Telemarketing calls

Funny, I just had one of those fucking calls from Cablevision who is the WORST. I told the guy don't call me again. I like the Seinfeld response best


Re: Telemarketing calls

Always at the dinner hour too! :hammer: :flame:

Well, at least you guys in the UK get to watch tv in the comfort of your own home without having to monkey with the remote control every time a commercial comes on... :mad:


Bill Would Lower TV Commercial Volume

Have you ever noticed how some TV commercials sound louder than the programs you are watching? U.S. Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-California, 14th) has noticed, says it's done on purpose, finds it annoying and has introduced a bill to make it stop.

Rep. Eshoo's Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act, or CALM, would order the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to create and enforce federal regulations requiring that television advertisements not be excessively noisy.

''C.A.L.M.'' Spare us the cutesy acronym, Anna.:facepalm:

i get one telemarketer call maybe once every couple of months. regardless of how rare they are tho, it never makes them any less annoying. i personally just hang up on them the moment they tell me what the selling point is, no use listening to whats for sale if i have no intentions of buying.
I just got woken by the bastards again today. About half an hour ago. The phone rang and I answered, there was a second or two of silence and I hung up right there. As that was probably me being put through to one of the sales reps. I hope those sons of rat shit die in a fucking house fire while listening to The Spice Girls.
Used to have some during the year at evenings, I usually ask and tell them :" who gave you my number? If you won't answer me then pass me your manager now and I will have some words with him and it is a direct order." After that I never received a call back from any of these people. Presenting yourself at phone and talking with someone with easyness at phone especially when it comes to professional matters is not given to everyone.
One time at my inlaws, they kept getting a telemarketing call that said, "Please hold the line for the next available operator", so I took the phone, waited, and once an outsourced person was online, asking for Mr. ______ I said, "Is your name ____?" (Muffled response). Then I responded "Oh, I'm sorry, they're a little tied up right now!", then proceeded to put my hand over my mouth and give muffled cries for help and pretend like I had put the phone down and snapped someones neck, make a walking gesture back say, "There's so much blood, how am I gonna clean that all up, and crap! Fingerprints!" Breathed heavily into the phone and said "Uhhh, hello?" I heard a gulp on the other end, and said, "Sorry, their dead, I guess you'd better put them on your do not call list". Long story, but it was worth it.
I have too, different strategies for dealing with them (and apparently two, much time on my hands...:) )

1. When they call, start responding to there questions with either curse words and vulgarity (don't curse them but just use ass disgustingly foul a language as you can) with no reference to anything they're talking about.

2. When they call, just start a slow, building laugh that erupts in to a hysterical laugh where they can't even talk over it.

In all cases they have hung up never to return.:D
I just had another shit stain bastard on the phone a few minutes ago. They were asking me if it was ok to send me a box so as I could keep all of my spare change in it. And once it was full send it to them as it was a childrens charity based in Glasgow that was looking for donations. I just said NOPE and then hung up. Glasgow is only like 30 odd miles away from my house so I think a baseball bat with nails hammered through it and a visit to their office is due.

"Don't you have an off to fuck?" I might say this to the next cunt bastard prick that calls me. I get so rage filled thinking about scum fucks like this. Telemarketing is a disease and it should be treated in the same way anyother disease is. One way for the next political party to get my vote come the next election is for them to crack down on this telemarketing shit. If they do it, my vote is theirs!. I don't care WHO the party is.

Imagine, the bastards want my loose change that I save up. It ain't happening. I've got £33.92p so far and it's going into the bank as part of my savings. Charity starts at home. And nothing is more important than the Ravenholm Music and Movie Foundation. It's a charity that collects money so I can buy DVDs and music for myself. Any and all donations, by the way, are welcome!.


.I'm getting calls from people who claim to be my brothers, sisters and friends between the hours of 8AM and 12 midnight everyday....
Yep, everybody wants to go out and do things, you know, pub it up, eat lunch or dinner, see a film, go shopping etc.... ''I hate you'', I tell them... ''Just who do they think I am, money bags or something? I mean... the audacity of some of these titewads... ''you wanna go out and do something later'', sure, I tell them... but ya ain't gonna forget to bring you purse or wallet this time... fookin cheapskates! :facepalm: :o
