Tea Party Exposes Their Racist Ways!

I didnt buy it there. When you get through the registration they shop for the best policy for you. just like progressive car insurance does. they gave me a choice of policies from companies to choose from. SO I will be buying my policy from Florida Blue (Blue Shield) just as I have been but at a lower rate.

It's too bad the Democrats didn't take down all the barriers to buying out-of-state health insurance.


Is The Tea Party Racist? Ask Some Actual, Out-Of-The Closet Racists


Tea Party and Republican leaders have been quick to condemn Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) for his recent comparison of the tea party and the Ku Klux Klan. But avowed racists involved in the white nationalist movement might beg to agree with the Florida Democrat.

The KKK, for its part, isn't sure whether the hood fits. "The tea party is a very widespread organization and there's many tea party groups in the country, so I don't know if they are necessarily even in agreement with each other," pastor Thomas Robb, national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, told HuffPost. "Likewise, The Klan, people use the phrase Klan who are not associated with us ... that I would be 100 percent opposed to."

"It's hard to come up with a name of a group and say well how do they compare with another group," he added. "That's like asking First Baptist Church in Dallas whether they agree with the Methodist church in Birmingham, or even a Baptist church in Birmingham. So it's very difficult to say how we compare with the tea party."

But the conversation continues beyond even the Klan itself, and insight into how openly racist people view the tea party can be gleaned from a long-running debate among white supremacists at the website Stormfront.org.

Stormfront -- whose motto is "White Pride World Wide" -- is among the most popular white nationalist (WN, in the community's lexicon) gathering spots online, and discussion of the tea party is a regular part of the chatter. One thread, started in 2011 and still active recently, debates just how racist the tea party is. In the evil, upside-down world of white supremacy, the label of racist is meant as a compliment and, to many Stormfront posters, the tea party earns high marks.

The thread can be read here, but the debate breaks down into roughly two camps, one arguing that the tea party is a dead end for white nationalists and the other side arguing that many in the tea party already have racist attitudes and present an opportunity for white nationalists to ply their message. The only area of agreement seemed to be that the tea party loses its way in its strong support of Israel, which the neo-Nazi Stormfront crowd does not appreciate.

Grayson has stood by his comparison. "If the hood fits, wear it," he said. "The Tea Party has engaged in relentless racist attacks against our African-American President. For example, when the President visited my home of Orlando, Tea Party protesters shouted 'Kenyan Go Home.' Other examples include Tea Party chants of 'Bye Bye, Blackbird,' and Tea Party posters saying 'Obama’s Plan: White Slavery,' 'Imam Obama Wants to Ban Pork' and 'The Zoo Has An African Lion, and the White House Has a Lyin’ African.'"

Many of the racists participating in the Stormfront discussion say they themselves are either tea party members or have attended multiple tea party meetings. But, to be sure, the tea party has quite literally millions of supporters and many, many of those people are not remotely racist, as the racists on Stormfront readily lament. And even the examples of racist language and signage at tea party rallies pales in comparison to the domestic terrorism carried out by the KKK -- cross-burning, beatings, lynchings, bombings, murder.

Yet, the Stormfront conversations show that the perception of the tea party as having a racist element is not merely held by Grayson or Rev. Al Sharpton, but is a view shared by the kind of people who would know. The comments below are copied from Stormfront and were made by people the site lists as having been longstanding members who have posted hundreds, and in most cases thousands, of times on the site, making it unlikely that they are liberal plants trying to make the tea party look bad. Quite the opposite: Many of the Neo Nazis below rushed to the tea party's defense when other white nationalists accused its members of being insufficiently racist.

Stormfront poster SSVicious argued that tea partiers should not be written off because many are knee-jerk racist toward darker-skinned people, but are not sophisticated enough in their racial analysis to be sufficiently anti-Semitic. It's a start, SSVicious said.

"They are realistic about certain things...i.e. that blacks are more prone to be criminals, less intelligent, etc.....But if you bring up Israel... oh my, you might as well be a Muslim extremist (the thing that Tea Partiers hate the most)," said SSVicious, with the ellipses in the original. "A lot of them are those kinds of people we like and dislike at the same time... They know racial differences that are in their face, yet they aren't smart enough or haven't had the chance yet to connect the dots that lead to a certain group of people (the Jews)."

Culturalist put it more succinctly. "They care about race but may not be sympathetic to the neo Nazi, Jew hater side of WN," the poster said.

