Teacher Doesn't Like Cell Phones I don't even want to see what she would do with a pager ...
R randommm Sep 26, 2010 #1 Teacher Doesn't Like Cell Phones I don't even want to see what she would do with a pager ...
P Poseidon87 Banned Sep 26, 2010 #2 lol I saw this on youtube earlier. Still don't know what language it was in.
Supafly Retired Mod Bronze Member Sep 26, 2010 #3 She made a good point. If you do not switch your phone to silent during group events, especially courses, this is what more people need to do
She made a good point. If you do not switch your phone to silent during group events, especially courses, this is what more people need to do
Mr Dragon king of freeones Sep 26, 2010 #6 i would have gotten here to buy me a new one cuzz were i live u do that then your in trouble
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Sep 27, 2010 #8 Sounds like either like Vietnamese or Filipino, now I know what Imelda Marcos is doing these days.
Galactic Sep 27, 2010 #9 That's what you get......I can't believe he had the balls to be talking on it DURING class.......I haven't seen that happen yet.....texting, yeah, but damn that's ballsy.
That's what you get......I can't believe he had the balls to be talking on it DURING class.......I haven't seen that happen yet.....texting, yeah, but damn that's ballsy.
phanto_1985 Sep 27, 2010 #10 She's quite a psycho, because she's returned do her things like nothing happened, scary.