One time at my inlaws, they kept getting a telemarketing call that said, "Please hold the line for the next available operator", so I took the phone, waited, and once an outsourced person was online, asking for Mr. ______ I said, "Is your name ____?" (Muffled response). Then I responded "Oh, I'm sorry, they're a little tied up right now!", then proceeded to put my hand over my mouth and give muffled cries for help and pretend like I had put the phone down and snapped someones neck, make a walking gesture back say, "There's so much blood, how am I gonna clean that all up, and crap! Fingerprints!" Breathed heavily into the phone and said "Uhhh, hello?" I heard a gulp on the other end, and said, "Sorry, their dead, I guess you'd better put them on your do not call list". Long story, but it was worth it.