There changed it for Ft. Hood
let's spend time doing shout outs instead of dealing with what happened.
If you think a lone gunman (or two) shooting up a bunch of defenseless people (even on a base) is on par with a sitting president being notified that his country was under attack you have more serious probs Jason.
ok, i'll take you word for it about vince foster. But im not a conspiricy theorist. So if there is some nutjob theory you came up with (oh i did hear the media say something about hillary and foster being lovers, does that count as a conspiicy theory?
I guess you could take your pick of "reasons" idiots created those conspiracies about Clinton but can I deduce from your ignorance of these two most basic of conspiracies lodged against Clinton that you're trying to debate an issue for which you are utterly unprepared??
Yup awesome and babble on about our Native American meeting we just had. I think we sould waste the first 2 minutes making shout outs to those in my cabinet and senate before talking about the tragedy that struck Fort Hood.
See my response above to Jason.