In 2011, when Grayson called the tea party "callous, bigoted tools," a Stormfronter expressed surprise. "What the *beep*?? This is coming from the same guy who grilled Ben Bernanke," said Sieben Elf, referring to Grayson's viral demolition of the Federal Reserve chairman, who runs an organization many white nationalists believe is controlled by a Jewish cabal.

"Grayson's Der Jude," Sieben Elf wrote in a follow-up post by way of explanation. "Funny, he doesn't look Jewish."

In response to one Stormfronter lamenting that the tea party is not sufficiently racist, a poster who goes by the handle "true believer" argues: "Well if you eliminated everyone who didn't fit perfectly into your ideal candidate you would be so marginalized that you couldn't get anyone in. I mean we all lost our calling by time and place when we weren't in the Fatherland in 1938," true believer wrote, referring to Nazi Germany. "Perhaps you would just let the commie Democrats continue to run the show under there leader the alien commie Muslim Obama. Lighten up here to get success you have to make small steps at first. Let's see if we can all just get along with our natural allies here. May Adolf be with you."

Another poster, Mike212311 noted that the "Taxed Enough Already movement may not be wholly WN, however there is plenty of racial awareness out there. That's where it begins; with awareness."

Many others suggested working closely with a local tea party chapter, and shared stories of doing so themselves. "I've joined so far three local Tea Party Groups locally and have been encouraging all my employees and friends and relatives to do the same. We have been very successful," one said. '[F]rankly it's been working like a charm for well over two years. These people have money, time and a hell of a lot of local influence and most aren't afraid to use it-all they need is a little encouragement, direction and leadership."

Strelnikov bragged, "got about half the people to applaude my attack on legal immigration this week. Our t-party is middle class. These people don't look rich. After the meeting they practically swarmed my table to pick up free 'Take Back America!!!' bumper stickers. I'm getting other stuff in their hands too. Our meetings appear to be 100% white in a county that is 65% white."

For BloddRaven, the question of whether racists were involved with the tea party was a silly one.

"What a ridicules thread," the poster observed. "Saying Tea partyiers aren't WNists is like saying Ron Paul supports aren't WNists. While it's true not all are, it's also true many are."


Staff member
Before he died, Andrew Breitbart put up a 100,000 dollar wager for anyone that could produce video evidence the racist comments that were being reported that took place during the 8/28 rally. To date no one has come forward to claim the money and the Breitbart Group has vowed to honor the wager after Breitbart's passing. The Lyin African joke wasn't racist it was a joke from those that feel he was born in Kenya. They may be wrong, but to call him African is suddenly racist after all the work that has gone into replace Black with African American. LMAO . The Ku Klux Klan traditionally will try to form an association with a party to cause controversy. They do not gain acceptance because conservatives and the Tea Party support a pro Israeli policy. Now for the real racists you pathetic Democrats need to purge yourself frow the New Black Panther Party and Nation of Islam that align with the Democrat Party as a WHOLE as opposed to a certain faction of the Republican party as is the Tea Party. So in short, CLEAN OUT YOUR OWN COTDAM PARTY FROM THE RACIST ELEMENT BEFORE YOU START POINTING THE FINGER AT THE OPPOSING PARTY! Fucking hypocritical idiots!


Official Checked Star Member
yeah the black panther party that has a whopping 8 or 9 people at all of their rallies lol and there is NOT a part of the left that is more prevalently racist than the tea party. 1 in 4 republicans polled say obama is muslim. 1 in 7 say they would never vote for any black man. 2 out of 5 say he was born in africa.

and radical islam is a very small portion of islam. islam is the largest population in the world. you fucks wanna cry foul when people associate the catholic church with child raping priests saying how such a small percent were involved.

the tea party is a LARGE portion of our government. is the black panther party? the nation of islam? I dont think so.

stop being a fucking cry baby and so defensive of YOUR racist brethren.

how about the Survivalists? the Aryan nation? The NRA? when you denounce those fucking lunatics you can talk shit.
yeah the black panther party that has a whopping 8 or 9 people at all of their rallies lol and there is NOT a part of the left that is more prevalently racist than the tea party. 1 in 4 republicans polled say obama is muslim. 1 in 7 say they would never vote for any black man. 2 out of 5 say he was born in africa.

and radical islam is a very small portion of islam. islam is the largest population in the world. you fucks wanna cry foul when people associate the catholic church with child raping priests saying how such a small percent were involved.

the tea party is a LARGE portion of our government. is the black panther party? the nation of islam? I dont think so.

stop being a fucking cry baby and so defensive of YOUR racist brethren.

how about the Survivalists? the Aryan nation? The NRA? when you denounce those fucking lunatics you can talk shit.

