Telemarketing calls

I get about 3 per week (here in Belgium) and they are the most ennoying thing ever invented. They should hang those guys upside down, tied on their penisses. They really piss me off. :cussing:
But I've found myself a way to get rid of them. If you answer the phone and leave it there with the line open if you hear it's on of them, they never call you back :D

Instant classic that is. Most definitely. If they are coming to him with unwanted calls I don't see how they have any ground to stand on if they get a response like that from anyone or everyone. Hell if they got it from everyone there would be no calls like this. I too have had them from BT. That guy is on my Xmas list. Damn right he is!.


knows petras secret: she farted.
whats worse than a telemarketer call?

one in fucking spanish.

and, no im not trying to be funny, it really pisses me off.
You can take Jessica Alba... I beg you please take her and never return her.

I agree. I liked for like the first couple months she was famous but she is nothing compared to the blond bombshells I see all day up here in the Midwest. She ain't shit.

In a way they have no ground on which to come back with if you tell them to fuck off or anything. They are invading your privacy with unwanted nusance calls. So they deserve all they get. One tell tale sign here in the UK is that it takes a second or two to put you through to one of their calling staff. If you answer and say "Hello" there is a second or two of completel silence then they answer. It's like an autodialing machine has all the numbers in it and dials each of them in turn, then who ever answers gets put through to the staff. It's as it's putting you through that you can cut off. I usually do.

Fairly certain here stateside that legislature has (or was) introduced to prosecute the fucks via company fines. I can't remember details or if you have to take action, but I was thrilled when I heard that.
Next time they call do this:
Tele: Hello is MR. X present?
You: Yes he is on a ladder and rushing ove... oh my GOD! He just fell! There is blood everywhere! Oh my his head is split in two!

ect, ect.
Just have fun with the stories!
i like to talk to them for a bit real friendly like about whatever might be on my mind then hang up mid-sentence...i know it probably doesn't matter all that much to the workers but it's kind of fun


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
On Fridays when I work from home, we'll ocassionally get one that ignores the do not call list. I let them go through their whole routine and when they get to the end, I simply say, "I'm sorry, I don't speak dutch. Can you repeat all of that in english?"

Most of them just hang up and I never hear from them again. Ocassionally I get one brave enough to give it a go and after about 10 seconds I interrupt and tell them I'm not interested.

Oh, and blowhorns work wonders. :angels:
They can die in Hell.

Want to know something scary? they are probably calling from Hell. Hence the reason they seem to be everywhere and unstoppable by us mere mortals. Get rid of one and three more turn up.

Next time they call do this:
Tele: Hello is MR. X present?
You: Yes he is on a ladder and rushing ove... oh my GOD! He just fell! There is blood everywhere! Oh my his head is split in two!

ect, ect.
Just have fun with the stories!

You'd think I would do that but I don't have the patience. I am just sick and tired of the fuckers calling now and then. I had to change my old number that I had for 6 years because I was getting calls like three or four times a week. Fucking prick bastards that they are.

Another thing, here in the UK the council SELLS our details to companies like those of the telemarketing kind. And nothing is done about it. There's some sort of loop hole that allows them to do it. So our addresses and phone numbers are given outto anyone who wants them. And anyone can buy a copy of the voting register so your details on it are available to anyone as well. We have no real privacy here in the UK.

On Fridays when I work from home, we'll ocassionally get one that ignores the do not call list. I let them go through their whole routine and when they get to the end, I simply say, "I'm sorry, I don't speak dutch. Can you repeat all of that in english?"

Most of them just hang up and I never hear from them again. Ocassionally I get one brave enough to give it a go and after about 10 seconds I interrupt and tell them I'm not interested.

Oh, and blowhorns work wonders. :angels:

Blowhorns, my uncle has one. Fucking deafening so it is. And that's if you blast it outside. Imagine what it would be like if it was fired off inside. Window shattering stuff it would be.
This thread is exactly the reason the telemarketing column in the 'employment' section of my paper is ALWAYS hiring. I was never ballsy or low enough that I could ever go there even though at times I did urgently need employment, and even though the pay wasn't slave wages.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
We have a do not call list in the great state of Indiana. Once you sign up, they don't bother you again. If by chance they do, you report them, and someone shoots the offending person.

But seriously, I haven't been bothered by telemarketers in a few years.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Here's how. You let them talk on and on. You ask questions. lots and lots of questions, often the same ones again and again. You make them spend half and hour, 40 minutes and hour on the phone, making them explain and re-explain every facet of their product, their company, their privacy policies.

Then, when they are at the end of their tether, exhausted emotionally and physically, you say, OK, I'd like to buy that.

They ask you for your details.

You hang up.

You very quickly go onto a timewasters blacklist.

Also, make sure you take the tiem to properly read every service contract, account agreement etc etc and opt out of every single 'share you details with trusted partners' clause.

I never get telemarketing calls.

I wonder why?
calling your home phone is one thing..but they started that shit on my cell awhile like oooooo hell no i be damn if thats flying..i called my cell phone provider and cussed alllll them motherfuckers out...i dont have much cell phone activity so i just got a pay as you go caust everytime you answer it i was mad as bet they thought damn..whats up his ass:mad:
Telemarketing calls are always at the most awkwardest of times, when you don't actually have the time. Such as lunchtime and when you're just about sitting down in the evening to eat your meal, but the cold callers are just as bad, because you always get people asking if you are happy with your gas and electricity, or if you would like double glazing. :facepalm:

The only glazing I'm interested in, involves a babe... Double glazing. :drool2: :1orglaugh