Synthia @ teen-stop Greasy Long haired young fella on bed
Anita @ creaminteen Short hair young fella on bed.
Terri @ quickiefuck Building site
Yana @ myspyvids In stockings, Fat blond bloke
For some reason, she has been attributed elsewhere as
Olischa at Teen-Stop, but this is FALSE. I have a saved
web page from about 1 or 2 years ago naming her Synthia,
and today, the homepage dont work proper and next to Synthia
they have what looks like some bloke being buried alive in
a forest, with the Synthia text being nothing to do with it.
If you Google for ***************************** downloads under that FALSE name, for some reason the name
has been falsly adopted as hers but it is wrong. It is possible
that Olischa is her real name, BUT, she has done no scenes
that I can find anywhere under that name.
CreaminTeen is now a dead site but I have a page from there
too with her as Anita. Similar for QuickieFuck and MySpyVids
where the sites are still up and name her as above.
Lastly, on MySpyVids, there seems to be a 60:59 video of
Synthia which to my knowledge has not escaped into the wild,
wish it would.
EDIT: Do not try to indicate content sharing searches. Read rules.
Well, first day registered, not terribly impressed, was in
middle of editing previous post, told could not edit post,
logged out and back in, now cannot find EDIT button
despite showing "You can edit your posts".
Well as I cant edit, the previous post is a bit wrong,
CreaminTeen works OK, its QuickieFuck that is currently not
loading but DNS seems to be working for it.
On MySpyVids you will find her named under the "ALL MY GIRLS"