Tea Party over taking the Republican Party

It tells me that we are witnessing the end of the Republican Party. I think if there are any sensible Republicans left...they will all go "Independent." I can't see any politician wanting to run under the moniker "Tea Bag Militia"....


Able bodied moocher - free loaders (welfare lazies) taking over demokratik party ! :dunno:
The state of being poor and downtrodden has become kinda fashionable it would seem under this obama messiah. Go ahead ! have your street parties, just leave those of us who have decided different and better the hell be !

Thank you very much :hatsoff:

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005 :bowdown:
"Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
~Samuel Johnson

"All boys love liberty, till experience convinces them they are not so fit to govern themselves as they imagined."
~ Samuel Johnson
It tells me that we are witnessing the end of the Republican Party. I think if there are any sensible Republicans left...they will all go "Independent." I can't see any politician wanting to run under the moniker "Tea Bag Militia"....

lol!You have it backwards. The problem with the Republican party is that they are no longer running as Conservatives. Running as a moderate or Independent is what has caused them to slide as of late.
There is a gap between fiscal conservative and social conservative. Nobody can bridge that gap.

There is also a gap between anti-war Dems and moderate to traditional Dems. That gap is widening as I type this. Ask Michael Moore.
As Republicans become more rural and less educated, they are becoming increasingly out of touch with the rest of the country. As long as the Republican party pushes the views of a vocal and angry minority, they don't have a chance of getting elected. Most Americans do not want to be associated with the hateful rhetoric and simplistic world view of those who operate as the mouthpieces for the GOP.
As Republicans become more rural and less educated, they are becoming increasingly out of touch with the rest of the country. As long as the Republican party pushes the views of a vocal and angry minority, they don't have a chance of getting elected. Most Americans do not want to be associated with the hateful rhetoric and simplistic world view of those who operate as the mouthpieces for the GOP.

Elitist much?

FWIW I am one of those "rural" Republicans that you speak of.

Uneducated too.

J.D. University Of North Carolina 1985

LL. M Georgetown University 1990
It’s very easy to rise in the polls when you don’t really stand for anything and haven’t staked out positions that go much deeper than saying “taxes bad.” Even bumper sticker messages require more thought.
It’s very easy to rise in the polls when you don’t really stand for anything and haven’t staked out positions that go much deeper than saying “tax breaks bad.” Even bumper sticker messages require more thought.

Fixed it for you.
J.D. University Of North Carolina 1985

"The Univ. of North CaroLina Is the last refuge of a scoundrel"
~Titsrock :thefinger

The gap between Radical Dems and Regular Dems is always closed. (That's why nothing ever gets done.)

I think Bluedog Dems are basically Moderate Republicans. They certainly are not my kind of Democrats.

The fiscal/social conservative gap will never be closed because they are two completely different philosophies which don't play well anymore.

Fiscal conservatives don't care about social conservatism, and social conservatives don't understand fiscal conservatism. :dunno:
"The Univ. of North Carolina is the last refuge of a scoundrel"
~Titsrock :thefinger

The gap between Radical Dems and Regular Dems is always closed. (That's why nothing ever gets done.)

I think Bluedog Dems are basically Moderate Republicans. They certainly are not my kind of Democrats.

The fiscal/social conservative gap will never be closed because they are two completely different philosophies which don't play well anymore.

Fiscal conservatives don't care about social conservatism, and social conservatives don't understand fiscal conservatism. :dunno:

You are confusing fiscal conservatives with moderates. Most true conservatives are both fiscally and socially conservative. To say that social conservatives "don't understand" fiscal conservatism is just a flat out stretch to make your argument. The only kink in the armor of the Republican party is that RINO's have tainted the party. Wash out the Snowes , Collins, Grahams from the party and there will be a clear agenda of true conservatism that the Republicans can run on.

