Television Shows

All the CSI
Battlestar Galactica
DR. Who
Right now I'm really into Mad Men, The Office, True Blood, Entourage, Real Time with Bill Maher, Californication and anything to do with the NFL.
Becks...poamr said:
Did I mention Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares?
Ramsay rules!

The Weakest Link
Mindy And Mork
Fawlty Towers
Monty Python's Flying Circus
All In the Family
The Odd Couple
Time Trumpet
Married With Children
The Fall Guy
Starsky And Hutch
The Gong Show
The Bad News Bears
The Simpsons


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm kind of impressed that Fringe hasn't completely sucked yet. I actually like it. Hopefully it doesn't slowly fade away like most Sci-Fi shows do.
Sports related: Pro Wrestling, Football, Poker, occasional Red Sox games

Current TV: The Office, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Gossip Girl, The Big Bang Theory, Heroes, 24, 30 Rock, Dexter, The L Word

No longer airing/Syndication: The Sopranos, Boy Meets World, Fresh Prince, George Lopez, 8 Simple Rules, The Adventures of Pete and Pete, Beauty and the Geek, The Black Donnellys, Undeclared

There's probably a few more, but I can't think of them.
Currently enjoying a Vietnam War-based action drama from the 80s called Tour of Duty.

Probably not that historically accurate, but gripping and exciting all the same.
Anything on ESPN
King of Queens(I love that show!)
Family Guy
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air(classic)
Hell's Kitchen
The Wire(best show ever made)
True Blood

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
These are the must see shows. Anything else is just killing time.
Sun. - Simpsons, Family Guy
Mon. - Big Bang Theory
Tues. - NCIS
House. If I don't watch it I get cranky. Good thing it's on USA every night. :)
The Wire (the greatest show on TV)
The Sopranos
South Park (better than simpsons and family guy)
The Shield

I'll add to the list, as 4 out of the 5 shows I listed are no longer on (there's always DVD, I do own the complete series to 3 out of those 4):

Mad Men
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Damages (just gotten into it)
30 Rock
Newswipe / Screenwipe

I can't remember anything else right now.
South Park
Two and a half men
King of Queens
Food Network (only some of the shows though)
and the local comcast channel because it show the A's games and local sports
Ultimate Fighter
Sons of Anarchy
Real World/Road Rules Challenge
South Park

The Sopranos was by far the best series ever aired though.


I really don't like TV, the only time I watch seasoned programs is online or on box sets (if they don't make it to DVD, you know its shit). I watch South Park every week, and some specials on Channel 4, for example Dead Set which I thought was fucking brilliant.
I dislike most reality tv shows (Dancing With The Stars and all that stuff) and since I got a pretty "knowledge-intense" job I stopped watching most documentary stuff, too, because I caught myself more and more getting agitated about wrong or missing details and facts.

But I really like scripted drama and comedy series, recently especially House MD, Southland, The Mentalist, Sons Of Anarchy, United States of Tara or 30 Rock, to name a few.

Other than that, just the news and some sports like K-1.
i must admit i dont watch much tv . i record all nba and nfl football games along with wrestling family guy and simpsons and southland and i watch them during the morings then i turn my tv off until next moring