Prove it bitch. Prove one Republican or Tea Party politician has openly associated with or praised ONE white supremacist organization. Meanwhile the Democrat party has had the pleasure of putting racists like Cynthia McKinnon and Bobby Rush in power. Let's get one thing straight once and for all. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt for the longest time. But I don't like you. In fact I despise you and everything that you stand for. Your radical agenda while grabbing some traction in recent years is starting to come apart at the seams. The next wave will be conservatives taking power which is the natural progression in American politics and all of your perverted agenda and freeloading social programs will be thrown out on their asses. You better hope it doesn't happen because I will never let you hear the end of it. Now go and take one of your strap ons and go fuck yourself with it.



Beginning in 1978, for more than two decades Paul and his associates published a number of political and investment-oriented newsletters bearing his name (Dr. Ron Paul's Freedom Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report, the Ron Paul Investment Letter, and the Ron Paul Political Report).[181] By 1993, a business through which Paul was publishing the newsletters was earning in excess of $900,000 per year.[181]

A number of the newsletters, particularly in the period between 1988 and 1994 when Paul was no longer in Congress, contained material that later proved highly controversial, dwelling on conspiracy theories, praising anti-government militia movements, and warning of coming race wars.[181][182] During Paul's 1996 congressional election campaign, and his 2008 and 2012 presidential primary campaigns, critics charged that some of the passages reflected racist, anti-Semitic, and homophobic bigotry.[18][183][184][185][186][187][188]

The newsletters included statements such as:
"...I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in [Washington, DC] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
"Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer, Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day!" (February 1990: "The Coming Race War")[181]

"An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth [to defend yourself against armed robbery], you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible... I frankly don't know what to make of such advice, but even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming." (October 1992: "Blast 'Em?")[181]

“I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. They could also not be as promiscuous. Is it any coincidence that the AIDS epidemic developed after they came 'out of the closet,' and started hyper-promiscuous sodomy? I don't believe so, medically or morally.” (June 1990: "Newsletter")[189]
“[Magic] Johnson may be a sports star, but he is dying [of AIDS] because he violated moral laws.” (December 1991: "Mr. Johnson's Magic")[182]
“[T]he criminal ‘Justice’ Department wants to force dentists to treat these Darth Vader types [people with AIDS] under the vicious Americans With Disabilities Act;" and “[W]e all have the right to discriminate, which is what freedom of association is all about, especially against killers [AIDS patients].” (November 1993: "AIDSophilia")[182]

Other passages referred to former Secretary of Health & Human Services Donna Shalala as a “short lesbian” and Martin Luther King, Jr. as a pedophile and “lying socialist satyr" – while offering praise for former Ku Klux Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke and other controversial figures.

When criticism of the newsletters was leveled against Paul during his 1996 congressional election, he did not deny writing the newsletters, but instead defended them and said that the material had been taken out of context.[18][183][184] In later years, Paul said that the controversial material had been ghostwritten by members of a team that included 6 or 8 others and that, as publisher, not editor, he had not even been aware of the content of the controversial articles until years after they had been published.[18][190] He eventually disavowed those passages, and stated that in 1996 his campaign advisers had thought denying authorship would be too confusing and that he had to live with the material published under his name.[18][190] Some political commentators made note of the changing nature of the explanations he had provided over the years about his involvement with the newsletters.[191][192][193]

An estranged former long-term aide of Paul, Eric Dondero, alleged that Paul was lying about his role in the production of the controversial newsletters.[194][195] During the 2012 Republican presidential primary campaign, in January 2012, the Washington Post reported[196] that several of Paul's former associates said that Paul had been very involved in the production of the newsletters and had allowed the controversial material to be included as part of a deliberate strategy to boost profits. Paul's former secretary said, "It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product... He would proof it."[196] Paul continued to deny the accusations and to disavow the material.[197]


Staff member
yeah the black panther party that has a whopping 8 or 9 people at all of their rallies lol and there is NOT a part of the left that is more prevalently racist than the tea party. 1 in 4 republicans polled say obama is muslim. 1 in 7 say they would never vote for any black man. 2 out of 5 say he was born in africa.

and radical islam is a very small portion of islam. islam is the largest population in the world. you fucks wanna cry foul when people associate the catholic church with child raping priests saying how such a small percent were involved.

the tea party is a LARGE portion of our government. is the black panther party? the nation of islam? I dont think so.

stop being a fucking cry baby and so defensive of YOUR racist brethren.

how about the Survivalists? the Aryan nation? The NRA? when you denounce those fucking lunatics you can talk shit.
Excuse me but when Obumer was backed up by scumbags like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan and the former Weathermen terrorist William Ayers supported Obama that is enough to say that the Democrats are far to be angels and also especially when you play the racebaiting card by always and systematically victimizing blacks or hispanics and always blame their misery because of Whites, it just shows that your party is an antiwhite racist party who prefer minorities to the others. Perhaps I should tell you how Islam is cruel with Women who dare to wear too sexy dresses or bikinis or to gays who even dare to show publicly their homosexuality in public. For many people Islam is not a religion of peace (see how many wars it has provoked in the history) and you are wrong la Milano, the biggest religious group are the christians not the muslims http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_of_religion + http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_religious_groups from the chart I will quote you these numbers:

In 2010, 2,260,440,000 Adherents or 32.8% In 2050, 3,327,384,000 Adherents or 35.8 % Growth %0.97 Christians
In 2010, 1,553,773,000 Adherents or 22.5 % In 2050, 2,554,874,000 Adherents or 27.5 % Growth %1.25 Muslims

You slam the NRA and the suvivalists in the same batch than the party or the supremacists, that is very ironic and ballsy coming from you. The Aryan Nation has always been there alongwith the Klan, the Nazi Low Riders and others White Supremacist gangs. The Black Panthers and Nation fo Islam are full of shit too.


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Georges Barack Obama sat in a church fronted by the LEADING BLACK NATIONALIST THEOLOGIAN IN THE COUNTRY FOR OVER 20 YEARS. Only once it became clear that Jeremiah Wright became a political liability did Obama renounce Wright. Jeremiah Wright is the black race baiting equivalent of Tom Metzger and Aryan Nations. These posters like Mayhem and Milano cannot defend racists in their own party nor do they care to try. In fact they agree with these sentiments and would rather divert to the Tea Party. These D-Baggers support a president who was openly associated with this clown and although Obama claimed when he was running the first time that marriage was between a man and a woman they supported him because they knew he was lying just to win the office. We in the opposing party knew it all along and they hate the Tea Party and conservatives for shedding the light of truth on radical lying D-Baggers.


Staff member
Georges Barack Obama sat in a church fronted by the LEADING BLACK NATIONALIST THEOLOGIAN IN THE COUNTRY FOR OVER 20 YEARS. Only once it became clear that Jeremiah Wright became a political liability did Obama renounce Wright. Jeremiah Wright is the black race baiting equivalent of Tom Metzger and Aryan Nations. These posters like Mayhem and Milano cannot defend racists in their own party nor do they care to try. In fact they agree with these sentiments and would rather divert to the Tea Party. These D-Baggers support a president who was openly associated with this clown and although Obama claimed when he was running the first time that marriage was between a man and a woman they supported him because they knew he was lying just to win the office. We in the opposing party knew it all along and they hate the Tea Party and conservatives for shedding the light of truth on radical lying D-Baggers.
I have never seen Obama swearing the allegiance and to quote my old friend Facetious who posted that vid back in 2008:stir:
Georges if you hauen't already, read Rules For Radicals. It will give you great insight into the leftist radical mind. The first rule is divert the attention to your opponent. Try and dress, act and speak in a manner that will be accepted by the mainstream. When you and your lies are being exposed call your opponent crazy, extremist and draconian. The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. All of these tactics are on display in every aspect of life and on this board. Just as you were called a hick yesterday because you don't buy into the lie that voter fraud is nonexistent. They can boldly make these claims because the majority of election boards are controlled by D-Baggers. Any attempt at cleaning up the process is instantly met with cries of racism and disenfranchisement.


Staff member
Georges if you hauen't already, read Rules For Radicals. It will give you great insight into the leftist radical mind. The first rule is divert the attention to your opponent. Try and dress, act and speak in a manner that will be accepted by the mainstream. When you and your lies are being exposed call your opponent crazy, extremist and draconian. The truth is a lie and a lie is the truth. All of these tactics are on display in every aspect of life and on this board. Just as you were called a hick yesterday because you don't buy into the lie that voter fraud is nonexistent. They can boldly make these claims because the majority of election boards are controlled by D-Baggers. Any attempt at cleaning up the process is instantly met with cries of racism and disenfranchisement.