And when the Republicans run as conservatives, they win and they win big. Stay tuned.....
The only way your post makes any sense (in the real world) is if you separate social conservatives from evangelical conservatives. If you believe that conservative social values exist outside of Christianity...then..maybe the Republican Party can unify. But I don't see that happening. :dunno:

I see fiscal conservatives morphing into Corporate Conservatives and Social Conservatives morphing into JoethePlumber/Sarah Palin Conservatives.

And this means chaos, destruction and further beatings at the polls for GOP candidates in 2010....
The only way your post makes any sense (in the real world) is if you separate social conservatives from evangelical conservatives. If you believe that conservative social values exist outside of Christianity...then..maybe the Republican Party can unify. But I don't see that happening. :dunno:

I see fiscal conservatives morphing into Corporate Conservatives and Social Conservatives morphing into JoethePlumber/Sarah Palin Conservatives.

And this means chaos, destruction and further beatings at the polls for GOP candidates in 2010....

Therein lies the misconception. I know quite a few agnostic/ atheist conservatives that just believe abortion is wrong. Conservatism does not necessarily translate into Evangelicals. Although their voices are heard and heard loudly.

Do you really believe that 2010 is going to be more Dems gaining power? Even the most partisan of Democrat talking heads are saying that most likely the Republicans will gain many seats in Congress and the Senate. And could possibly take over majority status in one if not both houses.


Hiliary 2020
It tells me that we are witnessing the end of the Republican Party. I think if there are any sensible Republicans left...they will all go "Independent." I can't see any politician wanting to run under the moniker "Tea Bag Militia"....

oh what a tangled web we weave.
he's got 3 more years to fuck things up as much as possible and when its over the only people who will still vote democrat will be most blacks and welfare whiteys and young'uns who have got all theyre lifes knowledge from mtv and E.
And theres nothing oprah, al franken, mikey moore, janine garofolo or the mass media will be able to do to change that.


Another thing that I find interesting - how could it be that the biggest ''capitalist pigs'' in America vote the democratic ticket ?

I have some theories on this. :1orglaugh
Able bodied moocher - free loaders (welfare lazies) taking over demokratik party ! :dunno:
The state of being poor and downtrodden has become kinda fashionable it would seem under this obama messiah. Go ahead ! have your street parties, just leave those of us who have decided different and better the hell be !

Thank you very much :hatsoff:

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005 :bowdown:

He wants me to pay for those who consciously do not want to work for anything!
oh what a tangled web we weave.
he's got 3 more years to fuck things up as much as possible and when its over the only people who will still vote democrat will be most blacks and welfare whiteys and young'uns who have got all theyre lifes knowledge from mtv and E.
And theres nothing oprah, al franken, mikey moore, janine garofolo or the mass media will be able to do to change that.

Absolutely correct. Liberals control the media and refuse to publish anything negative about Obama and how he is ruining the economics of America by promoting socialism at it's ultimate.


As Republicans become more rural and less educated, they are becoming increasingly out of touch with the rest of the country. As long as the Republican party pushes the views of a vocal and angry minority, they don't have a chance of getting elected. Most Americans do not want to be associated with the hateful rhetoric and simplistic world view of those who operate as the mouthpieces for the GOP.

The Republicans might lose out to yahoos who think that Obama is not American. Wow what does that tell you about the republican party?

As Republicans become more rural and less educated, they are becoming increasingly out of touch with the rest of the country. As long as the Republican party pushes the views of a vocal and angry minority, they don't have a chance of getting elected. Most Americans do not want to be associated with the hateful rhetoric and simplistic world view of those who operate as the mouthpieces for the GOP.

You guys need to start a site all your own...you could call it "Tool Time"...:D
BTW...the big majority of the American (legal) population is rural; so far you have pretty much made racist and totally off the mark posts...just goes to show you that "we all got balls and brains; some got balls and chains..." (more or less from a song by 10cc).

Maybe you should re-read the article you linked; it doesn't say anything like what you posted. Why is that not the least bit surprising...?:rofl: