Where do you buy these? :D
Will E Worm Conspiracy... Jul 14, 2009 #1 Where do you buy these? Attachments fail-owned-sticker-fail2.jpg 39.5 KB · Views: 204
Ainttalkinlove Jul 14, 2009 #3 no way is that real? well maybe if its from 1890. but then again the dude in the tank top looks like hes stuck in the 80s. "Yeah" he says "I got a tattoo!"
no way is that real? well maybe if its from 1890. but then again the dude in the tank top looks like hes stuck in the 80s. "Yeah" he says "I got a tattoo!"
rob41493 Jul 15, 2009 #4 lol i like how it say for ages 5 and up. Imagine a 5 year old with that tattoo. That would be messed up.
lol i like how it say for ages 5 and up. Imagine a 5 year old with that tattoo. That would be messed up.
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jul 15, 2009 #7 Tattoo might last for days...You Might not, but the tattoo will