I am well aware of the leftist tactics, I have seen them during the last French presidential election, where 51% of fucking unpatriotic clueless ass holes, healthcare leech offs, unwilling to work people, illegal aliens and civil servants have elected the socialist Hollande, the most unpopular and the dumbest president France ever had. He only has 23% of satisfactory approval rate. What did this piece of shit do when he gained power, he decided to tax all the Enterprises that made profit with a 75% tax!!! What else, he decided to reduce the familial income splitting so that people with higher revenues will pay more taxes for those who are living of the system and not working. Since he is at power, he has only made gaffes and taken the dumbest and shittiest decisions. For the next local , regional and european elections, I and several millions of french people will give him a huge slap in the face as well as to any other leftist socialist party. Many people say that he won't finish his term and his government as well


Official Checked Star Member
the unemployment in france is 10.5% so what about the other 88.5% who do work? what are they considered if they get health care? they pay taxes I assume, right?
You will only get lies from the left. Sugar coated policy that is no where near what their true intentions are. The goal is to gain power at any cost. No lie is too big to tell because to implement their agenda they must grab the reins of power first. The end game justifies the means. If they ran a campaign showing who they really are they would never be elected. By contrast, conservatives run on their agenda and when articulated in a clear and concise fashion it always is a winning message. The problem is that a real conservative has not been nominated for the presidency in over 20 years. You are correct Hollande is a tool and I am glad to know that reasonable French people like you exist and see through this crap. I see the French National soccer team are protesting the 75 percent tax rate. Good for them. Once socialism is exposed for what it is it is easily defeated. Thankfully a far reaching socialist program such as Obamascare is starting to expose Obama for what he is. And is a prime example of the failings of socialized medicine. This former porn gal that posts here does nothing but trumpet her radical agenda on this board. These people cannot be dealt with. You must defeat them. And is the main reason that my attitude in discussing politics with her and those of her ilk has soured. these are dangerous people and are not to be trusted under any circumstances.


Official Checked Star Member
yes and the right is a beacon of truth and morality hahahahahahaha how many pro-morality anti-gay everything republicans have been caught getting corn holed in public restrooms and snorkeling their employees and sexting young men? yeah, you guys are reall honest and moral and run straight up agenda only campaigns!!! hahahahahahaha and Karl Rove got a contract extension with Fox news because your side is so clean and transparent and plays fair.
you are a fucking kool aid drinker if there ever was one.

If I'm radical dude so are you.
There has been a handful of repubs. Just as you say your "racist" problem is very small. Now the real question is why gays that are conrervative feel the need to infiltrate our party and can't gain acceptance in your own? That's right republicans can have disagreement within the party but to be a democrat you must march goosestep with the democrat line God you are a fool!


Official Checked Star Member
oh jesus christ are you fucking brainwashed!

look at fucking fat boy christie! he said one nice thing about obama and he's blamed for romney's ass whipping in the election! haha look at the fucking shit storm that happened this entire month that cost the tax payers $24 billion because the fucking republicans were fighting with the tea baggers. you are like a fucking parrot that has been on the Hannity set for too long.
wasn't it Sarah Palin who said if you don't follow the full beliefs of the Republican Party then you are a RINO and unwelcome in today's GOP?


Georges Barack Obama sat in a church fronted by the LEADING BLACK NATIONALIST THEOLOGIAN IN THE COUNTRY FOR OVER 20 YEARS. Only once it became clear that Jeremiah Wright became a political liability did Obama renounce Wright. Jeremiah Wright is the black race baiting equivalent of Tom Metzger and Aryan Nations. These posters like Mayhem and Milano cannot defend racists in their own party nor do they care to try. In fact they agree with these sentiments and would rather divert to the Tea Party. These D-Baggers support a president who was openly associated with this clown and although Obama claimed when he was running the first time that marriage was between a man and a woman they supported him because they knew he was lying just to win the office. We in the opposing party knew it all along and they hate the Tea Party and conservatives for shedding the light of truth on radical lying D-Baggers.

Explain to me why I would defend a racist within my own Party. You seem to expect it.

And find me a White House resolution or any policy straight from the President himself that correlates to him sitting and listening to Jeremiah Wright.