch about smaller government - how you likin' it now? Another bloated bureaucracy draining billions from where it would do the most good.

No, we are not safer. But we could have been.


Bin Laden and his ilk said they hated merika because it put troops in muslim countries, backed dictatorships and helped Israel steal Palestinian land.

The US has managed to continue all three of those things on an even larger scale. I'm going to take a stab in the dark here and say they are more inclined to want to attack than ever before. That's just a wild guess though.

The cash invested into the national security state has nothing to do with preventing another attack. It's just the military, corporate vultures and politicians working in concert to ride the gravy train and exert control over an easily coerced public. Even if it was designed for that purpose it's shown to be completely ineffective (times square bomber, underwear bomber, fort hood shooting).

American's biggest obstacle to preventing another attack is their government.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


Yes, America is safer in spite of going to war in Iraq.

how is it safer?

for 10 years the muslim world has had video footage of muslim civilians being dug out of rubble after Us/coalition airstrikes and footage of US/coaltion soldiers bursting into muslims's homes and holding them at gunpoint, beamed into their television screens on a daily basis.

You think that created less animosity?

You need to look no further than the 1980s to see that these people for what they are.

not one of those examples can be seperated out from American foreign policy. It's rubbish to say that they are going to attacks you no matter what.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If nothing else would have happened to set the Middle East on fire against the USA, the pictures of soldiers and civilians getting tortured and abused, those terrible photograühs with female US soldiers with Iraqies on a leash, etc, would be enough.

Plus, the soldiers have invaded places holy to uslims, this can never be accepted.

Imagine soldiers from Iraq or Iran invading national monuments and churches in the USA, saying they will bring peace and freedom to the country


how is it safer?

for 10 years the muslim world has had video footage of muslim civilians being dug out of rubble after Us/coalition airstrikes and footage of US/coaltion soldiers bursting into muslims's homes and holding them at gunpoint, beamed into their television screens on a daily basis.

You think that created less animosity?

not one of those examples can be seperated out from American foreign policy. It's rubbish to say that they are going to attacks you no matter what.

Yea, fuck those 'merican aggressors!
How dare they bully the kind, friendly and engaging moslems!

Seriously, out of all of the conflicts going on in the world over the last 20 - 30 years (we'll say), what percentage involve muslims who refuse to get along with their non muslim neighbors?
It's hard to say.

There has been, in a certain sense, a growth in the way the US and many western nations are able to recognise and terminate likely threats - which of course is to be expected. Those threats aren't going away however, with AQIM now coming to the forefront, overshadowing the diminishing presence of AQAP we shouldn't be under any false illusions now that Bin Laden is dead. Which is why I second Mayhem's comments about the lack of funding for certain governmental institutions and how such actions will hinder the cause. My main gripes are about the proposed budget cuts to the diplomatic corps in the State department ans USAID. While defence is important, attempting to combat such movements before they pop-up or win hearts and minds of those who might be susceptible to such rhetoric should be of far greater importance than it currently is.

So, in effect, I'm sitting on the fence.


Yea, fuck those 'merican aggressors!
How dare they bully the kind, friendly and engaging moslems!

predictable strawman

I didn't say muslims were peaceful or kind, I said that America's foreign policy is intrinsically linked to the attacks it's suffered. To pretend otherwise is to stick your head in the sand.

And yes, aggressor is an appropriate title for the US:

Seriously, out of all of the conflicts going on in the world over the last 20 - 30 years (we'll say), what percentage involve muslims who refuse to get along with their non muslim neighbors?

Doesn't change the fact that they hate American policies first and foremost, not the fact that America is majority non-muslim.

More state terrorism has come from the west than any other source during the last 3 decades.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
America = Fixes everything with war...
I heard Ayman al-Zawahiri is more dangerous than Bin Ladden ever was.

There are so many security checks now that it makes it hard for terrorists to get through but there are other ways like the 7/7 bombings here in the uk.

I think it is a tiny bit safer but i don't think Al Queda are done yet

I hope there is never another terroist attack, but i'm sure that Al Queda will always try and get through to get their message across


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Security checks will not stop terrorism. You can get a lot of things for causing havoc in the USA, all kind of weaponry, a lot of chemic substances for mixing terrible bombs.

And you can even win a weapon from the Republicans, if you want to add some dark irony to it.


Only amateurs would try to move around, transporting dangerous material by plane. The pros would never do stupid shit like that


Yes, because an attack like 9/11 was inevitable. If it wasn't then, it would of been 2, 3, 5 or 6 years later. And it hasn't happened since, purely down to security factors we see daily, and likelyhood is it probably won't happen again on anything close to that scale.

Clearly, it fucking is.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
More paranoid? Most definitely!
Safer? :dunno:
Not really, wars against Iraq and Afghanistan have turned a whole new generation of muslims against the west and it only takes a small percentage of them turning to terror for it to become a large problem. All other countries involved in these conflicts have become a lot unsafer after 9/11 when they faced little or no danger before, these include the UK, Spain, Australia, Pakistan and Scandanavian countries. Also as the focus remains on muslim groups other terrorist groups could exploit this and there could well be further danger from groups like the Real IRA, ETA and right wing extremists etc.