Teacher forced to resign for modeling pics

"Hey man...I wonder what the teacher's gonna look like this year!"
This reminds me of another incident, concerning former Comcast Sports Net's correspondent Susannah Collins. The Blackhawks ceo (or whatever his title) had her removed because of "raunchy, foul-mouthed" videos she did in the past, before she was hired. Meanwhile, hall of famer Bobby Hull, a known wife-beater, is still employed by them. Makes no sense.
I suppose the larger isssue here is if you paid teachers what they truly EARN, they wouldn't have to moonlight, would they? I travel extensively for work, and the one thing I've noticed is the countries that are kicking our butts education-wise all have one thing in common: They ALL pay and treat teachers like the guarantors of the future they are. Says a lot that a woman can make a LOT more money, and in many circles, get more respect from posing nude or doing porn than she gets from preparing the next generation to make the world better. You want American education to be second to none? Respect the teaching profession more. It all begins and ends with the person standing at the front of the classroom. Here's a thought, when you're asking peoples' opinions on how to improve education, stop seeking the counsel of politicians, talk radio hosts and policy nimrods, and talk to the people that actually deliver the service.

Oh yeah, and who really cares if your kid's kindergarten teacher posed nude? Is she teaching my kid well? If so, what she does in her off hours, of not illegal, is nonaya fuckin' biness.
Anybody have any links to nude pics of her? There are some out there I've found, but with her nipples blocked.